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In teoria dovrebbe essere un furetto. Notare la coda di forma fallica.
« Ommiodio! Un incrocio fra uno scoiattolo e un canguro! »
(Chiunque su Sentret)
« Vuoi dire che non è una marmotta? »
(Il Gran Monogol su Sentret)

Sentret è l'ennesimo Pokèmon inutile e palloso di tipo normale.

Il Pokèmon: abitudini e peculiarità

Questa volta, l'eminente studioso di Pokèmon di Jhoto, il Prof. Elm, ci spiegherà tutto su questo Pokèmon:

« Sentret, il Pokèmon furetto, è un Pokèmon che fa parte della fauna tipica di Jhoto; Al pari di Rattata, è utilizzato da allenatori novellini, i cosidetti Bulli. Purtroppo[citazione necessaria], rispetto alla controparte di Kanto, è più raro e più difficile da allenare; questo fa in modo che gli allenatori, al momento di scegliere, preferiscono allenare un Rattata. Questo Pokèmon, che ama mangiare di tutto, non ha grosse capacità riproduttive ed è a rischio di estinzione. Proprio per questo si sta cercando di costruire un Parco Naturale dove conservarne la specie. Non è molto diffuso, ma è presente in minima parte anche a Kanto e a Shinnon, mentre è del tutto assente a Honnen, dove abbondano gli Zigzagoon. È noto per alcune caratteristiche, fra cui quella di scrutare tutto intorno stando ritto sulal coda e per essere un Pokèmon nervoso e, se fatto arrabbiare, è solito schiafeggiare gli allenatori. »


  • Graffio: Ci arrivi da solo, vero?
  • Preveggenza: Mette su un tendone illegale dove prevede il futuro in cambio di cibo.
  • Ricciolscudo: Si raggomitola e spera che l'avversario non lo trucidi.
  • Att. Rapido: Si lega una bottiglia di Coca Cola sulla schiena e ci mette dentro le Mentos: schizza via, per poi andare a sbattere contro un muro.
  • Sfuriate: Gli saltano i nervi e comncia a strillare contro l'avversario.
  • Altruismo: Regala cibo ai pokémon più poveri.
  • Sonoqui: Attira l'attenzione su di se per sentirsi importante.
  • Schianto: Si schianta a terra come un pirla.
  • Riposo: Si mette a dormire.
  • Amnesia: Si scorda quello che stava facendo.
  • Staffetta: Partecipa da una gara di staffetta con gli altri tuoi pokémon.
  • Precedenza: Da la precedenza al pokémon avversario.
  • Granvoce: Strilla come un coglione.
Il giusto utilizzo di un Sentret


  • Oro/Argento/Cristallo: È un Pokémon molto cauto, che s'innalza sopra l'erba per scrutare i dintorni alla ricerca dei bracconieri.
  • RossoFuoco/VerdeFoglia: Si drizza sulla coda e strilla come una checca per avvertire i compagni di qualunque movimento.
  • Rubino/Zaffiro:Se viene allontanato dal branco, questo Pokémon non riesce più a dormire dalla paura.
  • Diamante/Perla: Ha un'indole alquanto nervosa, se viene importunato schiaffeggia il suo allenatore.


  • La sua evoluzione, Furret, è ancora più patetica.
  • Nessun allenatore sano di mente lo catturerebbe.
  • Non ha nessuna utilità.
  • È stato adottato come segno dalle Giovani Marmotte...
  • ...che ovviamente non sanno che è un furetto.

english pokémon

Here is a list of Pokémon. Did you know that there are over 493 of them?! Not counting the glitched ones, of course.

Contents [hide] 1 Generation I 2 Generation II 3 Generation III 4 Generation IV 5 Generation V 6 Glitch Pokémon 7 Fake Pokémon

[edit] Generation I Bulbasaur (Grass/Poison) - The first one in the Pokédex, and was previously owned by Ash and May (However, May's is female). It evolves into Ivysaur and then Penisaur Venusaur. Is the only one of Ash's Generation I Pokémon to not appear in Super Smash Bros. Brawl (was replaced by Ivysaur).

Charmander (Fire) - The only one of the 1st Generation starters that Ash owned that actually evolved. No one loved this Pokémon, so it was originally left to die in the rain. That's almost like Pokémon's message for unwanted babies if you think about it. It evolves into the not-so-popular Charmeleon, then later into the VERY popular Chairzard Charizard.

Squirtle (Water) - A former criminal turned Ash's Pokémon. One of the Kanto starters, it is a water type visually similar to a turtle, and it evolves into Wartortle and then the powerful Blastoise.

Caterpie (Bug) - The weak little Pokémon that Misty is afraid of. Ash also tried to make a horrible pun with this Pokémon and renamed as COWterpie. It evolves in a solid piece of shit called Metapod, which then evolves into a Butterfree.

Weedle (Bug/Poison) - The somewhat stronger Pokémon that actually can attack you with poison instead of wrapping you up in string. It evolves to the pointless Kakuna, and later into a Beedrill. Beedrills... My God.

Pidgey (Normal/Flying) - An irritating bird that will constantly annoy you in the early routes, despite being only level 2. Evolves into Pidgeotto and the somewhat-useful Pidgeot.

Rattata (Normal) - Like Pidgey, will stop at nothing to drive you crazy in the early routes. Unlike Pidgey, it and it's evolved form Raticate can actually hurt you with Super Fang and Endeavour.

Spearow (Normal/Flying) - Basically just a Pidgey substitute. Evolves into Fearow, a Pokémon that craves the blood of Ash.

