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if (mwCustomEditButtons) {

mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
     "imageFile": "http://images.wikia.com/nonciclopedia/images/0/0c/Button_Chuck.png",
     "speedTip": "Cancellazione immediata (USARE CON CAUTELA!)",
     "tagOpen": "{{Cancellazione|motivo=",
     "tagClose": "|firma=~~" + "~~}" + "}\n\n",
     "sampleText": "Inserire qui il motivo"};

mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
     "imageFile": "http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/nonciclopedia/images/3/33/Sguardone.png",
     "speedTip": "Immagine da rinominare ",
     "tagOpen": "{{Nomedimmerda|{{subst:7g}" + "}|motivo=",
     "tagClose": "|firma=~~" + "~~}" + "}\n\n",
     "sampleText": ""};

mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
     "imageFile": "",
     "speedTip": " Categoria immagini",
     "tagOpen": "[[Categoria:Immagini ",
     "tagClose": "]]",
     "sampleText": ""};
mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
     "imageFile": "http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/nonciclopedia/images/6/6c/Button_restauro.png",
     "speedTip": "Articolo da sistemare",
     "tagOpen": "{{Restauro|motivo=",
     "tagClose": "|firma=~~" + "~~}" + "}\n\n",
     "sampleText": "Inserire qui la descrizione"};

mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
     "imageFile": "http://images.wikia.com/nonciclopedia/images/0/0a/Button_sad.png",
     "speedTip": "Poco umoristico",
     "tagOpen": "{{Accusa|accusa=" + "APU" + "|firma=~~" + "~~}" + "}\n\n",
     "tagClose": "",
     "sampleText": ""};

mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
     "imageFile": "http://images.wikia.com/nonciclopedia/images/d/d6/E%27fiamme.png",
     "speedTip": "Formattazione",
     "tagOpen": "{{Formattazione|note=",
     "tagClose": "|firma=~~" + "~~}" + "}\n\n",
     "sampleText": "Inserire qui cosa fare"};

mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
     "imageFile": "http://images.wikia.com/nonciclopedia/images/f/f9/Button_box.png",
     "speedTip": "Box",
     "tagOpen": '{| class="expansion" width="100%" align="center" style="background: #FFFFFF; color: #000000; border: 1px solid #000000; text-align: left; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px;"\n| style="padding-right: 4px; padding-left: 4px;" |\n',
     "tagClose": "\n|}\n",
     "sampleText": "Inserire qui il testo interno"};

mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
     "imageFile": "http://images.wikia.com/central/images/1/12/Button_gallery.png",
     "speedTip": "Galleria di immagini",
     "tagOpen": "\n<gallery>\n",
     "tagClose": "\n</gallery>",
     "sampleText": "Immagine:Example.jpg|Caption1\nImmagine:Example.jpg|Caption2"};

mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
     "imageFile": "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/c/c9/Button_strike.png",
     "speedTip": "Barrato",
     "tagOpen": "<s>",
     "tagClose": "</s>",
     "sampleText": "Barrato"};

mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
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     "speedTip": "Apice",
     "tagOpen": "<sup>",
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     "sampleText": "Apice"};

mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
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     "speedTip": "Piccolo",
     "tagOpen": "<small>",
     "tagClose": "</small>",
     "sampleText": "Piccolo"};

mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
     "imageFile": "http://images.wikia.com/nonciclopedia/images/5/56/Button_big.png",
     "speedTip": "Grande",
     "tagOpen": "<big>",
     "tagClose": "</big>",
     "sampleText": "Grande"};

mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
     "imageFile": "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/60/Button_insert_table.png",
     "speedTip": "Tabella",
     "tagOpen": '{| class="wikitable"\n|-\n',
     "tagClose": "\n|}",
     "sampleText": "! header 1\n! header 2\n! header 3\n|-\n| row 1, cell 1\n| row 1, cell 2\n| row 1, cell 3\n|-\n| row 2, cell 1\n| row 2, cell 2\n| row 2, cell 3"};

annullaMorphCommon = 1;

