Utente:Nonciclopediologo/Trucchi: differenze tra le versioni

Vai alla navigazione Vai alla ricerca
Contenuto aggiunto Contenuto cancellato
m (→‎top: errori di lint, replaced: <center> → <div style="text-align: center;">, </center> → </div>)
(6 versioni intermedie di 4 utenti non mostrate)
Riga 3: Riga 3:
{{Sottotitolo|Da Nonciclopedia, l'enciclopedia truccata...}}
{{Sottotitolo|Da Nonciclopedia, l'enciclopedia truccata...}}

<center><big>'''LISTA DI INNUMEREVOLI TRUCCHI REPERITI SULLA [[Wikipedia|MALEFICA]]'''</big></center>
<div style="text-align: center;"><big>'''LISTA DI INNUMEREVOLI TRUCCHI REPERITI SULLA [[Wikipedia|MALEFICA]]'''</big></div>

'''Pagina prelevata da [http://www.wikia.com/wiki/User:Splarka/tricks qui]'''
'''Pagina prelevata da [http://www.wikia.com/wiki/User:Splarka/tricks qui]'''
Riga 2 183: Riga 2 183:
You now have an extra box in the search area of the navigation bar. Type in a page name and it will come up with the edit page. If you do not specify a page name, you will then go to the edit page of [[Wikia|the Main Page]].
You now have an extra box in the search area of the navigation bar. Type in a page name and it will come up with the edit page. If you do not specify a page name, you will then go to the edit page of [[Wikia|the Main Page]].

== [http://community.wikia.com/wiki/User:Splarka/tricks User:Splarka/tricks] ==


These are css/js/parserfunction/magicword hacks that I either developed or "discovered", by myself, by user request, or with the help of other wiki users. Others may have done them proir to me, but in most cases I had no external help in figuring them out (other than the help pages on [[m:|meta]]). Mostly this page is to document the requests for tweaks I've been asked to do on wikia, but several also apply to Uncyclopedia or Wikipedia.

:''See also: [[Special:Prefixindex/User:Splarka/]] and [[Special:Prefixindex/User:Sannse/]] for other handy JS.]]''.

Mostly these apply to [[MediaWiki:Common.css]], [[MediaWiki:Monobook.css]] and [[Special:Mypage/Monobook.css]] (assuming you use the default 'monobook' theme). See also: [[Wikipedia:Wikipedia:Catalogue_of_CSS_classes]].

<div style="border:1px solid black;background-color:#ffffdd;margin:auto;width:80%;">
'''We've upgraded to 1.9!'''

The main change the upgrade gave us, in regards to CSS, is a unique (usually) per-page class for the &lt;body&gt; tag. That means, you can restrict a style to any single page with a simple css class definition. For example, this page:
*<code><nowiki><body class="mediawiki ns-2 ltr page-User_Splarka_tricks"></nowiki></code>

So, lets say I wanted to change the background color of links, just on this page:
*<code>body.page-User_Splarka_tricks #bodyContent a { background-color: #ff00ff }</code>


==Limiting TOC to certain depths==

In MediaWiki:Common.css:
.toc5 li.toclevel-6 {display:none}
.toc4 li.toclevel-6, .toc4 li.toclevel-5 {display:none}
.toc3 li.toclevel-6, .toc3 li.toclevel-5, .toc3 li.toclevel-4 {display:none}
.toc2 li.toclevel-6, .toc2 li.toclevel-5, .toc2 li.toclevel-4, .toc2 li.toclevel-3 {display:none}
.toc1 li.toclevel-6, .toc1 li.toclevel-5, .toc1 li.toclevel-4, .toc1 li.toclevel-3, .toc1 li.toclevel-2 {display:none}

In Template:TOC1
<nowiki><div class="toc1">

In Template:TOC2
<nowiki><div class="toc2">


==Un-numbered TOC==
In MediaWiki:Common.css:

.utoc .tocnumber { display:none; }
.utoc #toc ul,
.utoc .toc ul {
line-height: 1.5em;
list-style-type: square;
margin: .3em 0 0 1.5em;
padding: 0;
list-style-image: url(/skins3/monobook/bullet.gif);

And then put a <nowiki>__TOC__</nowiki> in a <nowiki><div class="utoc"></div></nowiki>.

==Limiting a DynamicPageList list to one specific letter==
*Requires css capable browser or will look funky
*Does not work well with higher numbers of pages (say ~1000)
*Lame hack, better to use a custom namespace and Allpages/Prefixindex

In MediaWiki:Common.css:
.alphacat ul {list-style: none; }
.alphacat li a {display: none; }
.alphacat-a li a[title ^="A"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-b li a[title ^="B"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-c li a[title ^="C"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-d li a[title ^="D"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-e li a[title ^="E"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-f li a[title ^="F"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-g li a[title ^="G"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-h li a[title ^="H"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-i li a[title ^="I"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-j li a[title ^="J"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-k li a[title ^="K"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-l li a[title ^="L"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-m li a[title ^="M"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-n li a[title ^="N"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-o li a[title ^="O"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-p li a[title ^="P"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-q li a[title ^="Q"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-r li a[title ^="R"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-s li a[title ^="S"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-t li a[title ^="T"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-u li a[title ^="U"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-v li a[title ^="V"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-w li a[title ^="W"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-x li a[title ^="X"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-y li a[title ^="Y"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-z li a[title ^="Z"] {display: inline }

In a template (which you call via <nowiki>{{sometemplate|a}}</nowiki> to show just 'a')
<nowiki><div class="alphacat alphacat-{{lc:{{{1|a}}}}}">
category=</nowiki>'''Some Category'''<nowiki>

==Style the menus==
Done on [[w:c:scratchpad:MediaWiki:Monobook.css]]

In MediaWiki:Monobook.css, a base to start fiddling:

<pre>#p-wikicities-nav, #p-tb, #p-search, #p-navigation {
background-color: #fffff6;
border:1px solid black;
#p-navigation .pBody, #p-search .pBody, #p-tb .pBody, #p-lang .pBody, #p-wikicities-nav .pBody {
display: block;
border: none;
background-color: transparent;
padding: 0
.portlet h5 {
display: block;
border-bottom: 1px solid #ccccff;
padding-bottom: .35em;
.pBody a { text-decoration: none; }
.pBody ul li:hover { background-color:#ffffcc }
#p-navigation .pBody ul, #p-search .pBody ul, #p-tb .pBody ul, #p-lang .pBody ul, #p-wikicities-nav .pBody ul {
list-style-image: none;
list-style-position: outside;
list-style-type: circle;
padding: 0 0 0 1.5em;
margin: 0;
#p-navigation .pBody li, #p-search .pBody li, #p-tb .pBody li, #p-lang .pBody li, #p-wikicities-nav .pBody li {
border-left: 1px solid #ffcccc;
border-bottom: 1px solid #ccccff;
padding: 0 0 .05em .5em;

== less annoying "You have new messages" ==

In your ''user/monobook.css'' :
.usermessage {
background-color: #FFFFFF;
border: 1px solid #777777;
color: Black;
font-weight: normal;
margin: .5em 0em .5em 0em;
padding: 4px;
vertical-align: middle;

== Redirects ==

On [[Special:Allpages]], you can make redirects stand out a lot more. For example (in MediaWiki:Common.css or ''user/monobook.css''):

.allpagesredirect { font-style: italic; }
.allpagesredirect:after { color:grey; content: " (redirect)"}

Makes them italic and appended with the word 'redirect'.

.allpagesredirect a { background: url(/images/5/5c/Allpagesredirect.gif) center left no-repeat; padding-left: 13px; }

Gives each redirect a small image ([http://uncyclopedia.org/images/5/5c/Allpagesredirect.gif found here], save and upload to use, public domain (or create your own)) to the side.

==Recent Changes tweaks==

===Hilighting admin/staff===
This lets you style the nickname of trusted editors in the recent changes as you wish.

In your ''user/monobook.css'' (or in MediaWiki:Common.css '''with community approval''') :

ul.special li a[title="User:Angela"],
ul.special li a[title="User:Sannse"],
ul.special li a[title="User:Splarka"] { font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; color: #ff00ff; }

This example shows Angela, Sannse, and Splarka as bold, magenta, and italic, in recent changes.

table.diff a[title="User:Splarka"],
ul#pagehistory li a[title="User:Splarka"],
ul.special li a[title="User:Splarka"] { color: #33dd33; font-weight:bold; }

This example shows Splarka as bold and green, in diffs, page histories, and recent changes.

===Finding new users===
In MediaWiki:Common.css or ''user/monobook.css'':

ul.special li a[title ^="User talk:"].new { color:#ff00ff;font-weight:bold }

Will show a bright pink <span style="color:#ff00ff;font-weight:bold;text-decoration:underline">Talk</span> link on recent changes, for all users who do not have talk pages.

ul.special li a[title ^="User talk:"].new { color:#ff00ff;font-weight:bold }
ul.special li a[title ="Special:Contributions"] + a[title ^="User talk:"].new { color:#CC2200;font-weight:normal }

Will do the same, but only for logged in users, and not IPs. ''Note that it does this by resetting IP talk links to normal, so whatever changes done have to be undone.''

===Float the namespace selector to the right===
In ''user/monobook.css'':
div.namespacesettings {
float: right;
clear: none;
position: relative;
top: -8em;
width: 175px;
border: 1px dotted #AAAAAA;
padding: 4px;
Gets it out of the way.