Ekans (Poison) - Get it? It's "snake" spelled backwards! Evolves into Arbok, and then into Seviper.

Pikachu (Electric) - By far the most popular and greatest Pokémon to ever live. Ash's first (and favorite) Pokémon; is always the target of a certain criminal organization. Pikachu is a chubby mouse with a thunderbolt-shaped tail and permanently blushed cheeks. Despite its cute exterior, Pikachu may actually be using this as a front. Evolves into Raichu, which is way better than Pikachu.

Sandshrew (Ground) - Evolves into Sandslash. Not much to say, except that it is the counterpart to Ekans.

Nidoran (Female) (Poison) - For some reason, its evolved forms Nidorina and Nidoqueen cannot breed. STRANGE, ISN'T IT?

Nidoran (Male) (Poison) - Male counterpart to the above. Evolves into Nidorino and Nidoking.

Clefairy (Normal) - Some fairy-thing from the Moon. Evolves into Clefable with a Moon Stone.

Vulpix (Fire) - A cute, little huggable Pokémon you just want to hug all day! But don't, though, because it will burn the hell out of you. Evolves into the mysterious Ninetales, which can curse others, has nine tails, and claimed 4chan's 200,000,000th post.

Jigglypuff (Normal) - A balloon Pokémon whose singing voice puts people to sleep, which means that it's the worst singer EVER! It also somehow made it in to all three Super Smash Bros. games. Evolves into Wigglytuff, a Pokémon often seen running exploration guilds for some reason.

Zubat (Poison/Flying) - These. Will. Not. Leave. You. ALONE!!! Don't go into caves unless you want to be harassed by these every three steps. Evolves into the even-more-annoying Golbat.

Oddish (Grass/Poison) - A walking weed. Evolves into the smelly Gloom and so-bad-smelling-it-could-kill-you Vileplume.

Paras (Bug/Grass) - A mushroom-covered bug with quadruple weaknesses to Fire and Flying. It's Dry Skin ability makes that octuple. Evolves into the just as pathetic Parasect.

Venonat (Bug/Poison) - Evolves into Venomoth. Why does a gnat become a moth?

Diglett (Ground) - The tiny mole whose full body has never been seen. Three of them make a Dugtrio, who somehow counts as its own species.

Meowth (Normal) - The rival of Pikachu and is the only non-legendary Pokémon that can actually speak (In the show.). He is known for being a narcissistic bastard, and can create counterfeit money.

Psyduck (Water) - A duck with headache-induced psychic powers. And yet, it isn't a psychic type... Evolves into Golduck.

Mankey (Fighting) - A perpetually-angry pig monkey thing that evolves into Primeape. Strangely, you can have a Calm natured one.

Growlithe (Fire) - Vulpix's sex mate and one of James's Pokémon, but he's too stupid to add him to his team. Evolves into the powerful Arcanine

Poliwag (Water) - A tadpole with hypnosis powers. Evolves into Poliwhirl and Poliwrath, but loses its mouth upon evolution. How does it eat then?

Abra (Psychic) - The bastard that loves to teleport in battles. Evolves into Kadabra and Alakazam, the latter of which has an IQ of 5,000 and can see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

Machop (Fighting) - An extremely strong Pokémon that lifts boulders all day. Evolves into Machoke and Machamp, gaining two more arms in the process.

Bellsprout (Grass/Poison) - A flimsy pitcher plant thing that becomes Weepinbell and Victreebel. James owned a Victreebel, but it mainly just ate him.

Tentacool (Water/Poison) - The aquatic version of Zubat, meaning it will annoy you constantly while surfing. Even worse is its evolved form, Tentacruel.

Geodude (Rock/Ground) - A living rock. Evolves into Graveler and Golem.

Ponyta (Fire) - A burning horse. How anyone can ride it without being incinerated is beyond questioning. Evolves into Rapidash.

Slowpoke (Water/Psychic) - This guy is sloooooooooooooow. Becomes Slowbro if a Shellder bites its tail.

Magnemite (Electric/Steel) - A floating metal ball with magnets. Evolves into Magneton, which is just three Magnemites stuck together.

Farfetch'd (Normal/Flying) - A duck carrying a leek that is almost extinct because fat people like to eat them. It's... not very useful at all, except for dinner.

Doduo (Normal/Flying) - Two-headed bird who can fly without wings. Evolves into Dodrio.

Seel (Water) - A creatively-named seal Pokémon. Becomes a Dewgong.

Grimer (Poison) - The smelly living blob of waste gunk we all know and love. Becomes Muk.

Shellder (Water) - Like Rocket Grunts, they enjoy the taste of Slopoke tails. Becomes Cloyster.

Gastly (Ghost/Poison) - Some ghostly floating head, is also Mario Head's favorite Pokémon. Evolves into Haunter and Gengar.

Onix (Rock/Ground) - It's a big rock snake that always dies in about one hit.

Drowzee (Psychic) - A dream eater who evolves into Hypno, a Pokémon known for molesting children.

Krabby (Water) - As if you couldn't tell, it's a crab. Evolves into Kingler. Both of them don't like seeing their kind being eaten for dinner.

Voltorb (Electric) - Looks kind of like a pokéball. Its evolved form, Electrode, blows itself up for kicks.

Exeggcute (Grass/Psychic) - 6 creepy looking eggs with one of them cracked open. Evolves into an Exeggutor with a leaf stone.

Cubone (Ground) - A lonely dinosaur that wears its mother's skull. Evolves into a Marowak.

Hitmonlee (Fighting) - A headless Pokémon named after Bruce Lee.