/* Hook that enables collapsing objects.
 * Added 11/5/2007 by WhiteMystery (misterioblanco@gmail.com) 
 * on Encyclopedia Dramatica, stolen by Sua Zanzità Zazy
 * Uses publicly available code in one function, where noted. */


/* Function that toggles collapsing objects.
 * Added 11/5/2007 by WhiteMystery (misterioblanco@gmail.com) 
 * on Encyclopedia Dramatica, stolen by Sua Zanzità Zazy
 * Uses publicly available code in one function, where noted. */

function toggleCollapse(objToToggle, collapseText, expandText) {

	var linkText = "";
	var targetObject = returnObjById(objToToggle);
	if ( targetObject ) {
		if ( targetObject.style.display == "none" ) {
			targetObject.style.display = "block";
			linkText = collapseText;
		else {
			targetObject.style.display = "none";
			linkText = expandText;
		var toggleLink = document.createElement("span");
		toggleLink.setAttribute("onclick", "javascript:toggleCollapse('" + objToToggle + "','" + collapseText + "','" + expandText + "')");
		toggleLink.setAttribute('onmouseover', 'style.textDecoration="underline"');
		toggleLink.setAttribute('onmouseout', 'style.textDecoration="none"');
		toggleLink.setAttribute("style", "color:blue;");
		returnObjById(objToToggle + "Link").innerHTML = "";
		returnObjById(objToToggle + "Link").appendChild(toggleLink);

/* Functions that performs the morph operation.
 * Added 11/5/2007 by WhiteMystery (misterioblanco@gmail.com) 
 * on Encyclopedia Dramatica, stolen by Sua Zanzità Zazy
 * Uses publicly available code in one function, where noted. */

function performMorph(targetID, targetNumber) {

	var counter = 1;
	while ( returnObjById(targetID + "Content" + counter) ) {
		if ( counter == targetNumber )
			returnObjById(targetID + "Content" + counter).style.display = "block";
			returnObjById(targetID + "Content" + counter).style.display = "none";
	returnObjById(targetID + "Master").innerHTML = targetNumber;

function morphForward(targetID) {

	var nextPane = parseInt(returnObjById(targetID + "Master").innerHTML) + 1;
	if ( returnObjById(targetID + "Content" + nextPane) )
		performMorph(targetID, nextPane);
		performMorph(targetID, "1");

function morphBackward(targetID) {

	var prevPane = parseInt(returnObjById(targetID + "Master").innerHTML) - 1;
	if ( prevPane > 0 )
		performMorph(targetID, prevPane);
	else {
		var maxIndex = 1;
		while ( returnObjById(targetID + "Content" + maxIndex) )
		performMorph(targetID, maxIndex - 1);

/* Function that creates ED's collapsing objects and toggle links.
 * Added 11/5/2007 by WhiteMystery (misterioblanco@gmail.com) 
 * on Encyclopedia Dramatica, stolen by Sua Zanzità Zazy
 * Uses publicly available code in one function, where noted.
 * Updated: 1/11/2008 by WhiteMystery to add new Morphing Objects
 * functionality. */

function createToggleLinks() {

	var spanCollection = document.getElementsByTagName("span");
	for ( i = 0; i < spanCollection.length; i++ ) {
		if ( spanCollection[i].className == "toggleLink" ) {
			var spanID = spanCollection[i].getAttribute("id");
			var targetID = spanID.substr(0, spanID.length - 4);
			var collapseText = returnObjById(targetID + "CollapseText").innerHTML;
			var expandText = returnObjById(targetID + "ExpandText").innerHTML;
			var initialState = returnObjById(targetID + "InitialState").innerHTML;
			var toggleLink = document.createElement("span");
			if ( initialState == "0" ) {
				returnObjById(targetID).style.display = "none";
			else {
				returnObjById(targetID).style.display = "block";
			toggleLink.setAttribute("onclick", "javascript:toggleCollapse('" + targetID + "','" + collapseText + "','" + expandText + "')");
			toggleLink.setAttribute('onmouseover', 'style.textDecoration="underline"');
			toggleLink.setAttribute('onmouseout', 'style.textDecoration="none"');
			toggleLink.setAttribute("style", "color:blue;");