===Various minor tweaks===
In ''user/monobook.css'':
.newpage { color : #990000; }
.minor { color : #AAAAAA; }
.unpatrolled { color : #ff00ff; }
This changes the N (new page) letter to red, the m (minor edit) letter to grey, and the ! (unpatrolled edit) exclamation mark to bright pink. Lots of things can be done in excess to this, such as images, extra comments, and blinking.

==Make some links look like regular links==
This is useful if you want to make inline templates with a mixture of internal/interwiki/external links but don't want a clash of link formatting associated with such. In MediaWiki:Common.css:

#bodyContent .stealthexternallink a { background: none; padding: 0; color: #002bb8; }
#bodyContent .stealthexternallink a.new { color: #CC2200 !important; }
#bodyContent .stealthexternallink a:visited { color: #5a3696; }
#bodyContent .stealthexternallink a:active { color: #faa700; }
#bodyContent .stealthexternallink a:hover { text-decoration: underline; }

And then put such links in <nowiki><span class="stealthexternallink"></span></nowiki>

==Make class="new" inheritable==
This allows you to force links to be red, by putting links in a block or inline element in class="new": In MediaWiki:Common.css:

.new a { color:#cc2200; }
.new a:visited { color:#a55858; }

And then: <nowiki><span class="new">[[Blah]]</span></nowiki> should always be red.

==Different logos per...==
===Per namespace===
You can change the logos in each namespace, via MediaWiki:Monobook.css. For example:

body.ns-110 #p-logo a { background-image: url(/images/6/61/Forum_Logo_Soapboxes.png) !important; }
body.ns-111 #p-logo a { background-image: url(/images/d/db/Forum_talk.png) !important; }

Note that you must determine the image location and namespace number yourself. To determine the image location: upload an image, right click on it, and 'copy image location' (mozilla) or 'properites' (ie). To determine the namespace number, go to a page in that namespace and view page source, the <nowiki><body></nowiki> tag will have it as a class, eg user might be <nowiki><body class="ns-2 ltr"></nowiki> indicating ''body.ns-2'' is the identifier for that namespace. Hint: Lots of customizations are possible by namespace.

===Per pagename===
If you look at the page source, you'll see the &lt;body&gt; tag has quite a lot of classes as of MediaWiki: 1.9. For example, this page:
<nowiki><body class="mediawiki ns-2 ltr page-User_Splarka_tricks"></nowiki>
If one wanted to change the logo, just of this page, one could put in [[MediaWiki:Monobook.css]]
body.page-User_Splarka_tricks #p-logo a { background-image: url(<span style="color:red">'''http://somelink'''</span>) !important; }
This opens up the possibility to make certain pages, such a your main page or certain help pages, quite unique.

== Misc user css tweaks ==
Mostly for ''user/monobook.css'':

Make action tab links change color when visited:
#p-cactions .new a:visited { color: #ba6644; }
#p-cactions li a:visited { color: #492FAF; }

Position the delete confirmation button at the same place on every page (useful for mass deletions in tabs):
#deleteconfirm { position: absolute; top: 130px; left: 150px; }

Remove gap between action tabs (talk/edit, and move/watch (or history/watch)):
li#ca-watch, li#ca-unwatch { margin-right: 1.6em; margin-left: .05em; }
li#ca-talk { margin-right: .4em; }

Show "Templates used on this page" as an inline list instead of long bullet pointed list.
.templatesUsed ul { list-style: none; }
.templatesUsed li { display: inline; padding: 0 0 0.1em 0; margin: 0 0.3em 0 0; }

Make edit pages much smaller (by removing copyright warning and tools) '''Warning: for advanced users only, could get you banned for ignoring site rules'''
#editpage-copywarn { display: none !important; }
#editpage-tools { display: none !important; }

Removes block expiry dropdown on Special:Blockip (I always type in a time manually).
#wpBlockExpiry { display: none !important; }

That annoying updated marker!
.updatedmarker {display: none}

Wanna change your edit box font?
textarea {font-family: "Comic Sans MS"; font-size:110%;}

==Printed links Underlined==
in ''user/monobook.css'':
@media print {
a, a.external, a.new, a.stub {
color: blue ! important;
text-decoration: underline ! important;

==Border on LaTeX images==
Experimental, requires CSS2.
a img[alt="math"] { border:1px solid green;background-color:white;padding:3px; }

Also (from [[HRWiki:User:Lapper|Lapper]]):
#bodyContent a[href ^="/extensions/wiki/text/tmp/"] { border:1px solid green;background-color:white;padding:3px; }

==Per-namespace tab buttons==

A quick trick to let you customize messages per namespace.

For example, to prefix a namespace-specific word before 'discussion' on every talk page:

body.ns-0 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Article "}
body.ns-1 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Article "}
body.ns-2 #ca-talk a:before { content: "User "}
body.ns-3 #ca-talk a:before { content: "User "}
body.ns-4 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Project "}
body.ns-5 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Project "}
body.ns-6 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Image "}
body.ns-7 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Image "}
body.ns-8 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Message "}
body.ns-9 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Message "}
body.ns-10 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Template "}
body.ns-11 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Template "}
body.ns-12 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Help "}
body.ns-13 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Help "}
body.ns-14 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Category "}
body.ns-15 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Category "}
body.ns-100 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Lodging "}
body.ns-101 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Lodging "}
body.ns-102 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Restaurant "}
body.ns-103 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Restaurant "}
body.ns-110 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Forum "}
body.ns-111 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Forum "}

''(CSS2 - won't work on all browsers)''

==Poor-man's hit counter==
Putting this under CSS since it is mostly CSS.

First you go to a hit counter site like http://hitslog.com/ or http://server3.web-stat.com/ and sign up and get an embeddable image (These are by far the easiest to use with mediawiki. The ones that require a &lt;script&gt; tag or raw html are no good). Then in your [[MediaWiki:Monobook.css]] stick the image in the footer with something like:
#f-copyrightico { width:190px; text-align: left; background: white url(http://h2.hitslog.com/myspace/#####.png) no-repeat top right}

[[Image:Hitslog example.gif|frame|center|It might look like this.]]

Alternately, you can put it in [[MediaWiki:Sidebar]] as an empty link, like:
* hit counter
** http://hitslog.com/|
And then show it with something like:
#p-hit_counter ul, #p-hit_counter li { list-style: none; padding:0; }
#p-hit_counter li#n- a {border:0px solid white; display:block; width:88px; height: 31px; background: white url(http://h2.hitslog.com/myspace/#####.png) no-repeat 0 0}

(note that the ID of the header line in Sidebar must match the #p- ID in the CSS)

=Javascript (untested in 1.9 yet)=
'''Note:''' I haven't tested all the scripts in this section in 1.9 yet. When I do, I'll move them to the next section or remove them (if they are not needed).

Usually for [[MediaWiki:Monobook.js]] or [[Special:Mypage/monobook.js]]

==Trimmed main page==
'''NOTE''': ''As we've upgraded to 1.9, javascript is no longer needed ([http://svn.wikimedia.org/viewvc/mediawiki?view=rev&revision=17119 rev:17119]). This section should be moved to the CSS sections above.''

To style a specific page, in MediaWiki:Monobook.css (or user css, or MediaWiki:Common.css if it is not unique to the user interface), use the body tag page class. Examples:

body.page-Main_Page #lastmod, #siteSub, #contentSub, h1.firstHeading { display: none !important; }
body.page-Main_Page #p-cactions, #p-personal, #lastmod, #siteSub, #contentSub, h1.firstHeading
body.page-Main_Page #p-logo a { background-image: url(<nowiki>http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/b/bc/Wiki.png</nowiki>) !important; }

==Per-Page CSS support==
:'''''Deprecated due to upgrade.''': this is now supported natively in Wikia. View page history for code if you wish to use it elsewhere.''

==Patrolled edits popups==
:'''''Deprecated due to upgrade.''': this should happen automatically now.''

==Link generation page==
:'''''Not highly tested'''. Known to have problems with non-english content languages (like Polish in MediaWiki: namespace).''

This lets you create a template with parameter that generates a multitude of links that, for example, search for that parameter (Similar to Book_sources on Wikimedia, eg: [[Wikipedia:Wikipedia:Book_sources]])

function linkInsert() {
var linkpage = 'MediaWiki:Links';
var linkparm = 'link';
var magic = 'MAGICWORD';

if(document.title.indexOf(linkpage) != 0) return;
if(!queryString(linkparm)||(queryString(linkparm)==magic)) return;

var body = document.getElementById('bodyContent')
while (body.innerHTML.indexOf(magic) != -1) {
body.innerHTML = body.innerHTML.replace(magic, queryString(linkparm))

function queryString(p) {
var re = RegExp('[&?]' + p + '=([^&]*)');
var matches;
if (matches = re.exec(document.location)) {
try {
return decodeURI(matches[1]);
} catch (e) {
return null;

To use it, create a template with contents like:

<nowiki>[{{fullurl:MediaWiki:Links|link={{urlencode:{{{1|}}}}}}} search]</nowiki>

And then if your template is called, eg <code><nowiki>{{foo|pink floyd the wall}}</nowiki></code> it will generate a link to <code>/index.php?title=MediaWiki:Links&link=pink+floyd+the+wall</code> ... and all occurences of MAGICWORD on MediaWiki:Links will be replaced by <code>pink+floyd+the+wall</code>, eg:

==Re-link 'Talk:' Categories==
Often, to keep maintenace/project category clutter on large wikis to a minimum, the talk page is categorized instead.