Hitmonchan (Fighting) - A Pokémon fighter named after Jackie Chan.

Lickitung (Normal) - Its tongue is almost the same size as itself!

Koffing (Poison) - A cousin of Grimer that pollutes air around it. Evolves into an ugly Weezing.

Rhyhorn (Ground/Rock) - A rhinoceros who is similar to Geodude and Onix. Evolves into a threatening Rhydon.

Chansey (Normal) - A rare Pokémon that brings luck. Good luck catching any of them.

Tangela (Grass) - The walking pile of spaghetti vines, also Gay Luigi's favorite Pokémon because of that.

Kangaskhan (Normal) - A kangaroo that is extremely protective of the child it carries. Its name is a reference to Ghengis Khan.

Horsea (Water) - The seahorse Pokémon. Evolves into Seadra, which for some reason has poison spines despite not being a poison type.

Goldeen (Water) - A useless goldfish Pokémon. Whoever wrote the trophy descriptions for Brawl thinks that its Horn Drill, which has an accuracy of 30%, is very reliable. Evolves into Seaking.

Staryu (Water) - Yet another water type. It becomes Starmie when given a Water Stone. It has no gender.

Mr. Mime (Psychic) - Despite the name, they are not exclusively male nor are they silent.

Scyther (Bug/Flying) - Mantis Pokémon with scythes for arms. It cannot fly for some reason.

Jynx (Ice/Psychic) - The prostitute Pokémon whose appearance was changed because of angry black people.

Electabuzz (Electric) - An electric... thing. Usually has its arms behind its head for no apparent purpose.

Magmar (Fire) - Electabuzz's arch rival. It has a burning tail like Charmander.

Pinsir (Bug) - Scyther's counterpart. Can crush people's necks between its pinchers.

Tauros (Normal) - A bull that hates the color red. Has three tails.

Magikarp (Water) - The weakest Pokémon in the universe. It also makes a excellent bad fillet. With enough patience, you might be able to evolve into the almighty Gyarados, however it is extremely difficult.

Lapras (Water/Ice) - Watery dinosaur thing. Can be used as a boat.

Ditto (Normal) - The infamous bisexual transforming Pokémon prostitute.

Eevee (Normal) - This fox-like Pokémon can evolve into one of many forms depending on criteria. In the first generation, this included the electric Jolteon, fiery Flareon, and watery Vaporeon.

Porygon (Normal) - The virtual Pokémon, artificially created and blamed for massive seizures despite not even causing them. Rumored to be the creator of Ear Rape.

The beta version of Snorlax. Was replaced due to insufficient memory.Omanyte (Rock/Water) - An ancient ammonite. Evolves into Omastar, which has high Special Attack for a rock type.

Kabuto (Rock/Water) - Another fossil! This one is browner and flatter. Evolves into Kabutops.

Aerodactyl (Rock/Flying) - The last of the original fossil Pokémon. It's fast. Very fast. Like, Electrode-fast.

Snorlax (Normal) - The laziest fatass of all the Pokémon. Also, one of Ash's (former) Pokémon. It kind of looks like Totoro.

Articuno (Ice/Flying) - The cool, relaxed legendary bird that hangs out in Seafoam Islands, but since a gym leader moved in with him in Generation II, he has been less lonely.

Zapdos (Electric/Flying) - The second legendary bird, it controls electricity and lived in a power plant, until some nerds took over it.

Moltres (Fire/Flying) - The last of the Legendary Bird trio, Moltres survived a visit to KFC at the cost of permanently being on fire. At first lived in Victory Road, then the Sevii Islands, and now Mt. Silver.

Dratini (Dragon) - The only line of dragons in the first games. Evolves into Dragonair, and then Dragonite. Training them is difficult, but worth it.

Mewtwo (Psychic) - This Legendary Pokemon is a clone of Mew that oddly comes before Mew in the Pokédex. Also appeared in Super Smash Bros. Melee, but not in Super Smash Bros. Brawl for some strange reason. He's Mew's step-brother/step-sister., meaning they fight a lot. It's badass, but he isn't as powerful as Mew. Still, like we said before, he's badass.

Mew (Psychic) - The cutest little bastard of all. Boy, I would love to yiff him. He/She is extremely rare (only available at special events or by cheating). It can learn any type of move, and is thought to hold the DNA of all Pokémon.

[edit] Generation II Chikorita (Grass) - The first Pokémon in the Johto Pokédex, and evolves in Bayleef and Meganium. Geez, how do they come up with these names?

Cyndaquil.Cyndaquil (Fire) - One of the starter Pokémon in Johto that resembles a hedgehog. It is very cute, but has been known to create forest fires just by sneezing. He evolves into the not-so-cute Quilava and Typhlosion.

Totodile (Water) - The hyper, little crocodile that has been proven to have Attention Deficit Disorder. It ironically evolves from a crocodile to an alligator for some reason.

Sentret (Normal) - The scout Pokémon. It balances on its tail most of the time. Evolves into a Furret.

Hoothoot (Normal/Flying) - Mascot for Hooter's, and evolves into the somewhat creepy Noctowl. Always hops on one leg, alternating between legs after each hop.

Ledyba (Bug/Flying) - A little ladybird that uses fast punches. Evolves into a Ledian, a Power Rangers wannabe.

Spinarak (Bug/Poison) - A green spider with a face on its back. Evolves into an Ariados.

Crobat (Poison/Flying) - The evolved form of Golbat. Unlike its predecessors, it is actually kinda cool, both in appearance and the fact that it won't harass you in caves.