		else if ( spanCollection[i].className == "morphMaster" ) {
			var spanID = spanCollection[i].getAttribute("id");
			var targetID = spanID.substr(0, spanID.length - 6);
			var counter = 1;
			// Create forward and backward paging if the paging elements exist
			if ( returnObjById(targetID + "LinkNext") && returnObjById(targetID + "LinkPrev") && returnObjById(targetID + "Content1") ) {
				// Create the forward link
				var nextLink = document.createElement("span");	
				nextLink.innerHTML = returnObjById(targetID + "LinkNext").innerHTML;
				nextLink.setAttribute("onclick", "javascript:morphForward('" + targetID + "')");
				nextLink.setAttribute('onmouseover', 'style.textDecoration="underline"');
				nextLink.setAttribute('onmouseout', 'style.textDecoration="none"');
				nextLink.setAttribute("style", "color:blue;");
				returnObjById(targetID + "LinkNext").innerHTML = "";
				returnObjById(targetID + "LinkNext").appendChild(nextLink, 0);
				// Create the backward link
				var prevLink = document.createElement("span");	
				prevLink.innerHTML = returnObjById(targetID + "LinkPrev").innerHTML;
				prevLink.setAttribute("onclick", "javascript:morphBackward('" + targetID + "')");
				prevLink.setAttribute('onmouseover', 'style.textDecoration="underline"');
				prevLink.setAttribute('onmouseout', 'style.textDecoration="none"');
				prevLink.setAttribute("style", "color:blue;");
				returnObjById(targetID + "LinkPrev").innerHTML = "";
				returnObjById(targetID + "LinkPrev").appendChild(prevLink, 0);
				// Initialize content panes
				while ( returnObjById(targetID + "Content" + counter) ) {
					if ( counter == 1 )
						returnObjById(targetID + "Content" + counter).style.display = "block";
						returnObjById(targetID + "Content" + counter).style.display = "none";

			counter = 1;
			// Whether or not there is paging, generate normal links				
			while ( returnObjById(targetID + "Link" + counter) && returnObjById(targetID + "Content" + counter) ) {
				var morphLink = document.createElement("span");
				morphLink.innerHTML = returnObjById(targetID + "Link" + counter).innerHTML;
				morphLink.setAttribute("onclick", "javascript:performMorph('" + targetID + "','" + counter + "')");
				morphLink.setAttribute('onmouseover', 'style.textDecoration="underline"');
				morphLink.setAttribute('onmouseout', 'style.textDecoration="none"');
				morphLink.setAttribute("style", "color:blue;");
				returnObjById(targetID + "Link" + counter).innerHTML = "";
				returnObjById(targetID + "Link" + counter).appendChild(morphLink, 0);
				// Initialize content panes
				if ( counter == 1 )
					returnObjById(targetID + "Content" + counter).style.display = "block";
					returnObjById(targetID + "Content" + counter).style.display = "none";
			spanCollection[i].innerHTML = "1";
			spanCollection[i].style.display = "none";

/* Function that toggles ED's collapsing objects.
 * Added 11/5/2007 by WhiteMystery (misterioblanco@gmail.com) 
 * on Encyclopedia Dramatica, stolen by Sua Zanzità Zazy
 * Taken from http://www.netlobo.com/javascript_get_element_id.html */

function returnObjById( id ) {
    if (document.getElementById) 
        var returnVar = document.getElementById(id); 
    else if (document.all) 
        var returnVar = document.all[id]; 
    else if (document.layers) 
        var returnVar = document.layers[id]; 
    return returnVar; 

disablehideEdit = 1;
disablealertLoad = 1;