Someone requested an on-demand script to change links on category pages from "Talk:Pagename" to "Pagename", and "Namespace_talk:Pagename" to "Namespace:Pagename".

function catSwapButton() {
if(document.title.indexOf('Category:' == 0)) {
var tabs = document.getElementById('p-cactions').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0];
addlilink(tabs, 'javascript:catSwap()', 'De-talkify', 'ca-catswap');

function catSwap() {
var cat = document.getElementById('bodyContent');
cat.innerHTML = cat.innerHTML.replace(/Talk\:/g,'').replace(/[_\s]talk\:/g,':');

function addlilink(tabs, url, name, id) {
var na = document.createElement('a');
na.href = url;
na.id = id;
var li = document.createElement('li');
return li;

<!-- 1.10 version
function catSwapButton() {
if(document.title.indexOf('Category:' == 0)) {
addPortletLink('p-cactions','javascript:catSwap();','De-Talkify','ca-catswap','change category links from talk pages to article pages');

function catSwap() {
var cat = document.getElementById('mw-pages');
cat.innerHTML = cat.innerHTML.replace(/Talk\:/g,'').replace(/[_\s]talk\:/g,':');

==Watchlist styler==
If you want to highlight certain aspects of your watchlist, you can do so thusly.

var wstyle = [];
wstyle[wstyle.length] = {
'match': 'Hydrogen',
'color': '#ffff00',
'bgcol': '#00ff00'}
wstyle[wstyle.length] = {
'match': 'MediaWiki',
'color': '#ff0000'}
wstyle[wstyle.length] = {
'match': 'Talk:',
'bgcol': '#000000'}

function watchlistStyle() {
if(document.title.indexOf('My watchlist -') != 0) return;
var links = document.getElementById('bodyContent').getElementsByTagName('a');
for(var i=0;i < links.length;i++) {
for(var k=0;k < wstyle.length;k++) {
if(links[i].innerHTML.indexOf(wstyle[k].match)!= -1) {
if(wstyle[k].color) links[i].style.color = wstyle[k].color
if(wstyle[k].bgcol) links[i].style.backgroundColor = wstyle[k].bgcol

Note that you can expand this to work on other content pages, or all content pages, by modifying the return conditions. For example, if you'd like this to work on recent changes too:
if((document.title.indexOf('My watchlist -') != 0)&&(document.title.indexOf('Recent changes - ') != 0)) return;

Also, this can be done in CSS (similar to [[User:Splarka/tricks#Hilighting_admin.2Fstaff]]).
body.ns--1 #bodyContent a[title*="Template"] {color: red; background-color:blue;}
''This will be more effective per-page (such as just watchlist or just recent changes) after the 1.9 upgrade''

=Javascript 1.9+=
Stuff here has been tested on and works under 1.9. Will migrate/simplify stuff and move it here this week.

Note that with [[MediaWiki:Common.js]] functionality: do not make the mistake of moving all your javscript there directly. Much of the Javascript used is specifically for Monobook.

==Changeable preloads==
Here is a quick and dirty way to add a dropdown selection menu:

function preloadMenu() {
if(document.createbox.preload) {
var cb = document.createbox;
if(cb.preload.value == 'Template:Default') {
var sel = 'Preloads: <select name="presel" onChange="document.createbox.preload.value = document.createbox.presel.value">\n'
sel += '<option value="">Default: '+ document.createbox.preload.value +'</option>\n';
sel += '<option value="Template:Foo"> Foo page</option>\n';
sel += '<option value="Template:Bar"> Bar page</option>\n';
sel += '<option value="Template:Baz"> Baz page</option>\n';
sel += '</select>\n';
cb.innerHTML = sel + cb.innerHTML;

If the above script finds an input box with a preload=, and if it finds the default template matching (as a way to limit its operation), it will then create a dropdown list that you specify, and allow you to choose a different preload. For example, the following inputbox would trigger the above script:


There are 3 demo options listed above (you can add or remove as needed).
<nowiki>sel += '<option value="Template:Foo"> Foo page</option>\n';</nowiki>
The editable parts:
* value="" specifies the exact name of the template (spaces or underscores allowed).
* The text between the &gt;&lt; specifies the text seen in the dropdown box.

You can add more cases, just duplicate the inner if() and simply change the conditions.

==Add checkuser link to contribs==
This adds a link to Special:CheckUser, w:Special:LookupContribs, and w:Special:MultiLookup (if you're checking an IP) on user contrib pages in the contentSub heading.
:<tt>Before: For (Talk | block | Block log | Logs )</tt>
:<tt>After: For (Talk | block | Block log | Logs | Checkuser | LookupContribs | MultiLookup )</tt>

Updated to check rights first, and do it with almost proper DOM handling. ''Hint: this is pretty easy to expand with some copy/paste and small tweaks''.

function contribtools() {
if(wgPageName!="Special:Contributions") return
var ug = wgUserGroups.join(' ');
var cs = document.getElementById('contentSub');
// poorman contribs type finder. -1 = existing user
var ctype = cs.getElementsByTagName('a')[0].href.indexOf('User_talk');

if(ug.indexOf('staff') + ug.indexOf('checkuser') > -2) {
if(ctype==-1) {
var culink = '/wiki/Special:CheckUser?subuser=OK&user=';
} else {
var culink = '/wiki/Special:CheckUser?subipusers=OK&ip=';
var cu1 = document.createTextNode(' | ');
var cu2 = document.createElement('a');
cu2.href = culink + document.forms[0].target.value;
cu2.setAttribute('title', cu2.href);

//may need tweaking for you personally, like if(1==1)
if(ug.indexOf('staff') + ug.indexOf('lookupcontribs') > -2) {
var lulink = 'http://www.wikia.com/wiki/Special:Lookupcontribs?mode=normal&view=full&target=';
var lu1 = document.createTextNode(' | ');
var lu2 = document.createElement('a');
lu2.href = lulink + document.forms[0].target.value.replace(/_/g,'+');
lu2.setAttribute('title', lu2.href);

if((ug.indexOf('staff') > -1)&&(ctype!=-1)) {
var mulink = 'http://www.wikia.com/wiki/Special:MultiLookup?wpIP=';
var mu1 = document.createTextNode(' | ');
var mu2 = document.createElement('a');
mu2.href = mulink + document.forms[0].target.value;
mu2.setAttribute('title', mu2.href);

Default version addable from:

document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="'
+ 'http://www.wikia.com/index.php?title=User:Splarka/contribtools.js'
+ '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"></script>');

==List of all Wikia==

This is just a list of all the Wikia on Wikia. It isn't current (as it has to be manually created from the database list), and it excludes all the non-wikia domains (uncyclopedia.org/memoryalpha.org). It would be nice if someday it was referenceable from a url like ''www.wikia.com/stats/wikialist.js'' (hint hint).

As it is, you can reference it via:
<nowiki><script type="text/javascript" src="http://wikia.com/index.php?title=MediaWiki:Wikialist.js&amp;action=raw&amp;ctype=text/javascript&amp;dontcountme=s"></script></nowiki>

And then use it for something in JS that needs a list of lots of wikia. Whatever.

==Customize the search box==
You can add this to your ''user/monobook.js'' to change the search box.

This changes the go button to view, and the search button to edit (the value and label should stay at these words), and the name of both to action. The consequece of this is: clicking edit takes you to /w/index.php?title=WHATEVER&action=edit, and clicking go *should* take you to /w/index.php?title=WHATEVER&action=view ... however, it takes me (at least) directly to /wiki/WHATEVER, even if the page does not exist (and not to the edit page). Note that this still does not let you manually type &action=edit but it does let you just click 'edit' instead.

function customsearch() {
if(document.getElementById('searchform')) {
document.getElementById('searchform').action = "/index.php";
document.getElementById('searchInput').name = "title";
document.getElementById('searchGoButton').name = "action";
document.getElementById('searchGoButton').value = "view";
document.getElementById('mw-searchButton').name = "action";
document.getElementById('mw-searchButton').value = "edit";

This sets the focus on a page load, to the search box:
addOnloadHook(function() {document.getElementById('searchInput')..focus(); return false;});

==Change the favicon==
On Wikia you can upload a custom favicon per wiki, but if you personally want to put a notably different favicon on each wiki you edit, you can add to your ''user/monobook.js'':
var fav = document.createElement('link');
fav.setAttribute('rel','shortcut icon');
fav.setAttribute('href',<nowiki>'</nowiki>'''link to icon'''<nowiki>'</nowiki>);
Where <tt>'''link to icon'''</tt> is the full url to a 16x16 icon.