Chinchou (Water/Electric) - A glowy fish thing. Becomes Lanturn, an anglerfish that isn't nearly as ugly as a real anglerfish.

Pichu (Electric) - A pre-evolution of Pikachu that tried to garner the same popularity as it's older form, but failed miserably. Also, it appeared in Super Smash Bros. Melee despite the fact that it damages itself. Also likes guns. GUNS!!!!! :D

Cleffa (Normal) - A pre-evolution of Clefairy that manages to be even less useful than Pichu.

Igglybuff (Normal) - Pre-evolution of Jigglypuff. Moving on...

Togepi (Normal) - A Pokémon that lives in its own egg. Evolves into Togetic, and appeared in the anime long before it showed up in the games.

Natu (Psychic/Flying) - A psychic bird. Its evolved form, Xatu, is said to see the past with one eye and the future with the other. That's gotta be confusing. I mean, wouldn't you see a blend of the two? And how does it see the present?

Mareep (Electric) A Electric type Pokemon that looks like a sheep. Evolves into Flaafy, and then Ampharos.

Bellossom (Grass) The result of giving Gloom a Sun Stone. The only time a Pokémon goes from dual-type to single-type.

Marill (Water) - A rabbit/mouse-like water Pokémon, much like Pikachu. Evolves into Azumarill.

Sudowoodo (Rock) - A tree rock TREE! ROCK! treeish-rock.

Politoed (Water) - When a Poliwhirl wears a King's Rock, it becomes this for no clear reason.

Hoppip (Grass/Flying) - Cottonweed thingy. Becomes Skiploom, then Jumpluff. Tends to get blown around in the wind a lot.

Aipom (Normal) - Monkey!

Sunkern (Grass) - Has the lowest Base Stat Total of all Pokémon, but the best Pokéathlon performance stats. Weird. Becomes Sunflora.

Yanma (Bug/Flying) - A coffee-addicted dragonfly. Its name is a reference to a large species of dragonfly in Japan.

Wooper (Water/Ground) - It has no arms, but it can use Ice Punch! HOW?!? Becomes the ugly Quagsire, which at least has arms.

Espeon (Psychic) - Eevee's Psychic-Type evolution. It has ESP, so it's Espeon.

Umbreon (Dark) - Eevee's other Gen II form. Its name is a pun on "umbra", the darkest part of a shadow.

Murkrow (Dark/Flying) - A witch crow thing! Sounds pretty cool when you send it out.

Slowking (Water/Psychic) - Slowpoke becomes this with a King's Rock. It wears its Shellder like a hat.

Misdreavus (Ghost) - The only Ghost of the second generation. Wears a necklace and sings Perish Songs.

Unown (Psychic) - The alphabet, as Pokémon. Completely useless.

Wobbuffet (Psychic) - Believe it or not, this thing is one of the most powerful Pokémon in the games, being banned from regular play. That's the way it is!

Girafarig (Normal/Psychic) - A palindrome. Has a Chain Chomp for a tail.

Pineco (Bug) - It's a Bug-Type because it's actually a bagworm. Becomes Forretress.

Dunsparce (Normal) - It may seem weak, and it usually is, but it will flinch you to death with Serene Grace'd Headbutts if you aren't careful.

Gligar (Ground/Flying) - A flying scorpion that clings to people's faces and injects poison. Pleasant.

Steelix (Steel/Ground) - Metallic evolution of Onix. It has one of the highest defense stats of all time, but is terribly slow.

Snubbull (Normal) - An ugly dog that becomes the equally-ugly Granbull.

Qwilfish (Water/Poison) - The most popular and well-known Pokémon of all time. Um, yeah.

Scizor (Bug/Steel) - The result if you trade Scyther whilst holding the Metal Coat. It's also one of the most used Pokémon in competitive battling, due to Bullet Punch.

Shuckle (Bug/Rock) - The epitome of a "Stone Wall" in video game battling.

Heracross (Bug/Fighting) - Herculean beetle Pokémon with weird legs.

Sneasel (Dark/Ice) - Frail, fast little guy with big claws. Tends to die in one hit from anything.

Teddiursa (Normal) - A cute teddy bear! But it grows up and evolves into the ferocious Ursaring.

Slugma (Fire) - A slug made of liquid hot magma. Evolves into Magcargo, whose body temperature is hotter than the sun.

Swinub (Ice/Ground) - A blobby pig thing. Becomes Piloswine, which has fur covering its eyes.

Corsola (Water/Rock) - How can it move around on those stubby legs?

Remoraid (Water) - You got gun in my remora! YOU got remora in my gun! Evolves into Octillery.

Delibird (Ice/Flying) - Santa Claus!

Mantine (Water/Flying) - Big ol' manta ray with Remoraids stuck on its belly.

Skarmory (Steel/Flying) - The metal bastard that loves kidnapping and raping its victims.

Houndour is not amused. Chikorita in a state of depression.Houndour (Dark/Fire) - A dog like Pokémon that wants the Pichu Bros. dead, but keeps failing because Nintendo hates him and they make those damn rats always win. Evolves into Houndoom, a hellhound.

Kingdra (Water/Dragon) - The only Dragon introduced in Gold/Silver. The evolution of Seadra.

Phanpy (Ground) - A mini elephant! Becomes Donphan, which is known for rolling around like a tire.

Porygon2 (Normal) - The evolved form of Porygon, who teamed up with Sony to create the all-mighty Sony Vegas. He unfortunately has not appeared in the anime. Possibly a representation of computer graphic evolution.

Stantler (Normal) - A deer. Supposedly, its antlers can cause madness in people. Don't ask why.