You can also use the ''wgPageName'' variable to give specific pages specific favicons. Evil. --[[w:User:Splarka|Splarka]] <small>([[w:User_talk:Splarka|talk]])</small> 06:35, 1 May 2007 (UTC)

==Extra search box==
function whoisip() {
if(!document.getElementById) return;
var searchForm = document.getElementById("searchform");
var whoisForm=document.createElement('form');
whoisForm.action = 'http://www.dnsstuff.com/tools/whois.ch';
whoisForm.method - 'GET';
whoisForm.innerHTML = '<input accesskey="1" TYPE=text NAME=ip SIZE=16 class="std"><input TYPE=submit VALUE="WHOIS" class="send-btn">';

==Search link reassign==
Originally from Wookieepedia, but this version is updated for 1.9. This should cause no errors in Common.js, but the image only ever loads in the Monobook skin, so only needs to be added to Monobook.js. This reassigns the Image:Search_logo.png link on the side to point to Special:Search. If the div or anchor tags do not exist, it does nothing.

function searchLink() {
if ((document.getElementById('searchform'))&&(document.getElementById('searchform').getElementsByTagName('a').length != 0)) {
document.getElementById('searchform').getElementsByTagName('a')[0].href = wgArticlePath.replace(/\$1/,'Special:Search');

==Supercustomize edit buttons==
Now that we have support for [[Help:Custom_edit_buttons|custom edit buttons]], it is easy to add buttons to the edit tools, but say you want to rearrange the existing ones? Pretty easy, just disable the default ones, and re-add them in any order you want (you will lose translations, so be warned).

For example, Say you want to put a redirect button before the other buttons:

<pre style="overflow:auto;height:20em;"><nowiki>
function addButton() {

if (mwCustomEditButtons) {
mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
"imageFile": "http://images.wikia.com/central/images/c/c8/Button_redirect.png",
"speedTip": "Redirect",
"tagOpen": "#REDIRECT [[",
"tagClose": "]]",
"sampleText": "Insert text"};

mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
"imageFile": "/skins/common/images/button_bold.png",
"speedTip": "Bold text",
"tagOpen": "\'\'\'",
"tagClose": "\'\'\'",
"sampleText": "Bold text"};

mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
"imageFile": "/skins/common/images/button_italic.png",
"speedTip": "Italic text",
"tagOpen": "\'\'",
"tagClose": "\'\'",
"sampleText": "Italic text"};

mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
"imageFile": "/skins/common/images/button_link.png",
"speedTip": "Internal link",
"tagOpen": "[[",
"tagClose": "]]",
"sampleText": "Link title"};

mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
"imageFile": "/skins/common/images/button_extlink.png",
"speedTip": "External link (remember http:// prefix)",
"tagOpen": "[",
"tagClose": "]",
"sampleText": "http://www.example.com link title"};

mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
"imageFile": "/skins/common/images/button_headline.png",
"speedTip": "Level 2 headline",
"tagOpen": "\n== ",
"tagClose": " ==\n",
"sampleText": "Headline text"};

mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
"imageFile": "/skins/common/images/button_image.png",
"speedTip": "Embedded image",
"tagOpen": "[[Image:",
"tagClose": "]]",
"sampleText": "Example.jpg"};

mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
"imageFile": "/skins/common/images/button_media.png",
"speedTip": "Media file link",
"tagOpen": "[[Media:",
"tagClose": "]]",
"sampleText": "Example.ogg"};

mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
"imageFile": "/skins/common/images/button_math.png",
"speedTip": "Mathematical formula (LaTeX)",
"tagOpen": "<math>",
"tagClose": "<\/math>",
"sampleText": "Insert formula here"};

mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
"imageFile": "/skins/common/images/button_nowiki.png",
"speedTip": "Ignore wiki formatting",
"tagOpen": "<nowiki>",
"tagClose": "<\/nowiki>",
"sampleText": "Insert non-formatted text here"};

mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
"imageFile": "/skins/common/images/button_sig.png",
"speedTip": "Your signature with timestamp",
"tagOpen": "--~~~~",
"tagClose": "",
"sampleText": ""};

mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
"imageFile": "/skins/common/images/button_hr.png",
"speedTip": "Horizontal line (use sparingly)",
"tagOpen": "\n----\n",
"tagClose": "",
"sampleText": ""};

'''Note''': There is no need to upload the images for the default ones (just use the local /skins/ url), and if the custom buttons have possible use across wikia, please upload them to the Central Wikia (see [[Help:Custom edit buttons]]. --[[w:User:Splarka|Splarka]] <small>([[w:User_talk:Splarka|talk]])</small> 09:13, 28 March 2007 (UTC)

==Semi-automated deletions==
Note: ''This method has been used to delete thousands of images on commons.wikimedia, and can be very effective for those with nothing but Firefox to semo-automate a process, or those having problems getting the PyWikipediaBot to work while logged in as a sysop.''

This is actually, basically, one line of code (along with a query string checker, like [[Uncyclopedia:User:Volte|volte's]] below. If the query string contains &submitdelete=true, the delete button is submitted by the javascript.

function checkdelete() {
if(queryString("submitdelete")=="true") document.getElementById('deleteconfirm').wpConfirmB.click()

function queryString(p) {
var re = RegExp('[&?]' + p + '=([^&]*)');
var matches;
if (matches = re.exec(document.location)) {
try {
return decodeURI(matches[1]);
} catch (e) {
return null;

The trick, then, is simply generating a list of files to delete as URLs. For example, to delete this page:
* http://www.wikia.com/index.php?title=User:Splarka/tricks&action=delete
:Would become:
* http://www.wikia.com/index.php?title=User:Splarka/tricks&action=delete&submitdelete=true
:You can also add a default reason, using MediaWiki query-input syntax:
* http://www.wikia.com/index.php?title=User:Splarka/tricks&action=delete&wpReason=This+is+a+dangerous+page&submitdelete=true

Having generated several dozen or thousand links (with a search/replace or other method of your choice), you can then put them on a temporary wiki page, select about 50 at a time, right click, and 'open in new tabs' (in Firefox). And then go through and close all the tabs as soon as they finish.

''Hint'': This can be used on some other forms with some modification, like [[Special:Block]].

''Hint'': The "Open links in new tabs" functionality may need a FireFox plugin, such as [http://gemal.dk/mozilla/linky.html linky].

''Hint'': The above javascript code is user-specific. If the new tabs stay at a confirmation page rather than automatically deleting the page, make sure you're logged onto the same account that has the javascript in its user-specific monobook.js.

==Batch upload==
A batch file upload is often requested, but usually requires a greasemonkey-type plugin or specially written Python bot. There is a way to highly automate the process in vanilla Mozilla/Firefox, but it requires temporarily relaxing security settings (as explained in the script comments). There are three parts to using it (''note that, except for testing, you should really do step 3, the URL generation, first, so that you don't leave your browser insecure longer than needed''):

===The script===
This goes into your user/monobook.js on the Wiki you need to upload to. It can stay in your script indefinitely as it is rather passive unless triggered:
<pre style="overflow:auto;height:20em;"><nowiki>
// ==================================================
// Begin batch upload script for Mozilla/FF - Splarka
// ==================================================
This is a highly evil and somewhat esoteric script
that allows fast and multiple batch uploading of
files to a wiki.

It requires TEMPORARILY relaxing default security
settings in your browser. Specifically: Javascript
should *not* be able to arbitrarily upload files of
a given name. But this is exactly what this script
requires to operate. While relaxing your security,
you should not visit any other sites except the
wiki in question.

To enable:
* Go to the URL about:config in firefox
* find/create and set to 'true':
** signed.applets.codebase_principal_support

To disable:
* Go to the URL about:config in firefox
* find/create and set to 'false':
** signed.applets.codebase_principal_support

For more info/troubleshooting see:

function uploadbatch() {
if((document.title.indexOf('Upload file - ') == 0)&&(queryString('wpUploadFile'))) {
try { netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege('UniversalFileRead'); }
catch($err) {
var $privileges = false;
alert('Error: Unable to perform file upload. App was denied elevated privileges to do so.');
if((queryString('wpUploadFile'))&&(document.getElementById('wpUploadFile').value == '')) document.getElementById('wpUploadFile').value = decodeURIComponent(queryString('wpUploadFile')).replace(/\+/g,' ')
if((queryString('wpDestFile'))&&(document.getElementById('wpDestFile').value == '')) document.getElementById('wpDestFile').value = decodeURIComponent(queryString('wpDestFile')).replace(/\+/g,' ')
if((queryString('wpUploadDescription'))&&(document.getElementById('wpUploadDescription').value == '')) document.getElementById('wpUploadDescription').value = decodeURIComponent(queryString('wpUploadDescription')).replace(/\+/g,' ')
if(queryString('wpUpload') == 'submit') document.forms[0].wpUpload.click()

function queryString(p) {
var re = RegExp('[&?]' + p + '=([^&]*)');
var matches;
if (matches = re.exec(document.location)) {
try {
return decodeURI(matches[1]);
} catch (e) {
return null;

// ==================================================
// End batch upload script for Mozilla/FF - Splarka
// ==================================================

===The security===
Enabling this script is somewhat of a pain. There are several ways to do it and not all of them work. You will get a warning message the first time (usually you can select a default answer).

As explained in the script, to enable it in Firefox/Mozilla, go to '''about:config'''
* To enable:
"signed.applets.codebase_principal_support" to "true"
* To disable:
"signed.applets.codebase_principal_support" to "false"

Alternately, you can add these to the browser's prefs.js (usually in a subfolder of "documents and settings\user\application data") directly (comment out to disable):
user_pref("signed.applets.codebase_principal_support", true);

Or to the browser's default prefs definition ''defaults\pref\firefox.js'' (comment out to disable):
pref("signed.applets.codebase_principal_support", true);

Note, if the above fails, you may have luck by adding (temporarily) this to your prefs.js:
user_pref("capability.principal.codebase.p0.granted", "UniversalFileRead");

===The URL generation and usage===

Now, once you have this infrastructure in place, what do you do with it?

The easiest way, is to generate a set of URLs which you can then list on a temporary wikipage and batch-upload by hilighting large groups and using the "open links in new tabs" feature of Firefox. Then, after they've loaded, all you have to do is close the tabs (if there are no warning messages).

The javascript takes 4 URL parameters which must be escaped/encoded into URL-speak (hex values for nonalphanumeric characters, %20 = space, %A0 = linefeed, etc) :
*'''wpUploadFile''' (string, required): determines the local path of your file to upload. Like &wpUploadFile=c:%5Cwiki%5Cimage%201.gif (encoded version of "c:\wiki\image 1.gif")
*'''wpDestFile''' (string, optional): file name, if different.
*'''wpUploadDescription''' (string, optional): information box for the upload. Put license info here. For example: wpUploadDescription=Some%20file%0A%0A%3D%3DLicense%3D%3D%0A%7B%7BGFDL%7D%7D
*'''wpUpload''' (string, optional): if set to "submit" the form will submit automatically, meaning you only have to open the URL in a new tab, and close it when done.

So for example:

:'''Note''': Mostly working tool to automate this: [http://wikia-inc.com/wiki/Batch_upload_gen?action=render Batch upload generator].

Add a bot=1 parameter to user contribs pages, to hide the rollbacks from [[Special:Recentchanges]] (if spammy).

function hiderollback() {
if(document.title.indexOf('User contributions')==-1) return;
var tabs = document.getElementById('p-cactions').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0];
var botlink = document.location.href;
if(botlink.indexOf('?')==-1) {
botlink += '?bot=1';
} else {
botlink += '&bot=1';
addlilink(tabs, botlink, '&bot=1', 'ca-bot');

function addlilink(tabs, url, name, id) {
var na = document.createElement('a');
na.href = url;
na.id = id;
var li = document.createElement('li');
return li;

==Hide namespaces in categories==

A quick script to hide namespace prefixes in category lists. Just add <code><nowiki><div id="catnoprefix" style="display:none;"></div></nowiki></code> to the category description page to activate it.

function catprefix() {
if(!document.getElementById('catnoprefix')) return
var anchors = document.getElementById('mw-pages').getElementsByTagName('a');
for(var i=0;i < anchors.length;i++) {
if(anchors[i].firstChild.nodeValue.indexOf(':') != -1) {
anchors[i].firstChild.nodeValue = anchors[i].firstChild.nodeValue.substring(anchors[i].firstChild.nodeValue.indexOf(':')+1);

Here is another version:
<pre style="overflow:auto;"><nowiki>
addOnloadHook(function() {if(document.getElementById('catnoprefix')) document.getElementById('mw-pages').innerHTML = document.getElementById('mw-pages').innerHTML.replace(/\<a href\=([^\>]*\>)[^\:|\<]*\:/g,'<a href=$1');});

==Countdown timers==

:Note: This is a completely revamped version, for the old version, click [http://community.wikia.com/index.php?title=User:Splarka/tricks&oldid=82702#Countdown_timers here].

<pre style="overflow:auto;height:20em;"><nowiki>
// **************************************************
// Experimental javascript countdown timer (Splarka)
// Version 0.0.3
// **************************************************
// Usage example:
// <span class="countdown" style="display:none;">
// Only <span class="countdowndate">January 01 2007 00:00:00 PST</span> until New years.
// </span>
// <span class="nocountdown">Javascript disabled.</span>

function updatetimer(i) {
var now = new Date();
var then = timers[i].eventdate;
var diff = count=Math.floor((then.getTime()-now.getTime())/1000);

// catch bad date strings
if(isNaN(diff)) {
timers[i].firstChild.nodeValue = '** ' + timers[i].eventdate + ' **' ;

// determine plus/minus
if(diff<0) {
diff = -diff;
var tpm = 'T plus ';
} else {
var tpm = 'T minus ';

// calcuate the diff
var left = (diff%60) + ' seconds';
if(diff > 0) left = (diff%60) + ' minutes ' + left;
if(diff > 0) left = (diff%24) + ' hours ' + left;
if(diff > 0) left = diff + ' days ' + left
timers[i].firstChild.nodeValue = tpm + left;

// a setInterval() is more efficient, but calling setTimeout()
// makes errors break the script rather than infinitely recurse
timeouts[i] = setTimeout('updatetimer(' + i + ')',1000);

function checktimers() {
//hide 'nocountdown' and show 'countdown'
var nocountdowns = getElementsByClassName(document, 'span', 'nocountdown');
for(var i in nocountdowns) nocountdowns[i].style.display = 'none'
var countdowns = getElementsByClassName(document, 'span', 'countdown');
for(var i in countdowns) countdowns[i].style.display = 'inline'

//set up global objects timers and timeouts.
timers = getElementsByClassName(document, 'span', 'countdowndate'); //global
timeouts = new Array(); // generic holder for the timeouts, global
if(timers.length == 0) return;
for(var i in timers) {
timers[i].eventdate = new Date(timers[i].firstChild.nodeValue);
updatetimer(i); //start it up

// **************************************************
// - end - Experimental javascript countdown timer
// **************************************************

Changes since 0.0.2:
* Uses 3 spans instead of 2 (one is optional): An outer wrapping span class="countdown", a child span class="countdowndate" containing the literal date, and an outer span class="nocountdown" for default javascript-free message (optional).
* Did away with "until" and "ago since", now uses "T minus" and "T plus".

The new syntax is:
<span class="countdown" style="display:none;">
countdown text <span class="countdowndate">date</span> countdown text
<span class="nocountdown">no javascript text</span>

For example:
<span class="countdown" style="display:none;">
New years is in <span class="countdowndate">January 01 2007 00:00:00 PST</span>.
<span class="nocountdown">Counter unavailable.</span>
Could generate:
New years is in T minus 251 days 7 hours 19 minutes 51 seconds.

:''Not highly tested yet. [[User_talk:Splarka|Feedback]] welcome.''

==Whatlinkshere delete link==
Quick and dirty script to add 'delete' link to Unlinked pages, if you are on Special:Whatlinkshere (requested).

function whatlinksheredel() {
if(wgPageName!='Special:Whatlinkshere') return
if(!document.getElementById('nolinkshere')) return
if(document.getElementById('nolinkshere').childNodes[1].nodeType!=1) return
var url=document.getElementById('nolinkshere').childNodes[1].firstChild.href;
if(url.indexOf('action=edit')!=-1) return;
var link = document.createElement('a');
link.setAttribute('href', url + '&action=delete');
link.setAttribute('style', 'font-size:90%;padding-left:20px');

==Block reasons dropdown==
This is actually added in a very recent modification to MediaWiki, but was requested by unmentioned impatient parties.

This script grabs an invisible div you define in [[MediaWiki:Blockiptext]], for example:

&lt;div id="ipbreason-dropdown-js" style="display:none;"&gt;&lt;nowiki&gt;
* Common block reasons
** Inserting false information
** Removing content from pages
** Spamming links to external sites
** Inserting nonsense/gibberish into pages
** Intimidating behaviour/harassment
** Abusing multiple accounts
** Vandalism
* Foo
** Bar

The script itself goes into your [[MediaWiki:Common.js]] or user.js

<pre style="overflow:auto;height:20em;"><nowiki>
// ==================================================
// Begin default dropdown block reasons - Splarka
// ==================================================
function blockreasons() {
if(!document.getElementById('ipbreason-dropdown-js')) return;
var reasondiv = document.getElementById('ipbreason-dropdown-js');
var reasons = document.getElementById('ipbreason-dropdown-js').firstChild.nodeValue.split('\n');

var selsel = document.createElement('select');
var firstop = document.createElement('option');
firstop.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Predefined block reasons'));

var groupop = new Array(); var gpn = 0;
var op = new Array(); var opn = 0;
for(var i=0;i<reasons.length;i++) {
if(reasons[i].substring(0,1)=='*') {
if(reasons[i].substring(0,2)=='**') {
op[opn] = document.createElement('option');
} else {
if(groupop[gpn]) selsel.appendChild(groupop[gpn])
groupop[gpn] = document.createElement('optgroup');

var reasonparent = document.getElementById('blockip').wpBlockReason.parentNode;
if(wgPageName=='Special:Blockip') addOnloadHook(blockreasons);

function blockreasonchange() {
var selsel = document.getElementById('blockreasonsel');
var reasonbox = document.getElementById('blockip').wpBlockReason;
if(selsel.selectedIndex == 0) return
reasonbox.value = selsel.options[selsel.selectedIndex].value;
// ==================================================
// End default dropdown block reasons
// ==================================================

==(To add)==


*http://bdsm.wikia.com/wiki/MediaWiki:Monobook.js <- warning cookie
*http://list.wikia.com/index.php?title=User:Splarka/monobook.js&oldid=2176 <- list columnizer
*http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wikipedia_talk:WikiProject_User_scripts&oldid=119646968#New_messages_woe (not useful with shared new messages, perhaps rewrite with a popdown)

=Javascript 1.10+=
Here are some scripts I used or made on Wikipedia. Note that they either require 1.10 features (either due to laziness (some can be rewritten easily) or do to advanced functions or elements) or simply don't have much use on Wikia.