Smeargle (Normal) - Can learn any move in the game via Sketch. Too bad its stats are on par with a Bidoof. Known for swearing.

Tyrogue (Fighting) - Can become Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, or Hitmontop. Hitmontop is upside down at all times and has a tail for some reason.

Smoochum (Ice/Psychic) - Pre-evolved Jynx. Kisses everything to identify things.

Elekid (Electric) - Baby Electabuzz. Has two plug-like prongs with holes coming out of its head. How do holes naturally form in a living creature, anyway?

Magby (Fire) - Magmar's pre-evolved form. Has weird hair, or whatever that stuff is.

Miltank (Normal) - A horrible, monstrous steamroller of a cow demon used by the evil, maniacal gym leader Whitney. Has four udders.

Blissey (Normal) - The evolution of Chansey that occurs when a Chansey is really happy with its owner. Has the most HP of any Pokémon.

Raikou (Electric) - A tiger-like Legendary Pokémon that controls lightning.

Entei (Fire) - A dog/lion/gerbil Legendary Pokémon that controls fire and has been known to act as a father figure to little girls.

Suicune (Water) - This Legendary Pokémon looks like a wolf and controls ice, wind, and water. Despite that, it is a pure water type.

Larvitar (Rock/Ground) - Evolves into Pupitar, and then Tyranitar. Tyranitar can't go anywhere without that sandstorm following him. It's sad, really.

Lugia (Psychic/Flying) - A gigantic bird Legendary Pokémon. Despite that, it seems to have fingers. Disturbing. Master of the Legendary Birds.

Ho-Oh (Fire/Flying) - A legendary phoenix Pokémon that lives in a giant tower full of Lucky Charms. Despite being introduced in Johto, it somehow appeared in the first episode of the show. Master of the Legendary Dogs Cats Gerbils.

Celebi (Grass/Psychic) - The guardian of the forest, and is basically a chunk of lettuce with a body. Never released outside of Japan

[edit] Generation III Treecko (Grass) - The little Pokémon that tried to be famous, but failed because Mudkip was chosen instead. Also, another one of Ash's former Pokémon. Jeez, Ash, what's wrong with you?! Anyways, can evolve into a Grovyle and a Sceptile.

Torchic (Fire) - Another little Pokémon that tried to be famous, but failed as Mudkip was chosen instead. Also, one of May's Pokemon before it evolved into a Combusken, and later a Blaziken.

Mudkip (Water) - A little dog/tadpole thing that spawned an Internet meme. Unfortunately for the 4channers, this Pokémon can evolve into the less popular Marshtomp and Swampert. It's current rival is Tsutarja.

Ralts (Psychic) - An emotion-based Pokémon that evolves into Kirlia. Kirlia, in turn, evolves into Gardevoir, a very, very frequent target of furries.

Makuhita (Fighting) - A sumo-wrestler Pokémon. Evolves into Hairy Yama Hariyama.

Azurill (Normal) - Pre-evolved form of Marill. For some reason, female Azurills may get transsexual surgery upon evolving.

Skitty (Normal) - A cat Pokémon. Enjoys sex with Wailords.

Plusle (Electric) - A rip-off of Pikachu, with a positive charge.

Minun (Electric) - See previous entry, but negative charged.

Volbeat (Bug) - A male-only firefly species. Not very significant, though.

Illumise (Bug) - Female counterpart to Volbeat. It knows Covet at the level you catch it in the 4th gen games, making it ideal for stealing items.

Roselia (Grass/Poison) - A rose-based Pokémon that was alone in the third generation, but given two new forms in the fourth.

Gulpin (Poison) - A living, breathing, stomach monster. In Super Smash Bros. Brawl, it can swallow player characters. Evolves into Swalot.

Carvanha (Water/Dark) - A fish with a massive underbite. Somehow, it becomes Sharpedo, a shark-torpedo hybrid.

Wailmer (Water) - A round whale. Evolves into Wailord, the largest Pokémon in existence. Wailord enjoys sex with Skitties.

Numel (Fire/Ground) - A slow and slow-witted camel that erupts magma from the hump on its back. Evolves into Camerupt.

Torkoal (Fire) - It's even slower than the previous entry, but unlike Camerupt it can take a hit.

Spoink (Psychic) - Spoink? Bacon? Spacon! Evolves into Grumpig.

Spinda (Normal) - A perpetually drunk Pokémon. Demoman uses a team consisting of these. There are exactly 4,294,967,296 different spot patterns a Spinda can have.

Trapinch (Ground) - A cool looking antlion larva. Evolves into Vibrava, a cool looking antlion adult, and then Flygon, which doesn't look anything like an antlion. Boo.

Cacnea (Grass) - Cactus monster! Evolves into Cacturne, a stalker with sand for blood.

Swablu (Normal/Flying) - A bird-like thing that wants to be a dragon, Altaria. Champion Lance's Altaria enjoys using Perish Song even if it's his last Pokémon.

Zangoose (Normal) - Seviper's eternal rival. Immune to poisoning.

Seviper (Poison) - Snake? Snake?! SNAAAAAAAKE!

Lileep (Rock/Grass) - A prehistoric sea lily. Evolves into Cradily, one of the most defensively-powerful Pokémon despite its typing.

Anorith (Rock/Bug) - A prehistoric bug based on an anomalocaris. Evolves into the mighty Armaldo.

Tropius (Grass/Flying) - A flying plant dinosaur with a beard made of bananas.

Absol (Dark) - Absol-lutely!

Wynaut (Psychic) - VanillaSkittles' favorite Pokémon. Though it's not the strongest one out there, it's still his favourite. Why? Wynaut!