Note to self:
var isIE = navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1; //IE checker
==Modify a page list on a category==
Adds a button to make talk page links on a category temporarly go to the subject page (bit outdated, should rewrite without innerHTML).
function catSwapButton() {
if(document.title.indexOf('Category:' == 0)) {
addPortletLink('p-cactions','javascript:catSwap();','De-Talkify','ca-catswap','change category links from talk pages to article pages');

function catSwap() {
var cat = document.getElementById('mw-pages');
cat.innerHTML = cat.innerHTML.replace(/Talk\:/g,'').replace(/[_\s]talk\:/g,':');

Adds a button to make all page links on a category link to the delete pages (with optiona
function catDelButton() {
if(wgCanonicalNamespace == 'Category') {
addPortletLink('p-cactions','javascript:catDel();','Delete links','ca-catdelete','change all links to delete links');

function catDel() {
var links = document.getElementById('mw-pages').getElementsByTagName('a');
reason = prompt('Generic reason? (escape for mediawiki default)','');
if(reason!=null) reason = '&wpReason=' + encodeURIComponent(reason)
for(var i=0;i < links.length;i++) {
links[i].href += '?action=delete' + reason;
links[i].firstChild.nodeValue = 'delete ' + links[i].firstChild.nodeValue;
document.getElementById('ca-catdelete').style.display = 'none';

:''Hint: many other possibilities are... possible''

==Add "save" button to actions==
Save action button super delux transform morph go!
function addsaveaction() {
if(document.title.indexOf('Editing ') == 0) addPortletLink('p-cactions','javascript:document.getElementById("wpSave").click();','save','Save');

==Make personal 'talk' link blink for new messages==
Not much use on Wikia with shared new messages. Possibly will make a popdown list or something (as of this writing, shared new messages are broken, though).
function checkMsgs() {
var divs = document.getElementById('bodyContent').getElementsByTagName('div');
if(divs.length <= 2) return;
for(var i=0;i<divs.length;i++) {
if(divs[i].className == 'usermessage') {
divs[i].style.display = 'none';
var talk = document.getElementById('pt-mytalk').firstChild;
talk.style.background='#ffff00 url(http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/96/New_%28animated%29.gif) no-repeat 0 0';

A slightly less yellow version:
function checkMsgs() {
var divs = document.getElementById('bodyContent').getElementsByTagName('div');
if(divs.length <= 2) return;
for(var i=0;i<divs.length;i++) {
if(divs[i].className == 'usermessage') {
divs[i].style.display = 'none';
var talk = document.getElementById('pt-mytalk').firstChild;
// adapted from http://www.wikia.com/wiki/User:Splarka/tricks
// [[b:User:Microchip08]]

==Simple top/bottom edit page insertion tabs==
Unlike the [[Help:Custom_edit_buttons|custom edit buttons]], these are for insertion at the top or the bottom of the current edit window (full page or simple section). I've gotten enough requests for this that it is worthwhile to simply list them here (though I know many others have done it, although differently).

:'''Note: You must wrap this code in (<code>/* &lt;nowiki&gt; */</code>) on the .js file if it contains valid template or signature characters'''

<pre style="overflow:auto;height:20em;"><nowiki>
if(document.title.indexOf('Editing ') == 0) addOnloadHook(addEditTools)
function addEditTools() {
// usage: addPortletLink(portlet, href, text, [id], [tooltip], [accesskey], [nextnode])
function addEditTop(stuff) {
if(!document.getElementById('wpTextbox1')) return
var text = document.getElementById('wpTextbox1');
if(text.value.replace(/ /g,'')=='') {
text.value += stuff;
} else {
text.value = stuff + '\n' + text.value;
function addEditBottom(stuff) {
if(!document.getElementById('wpTextbox1')) return
var text = document.getElementById('wpTextbox1');
if(text.value.replace(/ /g,'')=='') {
text.value += stuff;
} else {
text.value += '\n' + stuff ;
==One-click top/bottom edit page insertion tabs==
These work on almost any action (edit, view, history, diff, oldid). Be very careful when using. These also are one-click, they save immediately!

<pre style="overflow:auto;height:20em;"><nowiki>
// ================================================================================
// START Automated tagging script system
// ================================================================================
// Note: Advanced and a bit spooky.

if(wgNamespaceNumber != -1) addOnloadHook(addTaggingButtons)
function addTaggingButtons() {
//in 1.11 you can use (wgAction == 'edit')
if(document.title.indexOf('Editing ') == 0) {
var iTop = 'javascript:insertTop';
var iBottom = 'javascript:insertBottom';
} else {
var iTop = 'javascript:insertGoTop';
var iBottom = 'javascript:insertGoBottom';

// addPortletLink( portlet , JS link , button text, element id );
// Add new buttons here
addPortletLink('p-cactions',iTop + '("{{delete}}");','{{delete}} top','ca-templatedelete');
addPortletLink('p-cactions',iBottom + '("That is my story and I am sticking to it ~~~~");','that is my story','ca-story');

function insertTop(stuff) {
if(!document.getElementById('wpTextbox1')) return
var text = document.getElementById('wpTextbox1');
if(text.value.replace(/ /g,'')=='') {
text.value += stuff;
} else {
text.value = stuff + '\n' + text.value;
document.getElementById('wpSummary').value += ' * semiautomated tagging with: ' + stuff;

function insertBottom(stuff) {
if(!document.getElementById('wpTextbox1')) return
var text = document.getElementById('wpTextbox1');
if(text.value.replace(/ /g,'')=='') {
text.value += stuff;
} else {
text.value += '\n' + stuff ;
document.getElementById('wpSummary').value += ' * semiautomated tagging with: ' + stuff;

function insertGoTop(stuff) {
var url = document.getElementById('ca-edit').firstChild.href;
document.location.href = url + '&insert=true&inserttop=' + encodeURIComponent(stuff);

function insertGoBottom(stuff) {
var url = document.getElementById('ca-edit').firstChild.href;
document.location.href = url + '&insert=true&insertbottom=' + encodeURIComponent(stuff);

function processInsert() {
if(queryString('insertbottom')) {
if(queryString('inserttop')) {
if(queryString('insert')=='true') addOnloadHook(processInsert)

function queryString(p) {
var re = RegExp('[&?]' + p + '=([^&]*)');
var matches;
if (matches = re.exec(document.location)) {
try {
return decodeURI(matches[1]);
} catch (e) {
return null;

// ================================================================================
// END Automated tagging script system
// ================================================================================

==One-click delete buttons==
In the same style as the previous section's tagging stuff.
<pre style="overflow:auto;height:20em;"><nowiki>
// ================================================================================
// START Automated deletion button script system
// ================================================================================
// Adds customizable one-click deletion buttons to any deletable page.
function checkdelete() {
if(queryString("submitdelete")=="true") document.getElementById('deleteconfirm').wpConfirmB.click()

if(wgNamespaceNumber != -1) addOnloadHook(addDeleteButtons)
function addDeleteButtons() {
if(!document.getElementById('ca-delete')) return
var url=document.getElementById('ca-delete').firstChild.href
addPortletLink('p-cactions', url + '&submitdelete=true&wpReason=' + encodeURIComponent('This is spam') ,'delete spam','ca-delete1');
addPortletLink('p-cactions', url + '&submitdelete=true&wpReason=' + encodeURIComponent('This is an unused redirect'),'delete redirect','ca-delete2');

function queryString(p) {
var re = RegExp('[&?]' + p + '=([^&]*)');
var matches;
if (matches = re.exec(document.location)) {
try {
return decodeURI(matches[1]);
} catch (e) {
return null;

// ================================================================================
// END Automated deletion button script system
// ================================================================================

==Tabbed navigation (folding multi wiki tabs)==
:''Note: This is an updated version that will work in multiple instances on the same page. For the old version, see [http://www.wikia.com/index.php?title=User:Splarka/tricks&oldid=93381#Tabbed_navigation_.28folding_wiki_tabs.29 here.]''

Sometimes requested, is something similar to [[Help:Dynamic_navigation|dynamic navigation]], but more like the tabs on [[Special:Preferences]]. Here is a basic framework for such. It needs some javascript, some CSS (optional actually), and some wikicode/html (that can be templateified).

===The javascript===
Just pop this into '''MediaWiki:Common.js'''.

''Hint: If you want to have it only trigger on certain pages, put in a check for wgTitle on the addOnloadHook''
<pre style="overflow:auto;height:20em;"><nowiki>
// ==================================================
// Folding Multi Wiki Tabs (experimental)
// ==================================================

function foldingTabsMulti() {
var len=0;
ftsets = getElementsByClassName(document, 'div', 'foldtabSet'); //global object array thingy
if(ftsets.length==0) return

for(var i=0;i<ftsets.length;i++) {
ftsets[i].head = getElementsByClassName(ftsets[i], 'div', 'foldtabHead')[0];
ftsets[i].links = ftsets[i].head.getElementsByTagName('a');
ftsets[i].boxen = getElementsByClassName(ftsets[i], 'div', 'foldtabBox');

if(ftsets[i].links.length < ftsets[i].boxen.length) {
len = ftsets[i].boxen.length;
} else {
len = ftsets[i].links.length;

for(var j=0;j<len;j++) {
ftsets[i].links[j].href = 'javascript:showmultitab(\'' + i + '\',\'' + j + '\');';
ftsets[i].links[j].title = 'click to display tab ' + j + ' of set ' + i;
ftsets[i].head.style.display = 'block';

function showmultitab(set,num) {
for(var j=0;j<ftsets[set].boxen.length;j++) {
if(j==num) {
ftsets[set].boxen[j].style.display = 'block';
} else {
ftsets[set].boxen[j].style.display = 'none';
for(var j=0;j<ftsets[set].links.length;j++) {
if(j==num) {
ftsets[set].links[j].className = 'selected';
} else {
ftsets[set].links[j].className = '';

// ==================================================
// END Folding Multi Wiki Tabs
// ==================================================

===The CSS===
To style the tabs, you can copy/paste one of these to '''MediaWiki:Common.css''':

:These make the links look like folder tabs, sort of like the monobook p-caction tabs.
<pre style="overflow:auto;height:20em;"><nowiki>
/* Folding wiki tabs: folder-like tab style */
.foldtabSet {
position: relative;
.foldtabBox {
border:1px solid #0000aa;
position: relative;
z-index: 1;
.foldtabHead a {
border:1px solid #0000aa;
padding:.13em 1em;
position: relative;
z-index: 0;
.foldtabHead a.selected {
z-index: 2;
.foldtabHead p { padding:0;margin:0; }

:These make the links and content look more like inset/outset boxes (sort of like in Special:Preferences)
<pre style="overflow:auto;height:20em;"><nowiki>
/* Folding wiki tabs: inset box style */
.foldtabSet {
.foldtabBox {
border:2px inset grey;
.foldtabHead {
.foldtabHead a {
border:2px outset grey;
.foldtabHead a.selected {
border:2px inset grey;
.foldtabHead p { padding:0;margin:0; }

:Or you can create your own style.

===The wikicode/html===

Here is an example of how to activate the js/css:

<pre style="overflow:auto;height:20em;"><nowiki>
<div class="foldtabSet">
<div class="foldtabHead" style="display:none;">
<div class="foldtabBox">
stuff 1
<div class="foldtabBox">
stuff 2
<div class="foldtabBox">
stuff 3

:''Note that in this newer version, all "id" definitions have been replaced with "class" for proper multiple instances. Because of this, the "foldtabHead" div must be inside the "foldtabSet" div for proper logical association.''

Some tricks for the wikicode/html:
*In the above example, the javascript-fail fallback is to display all the tabs. If you add <code>style="display:none;"</code> to all the class="foldtabBox" divs except one, they will all be permanently hidden for non-JS browsers.
*In the class="foldtabHead" div, you can remove the <code>style="display:none;"</code> and link the wikilinks to somewhere else besides #top. Then, if javascript is disabled, the user will be taken to an alternate page.
*You can style the tabs by manipulating the CSS in the previous section, or with inline CSS (except the links).

==Open searches in new window==
if(!document.getElementById('searchform')) return
var search = document.getElementById('searchform');
var check = document.createElement('input');
search.appendChild(document.createTextNode('new window'));

function searchTargetSwap(chkd) {
var search = document.getElementById('searchform');
if(chkd) {
} else {


==Collapsible portlets==
Per a request, a simple method to make all sidebar portlets collapsible. Note that it uses default images in the /skins folder and shows the first portlet (usually 'Navigation') by default. These can be customized in the CSS. Should work in IE now.

In Common.js:
<pre style="overflow:auto;height:20em;"><nowiki>
// ==================================================
// Collapsible Portlets (experimental)
// ==================================================

function foldingPortlets() {
var portlets = getElementsByClassName(document.getElementById('column-one'),'div','portlet');
var portskip = ['p-personal', 'p-cactions', 'p-logo', 'ads-top-left'];
var first=true;

for(var i=0;i<portlets.length;i++) {
if(portskip.join(' ').indexOf(portlets[i].id)==-1) {
var pd = portlets[i].getElementsByTagName('div')[0];
var ph = portlets[i].getElementsByTagName('h5')[0];
ph.className = 'portletCollapsible'

var link = document.createElement('a');
var head = getAllText(ph);
while(ph.firstChild) ph.removeChild(ph.firstChild);
link.setAttribute('href','javascript:showPortlet(\'' + i + '\');');
link.className = 'portletClosed';

if(first==true) {
first=false; showPortlet(i);
if(skin=='monobook') addOnloadHook(foldingPortlets)

function getAllText(thing) {
if (thing.nodeType == 3) return thing.nodeValue;
var text = new Array(); var i=0;
while(thing.childNodes[i]) {
text[text.length] = getAllText(thing.childNodes[i]);
return text.join('');

function showPortlet(id) {
var pd = document.getElementById('pbody-'+id);
var pl = document.getElementById('plink-'+id);

if(pd.style.display=='none') {
pl.className = 'portletOpened';
} else {
pl.className = 'portletClosed';

// ==================================================
// End Collapsible Portlets
// ==================================================

In Monobook.css:
/* Classes for collapsible portlets, customize as needed */
h5.portletCollapsible {
border:1px outset grey;
.portletCollapsible a {
padding:1px 1px .2em 15px;
.portletClosed { background:center left url("http://images.wikia.com/common/skins/common/images/Arr_d.png") no-repeat; }
.portletOpened { background:center left url("http://images.wikia.com/common/skins/common/images/Arr_u.png") no-repeat; }

==Open in new windows==
Per request, a way to specify some links as target=_blank (open in new window):
function newwindows() {
if(window.killnewwindows) return;
var nw = getElementsByClassName(document,'*','newWindow');
for(var i=0;i<nw.length;i++) {
var nwl = nw[i].getElementsByTagName('a');
for(var j=0;j<nwl.length;j++) {
nwl[j].target = '_blank';
nwl[j].title += ' (opens in new window)';
// nwl[j].className += ' external';

To specify which links will get this treatment, wrap them in a div or a span with class="newWindow" (you can wrap as many as you want). This example styles them green colored, but the commented-out example also adds them to class 'external'.

Individual users can put the following line into their user js, to disable this feature for them:
var killnewwindows=true;

Be aware this is unadvised for mass usage, as almost all modern browsers let users very easily open in new windows or new tabs with a simple ctrl+click, shift+click or middle-click. Also, adding this script to your Common.js will allow anyone to use it.

==Missing Image Tools==
Suppose you hate clicking a red image link, not knowing if you'll get the edit page, an upload page, or a free trip to Antarctica. Well, give this a try.

This is an overly customized script, but can be easily adapted for a wide variety of nefarious uses.

<pre style="overflow:auto;height:20em;"><nowiki>
// ==================================================
// Image Redlink Toolkit
// ==================================================
function redImageTools() {
var img = getElementsByClassName(document.getElementById('bodyContent'),'a','new');
for(var i=0;i<img.length;i++) {
var iu = img[i].href;
if(iu.search(/Special\:Upload/i)!=-1) {
var it = 'Image:' + iu.substring(iu.indexOf('wpDestFile=')+11,iu.length);
insertWrappedLinkAfter(img[i], wgScriptPath + '/index.php?title=Special:Log&page=' + it,'logs');
insertWrappedLinkAfter(img[i], wgScriptPath + '/index.php?title=' + it + '&action=edit','edit');
insertWrappedLinkAfter(img[i], wgScriptPath + '/index.php?title=' + it,'view');
img[i].className = 'new newimage';
} else if(iu.search(/title\=Image\:/i)!=-1) {
var it = iu.substring(iu.indexOf('title=')+6,iu.indexOf('&action=edit'));
insertWrappedLinkAfter(img[i], wgScriptPath + '/index.php?title=Special:Upload&wpDestFile=' + it,'upload');
insertWrappedLinkAfter(img[i], wgScriptPath + '/index.php?title=Special:Log&page=' + it,'logs');
insertWrappedLinkAfter(img[i], wgScriptPath + '/index.php?title=' + it,'view');
img[i].className = 'new newimage';
function insertWrappedLinkAfter(object,link,text) {
var sm = document.createElement('small');
var li = document.createElement('a');
li.href = link;
var tx = document.createTextNode(text);
var po = document.createTextNode(' (');
var pc = document.createTextNode(')');
object.nextSibling && object.parentNode.insertBefore(sm,object.nextSibling) || object.parentNode.appendChild(sm)
// ==================================================
// End Image Redlink Toolkit
// ==================================================

==Replace &uselang=wgContentLanguage with user's pref language, in links==

Say you want to link somewhere offsite with <code><nowiki>&uselang={{CONTENTLANGUAGE}}</nowiki></code>, but you don't want to over-ride people's user language settings, or &uselang= parameter. Well, wrap those links in an object with class="userlang-pref", and it'll replace any &uselang=xx (where xx matches wgContentLanguage) with &uselang=yy (where yy is wgUserLanguage). Okay, so you probably don't need it, but it is stil nifty, eh?

<pre style="overflow:auto;height:20em;"><nowiki>
if(wgUserLanguage!=wgContentLanguage) addOnloadHook(uselangPrefOverride)
function uselangPrefOverride() {
var upo = getElementsByClassName(document,'*','uselang-pref');
if(upo.length==0) return;
var r = new RegExp('uselang\=' + wgContentLanguage,'i');

for(var i=0;i<upo.length;i++) {
var a = upo[i].getElementsByTagName('a');
for(var j=0;j<a.length;j++) {
if(a[j].href.search(r)!=-1) {
a[j].href = a[j].href.replace(r,'uselang=' + wgUserLanguage);
a[j].title = a[j].title.replace(r,'uselang=' + wgUserLanguage);
for(var k=0;k<a[j].childNodes.length;k++) {
if(a[j].childNodes[k].nodeType==3) {
a[j].childNodes[k].nodeValue = a[j].childNodes[k].nodeValue.replace(r,'uselang=' + wgUserLanguage);

==Filter Special:Log results==
This takes the results of a Special:Log query and regex-searches (from prompt, activated by new portlet button) the plain text representation of each line.