Beldum (Steel/Psychic) - A fully mechanical Pokémon. Two combined Beldums make a Metang, and two Metangs make a Metagross. Metagross is one of the strongest and most intelligent Pokémon of all, and is visually similar to a tank.

Regirock (Rock) - This guy is a Legendary Pokémon made of rocks.

Regice (Ice) - One of Regirock's best buddies, Regice is made of ice.

Registeel (Steel) - The last in the trio, it has a body made of steel.

Latios (Psychic/Flying) - Some dragon/jet thing that lives in Italy with his sister Latias. She wanted to commit incest with him, which caused him to commit suicide in the fifth movie.

Latias (Psychic/Flying) - Latios' more easygoing sister that can take the form of a human. It is unknown whether it was Latias or the real girl who kissed Ash, but either way Brock was jealous.

Kyogre (Water) - A Legendary Pokémon that looks like an orca whale. The rival of Groudon, it controls the sea.

Groudon (Ground) - Kyogre's rival. Groudon is a mole thing that controls fire and ground.

Rayquaza (Dragon/Flying) - Rayquaza lives in the ozone layer and exists to calm Groudon and Kyogre whenever they start fighting over trivial matters.

Everybody Loves Rayquaza! Some of the Pokémon that can be seen here. All the first gen Missingno. "sprites".Jirachi (Psychic/Steel) - Jirachi is a starry Pokémon who grants wishes.

Deoxys (Psychic) - This guy can take one of four forms: Normal, Defense, Attack, and Speed. Deoxys was created from a DNA virus from outer space.

[edit] Generation IV Turtwig (Grass) - Starter Pokémon. It's a turtle with a plant on it's back. Eh.

Chimchar (Fire) - Starter Pokémon. It's a monkey that's been set on fire, which comes out of its ass. What more do you need to know?

Piplup (Water) - Dawn's starting Pokémon, specifically known for being a screen-stealing bastard, and for constantly peeking up Dawn's skirt.

Starly (Normal/Flying) - The Fourth Generation version of Pidgey, except it's a starling, not a pidgeon. Evolves into Staravia & Staraptor.

Shinx (Electric) - A Pokemon which looks like a electric mouse, Evolves into Luxio & Luxray, Shinx's final evolution's cry noise in the anime sounds like a thirty year old blowing her nose while saying "Luxray".

Drifloon (Ghost/Flying) - A cute little balloon that tries to drag children to Hell. No, seriously. Evolves into Drifblim.

Buneary (Normal) - A rabbit. Evolves into Lopunny, which is based off a Playboy Bunny, disturbingly enough.

Happiny (Normal) - Pre-evolved form of Chansey. When given an Oval Stone, it evolves.

Gible (Dragon/Ground) - A sandshark. Evolves into Gabite, who evolves into Garchomp. Garchomp was too powerful for its own good, and got banned from competitive battling.

Munchlax (Normal) - Some bear thing that's always hungry. Evolves into Snorlax. Also one of the first Generation IV Pokémon to be introduced.

Riolu (Fighting) - Evolves into the better-known Lucario, a jackal-like Pokémon that somehow replaced (Or not.) Mewtwo for Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Skorupi (Poison/Bug) - A scorpion Pokémon that looks like a jack-in-the-box. Evolves into Drapion.

Weavile (Dark/Ice) - The evolved form of Sneasel. It carves patterns in trees and rocks with its claws.

Magnezone (Electric/Steel) - Evolution of Magneton. It's three Magnemites that are conjoined together into a ufo-like thing.

Lickilicky (Normal) - The not-very-creatively named evolution of Lickitung. Its appearance is resemblant to 50's diner mascots.

Rhyperior (Ground/Rock) - The evolution of Rhydon obtained using a Protector. It launcher rocks out of the holes in its palms like bullets.

Tangrowth (Grass) - Evolution of Tangela. It's still a walking pile of spaghetti.

Electivire (Electric) - The evolved form of Electabuzz that makes a funny noise when you send it out. Has LEDs on its tails.

Magmortar (Fire) - Evolution of Magmar. Like its name may suggest, it has cannons for arms.

Togekiss (Normal/Flying) - This is what Togetic becomes when exposed to a Shiny Stone. It only appears during times of peace.

Yanmega (Bug/Flying) - The result of a Yanma learning Ancientpower. Its Tinted Lens ability lets it hit resistant targets more easily.

Leafeon (Grass) - The grass form of Eevee. Its tail resembles a tattered leaf.

Glaceon (Ice) - The ice form of Eevee. It has very high Special Attack for an ice-type.

Gliscor (Ground/Flying) - Evolved form of Gligar. Looks like a chimera of a scorpion and a bat.

Mamoswine (Ice/Ground) - The imposing result of evolving a Piloswine. It doesn't seem to have a visible mouth.

Porygon-Z (Normal) - This is what happens when you illegally mod your Porygon2. One of the very few Pokémon who can actually make use of Hyper Beam.

Gallade (Psychic/Fighting) - Male Kirlias can choose to become this over Gardevoir.

Probopass (Rock/Steel) - The evolved form of Nosepass. It is extremely ugly and has a robotic-looking visage and a bushy mustache. Females also have mustaches.

Dusknoir (Ghost) - Trade a Dusclops holding a Reaper Cloth to get this. It is the Pokémon world's equivalent of the Grim Reaper.

Froslass (Ice/Ghost) - What female Snorunts may choose to become. Based on a Yuki-onna.

Rotom (Electric/Ghost) - A plasma spirit that enjoys zapping fat old scientists named after the moons of planetoids.

Uxie (Psychic) - Guards one of Sinnoh's lakes. Looking into its eyes will erase your memory. So you probably shouldn't do that.

Mesprit (Psychic) - Also guards a lake. Touching it will make you completely emotionless. This one is a coward and runs away from you.

Azelf (Psychic) - Guards Lake Valor. If you hurt it, seven days later you will become petrified for all eternity. Somewhat harsh a punishment, no?

Dialga (Dragon/Steel) - The deity of time. Was created by Arceus.

Palkia (Dragon/Water) - The deity of space. Its head is shaped like a penis.

Heatran (Fire/Steel) - A melty-looking thing that lives in volcanos.

Regigigas (Normal) - Master of the Legendary Golems. It's fat, slow, and may be at level 1. Not all that impressive compared to its servants.

Giratina (Dragon/Ghost) - The deity of dimensions. It is very ugly and lives in some freaky-looking messed-up world.

Cresselia (Psychic) - Darkrai's nemesis. It awakens people from nightmares.

Phione (Water) - A strange Pokémon that is basically a common, regular Pokémon that is only accessible by breeding Manaphy. Cannot evolve into Manaphy.

Manaphy (Water) - Basically the fourth-generation version of Mew, much like Celebi and Jirachi. It is made mostly of water. Unlike most "legendary" Pokémon, it can breed to produce Phiones, but you can't get more Manaphies this way.

Darkrai (Dark) - Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevil!

Shaymin (Grass) - A grassy hedgehog thingy that mutates when exposed to gracideas.

Arceus (Normal) - The deer-like god of Pokémon. He enjoys smashing fake jewels of life. Normal type by default, but can change if equipped with different plates.

[edit] Generation V

Smugleaf Tsutaja knows he's better than you.No official English names as of yet, although the games are due for release in the USA some time in Spring of 2011 and there will be 158 new Pokémon. Some of the new ones include an ice cream cone, a sarchopagus, and a samurai! :D

[edit] Glitch Pokémon MissingNo. (Glitch - Normal/Bird) - Some mass of pixels shaped like an out-of-proportion letter 'L'. Probably used as placeholder data during programming, and not intended to appear during normal gameplay. Be warned, as your character's sprite may become literally scrambled, like an egg, with him. Also appears in Super Smash Bros. Brawl if you smash up your console with a really big mallet. The old coffee junkie in Viridian City is the gatekeeper to it. MissingNo. was originally created by Anonymous to steal passwords, but was released after corrupting said passwords.

M' (Glitch) - Actually, his real name includes a whole bunch of glitched characters. Anyways, he's a MissingNo. rip-off. M's have been known to corrupt your game save, your hall of fame, scramble your sprites...You know what? Apparently the programmers of the Pokémon games were being paid minimum when they were programming these games. That, or they were just lazy.

Charizard'M (Glitch) - A glitchy Charizard that infects other Pokémon and turns them into more Charizard'Ms.

Plus many, many more.

[edit] Fake Pokémon Tentaquil (Bug/Psychic) - A blue frog-like "Pokémon" who's gained popularity on 4chan. Noobs who see him will think he's an official Generation V Pokémon, but he's not.

Shiny Pidget (Bird/Flying) - They don't exist in real life. Deal with it.

Pikablu (?) - Blue recolour of Pikachu. Ancestor of Marill.


Sua Santità Lamosa Arceus ha benedetto questo articolo!

L'autore può può quindi ritenersi al sicuro dal suo giudizio, a patto che si converta alla vera fede.

« MAMMA! MA io non ho sonno! »
(Bambino che fa i capricci)
« Stai attento che chiamo l' uomo nero dai capelli bianchi! »
(La mamma del bambino )

Darkrai, il pokémon negrone è il più grande fan di Freddy Krueger di tutti i tempi, nonché il suo miglior cosplayer.


Nessuno sa di preciso come sia venuto al mondo Darkrai. Secondo i fedeli del culto di Arceus il pokémon sarebbe stato creato dal loro dio affinché distribuisse incubi agli esseri umani.[1] Per altri prima era un essere umano, un nero per la precisione, che abitava nella città di Canalipoli e che veniva perseguitato per essere l'unico nero della città.[2]Il povero Ububu, così si chiamava, era molto depresso per il fatto di essere l'unica persona di colore a Canalipoli e perciò non riusciva a trovare né un lavoro né una ragazza.

Ububu, o meglio Darkrai da giovane.

Un giorno trovò un affissione dove si faceva richiesta di un inserviente per pulire nella biblioteca locale e Ububu riuscì ad avere il posto.

Il lavoro era massacrante, oltre a dover pulire tutti e tre i piani ogni giorno doveva aiutare i bibliotecari a riordinare i libri che i visitatori riponevano negli scaffali in ordine errato. Ma per Ububu tutte queste fatiche erano sopportabili finché c'era Lei. Ogni pomeriggio infatti arrivava in biblioteca una ragazza bellissima, prendeva un libro e si sedeva ad un tavolo per leggerlo e poi rimaneva lì, fino a sera, immersa nella lettura.

Ububu si fermava spesso a guardarla, non sapendo cos'era ciò che lo spingesse a farlo, fino a quando non capì che se ne era innamorato.

Un giorno si decise a fare la prima mossa, la invitò a cena, e lei accettò. Non avendo molti soldi a disposizione il cioccolatino innamorato la portò in un McDonald's, ma a lei non sembrò dispiacere, anzi, gli disse di non gradire le cose troppo formali. Lei gli parlò della sua passione per i libri e per il cinema, specialmente dei film dell'orrore, di cui andava matta.Il suo preferito era Nightmare. I due iniziarono a frequentarsi assiduamente e decisero di fidanzarsi.

Sfortunatamente il padre della ragazza era l'Umberto Bossi di Sinnoh, e non gradì molto la cosa. Cercò in tutti i modi di dissuadere la figlia dall'uscire con un negro, ma lei non voleva saperne di lasciare Ububu e così lui convinse i concittadini a cacciarlo dalla città. Loro arrivarono molto civilmente a casa sua con fiaccole e forconi[3] e lo trascinarono a forza alle porte della città.

Lei arrivò per fermarli, ma un membro infiltrato del Ku Klux Klan fece fuoco tra la folla nel tentativo di eliminare il negro, ma travestito com'era prese male la mira e colpì la sua ragazza. La folla si disperse mentre Ububu disperato la portò all'ospedale più vicino.

Per quanto Ububu avesse fatto il possibile per salvarla i medici non poterono fare nulla per salvarsa. Ububu si suicidò per la disperazione, ed il suo desiderio di vendetta diede vita a Darkrai, intenzionato a portare incubi alle persone in memoria della sua amata e la sua passione per Freddy Krueger.


Darkrai passa la propria esistenza a distribuire incubi alle persone. Pare sia stato assunto da Giratina per dispensare paura alle persone e diffondere tra la popolazione timore verso il drago demoniaco signore dei morti.

Altri ritengono che Darkrai sia troppo malvagio pure per allearsi con lui, e che perseveri solitariamente nella sua causa di far soffrire le persone come soffre lui dopo la perdita dell'amata.

Cresselia e Alice

Le fantasie di Darkrai su Alice...

Arceus, vedendo l'operato di Darkrai decise che per evitare uno sbilanciamento nella forza avrebbe creato un essere che distribuisse bei sogni per compensare le sue azioni.

Così nacque Cresselia.Benché lei fosse naturalmente gentile e benevola verso tutti nutriva un odio profondo verso il fantasma negro, forse perchè era stata creata per odiarlo, o forse perché doveva intervenire ogni volta che il compagno si metteva in azione, non lasciandole un attimo di tregua.

Nel frattempo Darkrai era arrivato in una città chiamata Alamos, dove non era mai stato prima e dove poteva dare sfogo alla sua fantasia nel distribuire terrore a destra e a manca.

Una notte mentre faceva sognare ad una vecchietta di venire attaccata da dei serpenti usciti dalla tavoletta del cesso venne morso dal cane di quest'ultima, e si fermò a riposare nel giardino di una casa.

Il mattino seguente era ancora lì, quando una ragazza lo vide, e notando le sue ferite decise di curarlo. Appena il fantasma la vide, fù amore a prima vista.

...e quelle su Cresselia.

Anna, così si chiamava la ragazza, era uguale alla sua amata, così Darkrai si fermò stabilmente ad Alamos per poterle stare vicino.

Ogni giorno che passava lui era sempre più innamorato,ma non sapeva che presto il suo amore sarebbe stato messo duramente alla prova.

Un bel giorno Palkia ebbe la geniale idea di mangiare una delle gomme del fratello, facendolo andare su tutte le furie e dando così inizio ad una delle battaglie più violente di tutti i tempi. Nessuno sa il perché,ma la battaglia si spostò proprio sulla città di Alamos, obbligando il prode fantasma ad intervenire per difendere l'amata.

Dopo un lungo combattimento Darkrai venne fatto a pezzi e scagliato in un altra dimensione, ma con il suo eroico sacrificio riuscì a fermare la lite.[4] Poi tornò miracolosamente in vita.

Da quel giorno Darkrai continua a distribuire incubi e ad avre incontri di Wrestling giornalieri con Cresselia, ma ha anche riscoperto cosa significhi amare, e ciò porta un pò di luce all'interno del suo cuore nero.

Il mistero della sua acconciatura

Nessuno conosce il mistero che si cela dietro la capigliatura di Darkrai.

Alcuni pensano che se rivelasse l'altro occhio succederebbero cose assurde come quelle causate dallo sharingan, altri sostengono che abbia un occhio solo e copra il viso solo pr non farlo notare, mentre altri ancora sostengono che lui sia semplicemente emo.

Pure Enrico Ruggeri e Roberto Giacobbo, aiutati da Piero Angela hanno cercato di fare luce su questo mistero, ma non hanno cavato un ragno dal buco.


L'abuso della sezione «Curiosità» è consigliato dalle linee guida di Nonciclopedia.

Però è meglio se certe curiosità te le tieni pe' ttìa... o forse vuoi veder crescere le margherite dalla parte delle radici?

  • Darkrai è negro;
  • Darkrai è emo;
  • La fidanzata dI Ububu si chiamava proprio Lei;
  • Nonostante Cresselia non lo ammetta, è segretamente innamorata di lui;
  • Ma anche no.



  1. ^ Che utilità avrà dunque?
  2. ^ Pare che i Canalipolesi siano tutti leghisti.
  3. ^ Avete presente il film di Frankenstein? La stessa cosa.
  4. ^ Per difendere la donna che ami vale la pena di prendere un fragortempo ed un fendispazio contemporaneamente sù per il culo, no? Bè, è quello che ha pensato lui.

Template Oak


Tu Oak hai ha appena scoperto un nuovo tipo di Pokémon!

Il professore ha deciso che lo chiamerà Kami94/Sandbox, e per quanto ti riguarda, tu non hai scoperto un bel niente, o ti interessa forse sapere cosa si prova a dormire coi Magikarp?