:''could probably be applied to any special page that returns a single &lt;ul&gt; of results)''

<pre style="overflow:auto;height:20em;"><nowiki>
if(wgPageName=='Special:Log') {
addOnloadHook(function() {
addPortletLink('p-cactions','javascript:speciallogRegexFilter()','Filter','p-logfilter','Regex filter the results on this page');

var filter='Image\:';
function speciallogRegexFilter() {
filter = prompt('Please enter a regular expression for this search',filter);
if(filter==null) filter = '.*'
var pattern = new RegExp(filter,'');
var li=document.getElementById('bodyContent').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0].getElementsByTagName('li');
var links=[];
for(var i=0;i<li.length;i++) {
litxt = getText(li[i]);
(litxt.search(pattern)!=-1) ? li[i].style.display='block' : li[i].style.display='none'

function getText(obj) {
if (obj.nodeType == 3) return obj.nodeValue;
var txt = new Array();
var i=0;
while(obj.childNodes[i]) {
txt[txt.length] = getText(obj.childNodes[i]);
return txt.join('');


== "Did you delete the talk page?" ==

:'''Note''': ''It should no longer be necessary to put this into a template and transclude it. It should work directly from inside these MediaWiki message in most cases.''

From a thread on [[Wikipedia:WP:VP/T]]: When deleting pages, often times the talk pages are forgotten, this can cause a rash of orphaned talk pages to hover around indefinitely. Sometimes a talk page should be kept as a valid indicator as to previous conversations about the page and why it should not exist, but most times the talk pages should be deleted (except in user: namespace). <s>As of this writing, parserfunctions don't work in [[MediaWiki:Deletedtext]], but transcluded parserfunctions do.</s> (should work now without transcluding).

In: MediaWiki:Deletedtext:
"$1" has been deleted.
See $2 for a record of recent deletions.</nowiki>

In Template:Talkexist:
'''<span style="color:#00ff00;text-decoration:blink">Note:</span> A [[{{TALKPAGENAME}}|talk page]] (<span class="plainlinks">[{{fullurl:{{TALKPAGENAME}}|action=delete&wpReason=Orphaned%20talk%20page}} del]</span>) exists for this page.'''<br /><br />}}}}}}</nowiki>

This can also be added to MediaWiki:Confirmdeletetext (and will show up similar to the "This page has a history" alert).

== Per-namespace sitenotice ==
Sometimes this is requested. It is fairly straightforward with [[m:ParserFunctions]], just put something like this into [[MediaWiki:Sitenotice]]:

<nowiki>{{#ifeq:{{NAMESPACEE}}|Image_talk|This is an image talk page}}</nowiki>

The main namespace can sometimes cause problems as it is null, best to wrap it in dashes:

<nowiki>{{#ifeq:-{{NAMESPACEE}}-|--|This is an article}}</nowiki>

Slightly more advanced is putting a message in multiple namespaces, like for example all talk namespace. This is easier done with a #switch:
|-{{ns:117}}-= This is a talk page}}
==Image upload prompt==

A template to ask you to upload an image if it doesn't exist, and automatically display it if it does.

|<table style="width:{{{size|150}}}px;height:{{{size|150}}}px;" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr>
<td style="border:1px solid black;background-color:#eeeeff;text-align:center;padding:.5em" valign="middle">
This file doesn't exist yet. You can [{{fullurl:Special:Upload|wpDestFile={{urlencode:{{{1|}}}}}}} upload it!]

Versione attuale delle 00:56, 4 giu 2021

Il titolo di questa pagina non è il titolo di questa pagina perché siamo dei cretini. Il titolo corretto è Trucchi e trabucchi.


Pagina prelevata da qui

These are css/js/parserfunction/magicword hacks that I either developed or "discovered", by myself, by user request, or with the help of other wiki users. Others may have done them proir to me, but in most cases I had no external help in figuring them out (other than the help pages on meta). Mostly this page is to document the requests for tweaks I've been asked to do on wikia, but several also apply to Uncyclopedia or Wikipedia.

See also: Special:Prefixindex/User:Splarka/ and Special:Prefixindex/User:Sannse/ for other handy JS.]].


Mostly these apply to MediaWiki:Common.css, MediaWiki:Monobook.css and Special:Mypage/Monobook.css (assuming you use the default 'monobook' theme). See also: Wikipedia:Wikipedia:Catalogue_of_CSS_classes.

We've upgraded to 1.9!

The main change the upgrade gave us, in regards to CSS, is a unique (usually) per-page class for the <body> tag. That means, you can restrict a style to any single page with a simple css class definition. For example, this page:

  • <body class="mediawiki ns-2 ltr page-User_Splarka_tricks">

So, lets say I wanted to change the background color of links, just on this page:

  • body.page-User_Splarka_tricks #bodyContent a { background-color: #ff00ff }


Limiting TOC to certain depths

In MediaWiki:Common.css:

.toc5 li.toclevel-6 {display:none}
.toc4 li.toclevel-6, .toc4 li.toclevel-5 {display:none}
.toc3 li.toclevel-6, .toc3 li.toclevel-5, .toc3 li.toclevel-4 {display:none}
.toc2 li.toclevel-6, .toc2 li.toclevel-5, .toc2 li.toclevel-4, .toc2 li.toclevel-3 {display:none}
.toc1 li.toclevel-6, .toc1 li.toclevel-5, .toc1 li.toclevel-4, .toc1 li.toclevel-3, .toc1 li.toclevel-2 {display:none}

In Template:TOC1

<div class="toc1">

In Template:TOC2

<div class="toc2">


Un-numbered TOC

In MediaWiki:Common.css:

.utoc .tocnumber { display:none; }
.utoc #toc ul,
.utoc .toc ul {
  line-height: 1.5em;
  list-style-type: square;
  margin: .3em 0 0 1.5em;
  padding: 0;
  list-style-image: url(/skins3/monobook/bullet.gif);

And then put a __TOC__ in a <div class="utoc"></div>.

Limiting a DynamicPageList list to one specific letter


  • Requires css capable browser or will look funky
  • Does not work well with higher numbers of pages (say ~1000)
  • Lame hack, better to use a custom namespace and Allpages/Prefixindex

In MediaWiki:Common.css:

.alphacat ul {list-style: none; }
.alphacat li a {display: none; }
.alphacat-a li a[title ^="A"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-b li a[title ^="B"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-c li a[title ^="C"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-d li a[title ^="D"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-e li a[title ^="E"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-f li a[title ^="F"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-g li a[title ^="G"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-h li a[title ^="H"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-i li a[title ^="I"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-j li a[title ^="J"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-k li a[title ^="K"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-l li a[title ^="L"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-m li a[title ^="M"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-n li a[title ^="N"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-o li a[title ^="O"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-p li a[title ^="P"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-q li a[title ^="Q"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-r li a[title ^="R"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-s li a[title ^="S"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-t li a[title ^="T"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-u li a[title ^="U"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-v li a[title ^="V"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-w li a[title ^="W"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-x li a[title ^="X"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-y li a[title ^="Y"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-z li a[title ^="Z"] {display: inline }

In a template (which you call via {{sometemplate|a}} to show just 'a')

<div class="alphacat alphacat-{{lc:{{{1|a}}}}}">
 category=Some Category

Style the menus

Done on w:c:scratchpad:MediaWiki:Monobook.css

In MediaWiki:Monobook.css, a base to start fiddling:

#p-wikicities-nav, #p-tb, #p-search, #p-navigation {
   background-color: #fffff6; 
   border:1px solid black;
#p-navigation .pBody, #p-search .pBody, #p-tb .pBody, #p-lang .pBody, #p-wikicities-nav .pBody { 
   display: block;
   border: none;
   background-color: transparent;
   padding: 0
.portlet h5 {
   display: block;
   border-bottom: 1px solid #ccccff;
   padding-bottom: .35em;
.pBody a { text-decoration: none; }
.pBody ul li:hover { background-color:#ffffcc }
#p-navigation .pBody ul, #p-search .pBody ul, #p-tb .pBody ul, #p-lang .pBody ul, #p-wikicities-nav .pBody ul { 
   list-style-image: none;
   list-style-position: outside;
   list-style-type: circle;
   padding: 0 0 0 1.5em;
   margin: 0;
#p-navigation .pBody li, #p-search .pBody li, #p-tb .pBody li, #p-lang .pBody li, #p-wikicities-nav .pBody li { 
   border-left: 1px solid #ffcccc;
   border-bottom: 1px solid #ccccff;
   padding: 0 0 .05em .5em;

less annoying "You have new messages"

In your user/monobook.css :

.usermessage {
   background-color: #FFFFFF;
   border: 1px solid #777777;
   color: Black;
   font-weight: normal;
   margin: .5em 0em .5em 0em;
   padding: 4px;
   vertical-align: middle;


On Special:Allpages, you can make redirects stand out a lot more. For example (in MediaWiki:Common.css or user/monobook.css):

.allpagesredirect { font-style: italic; }
.allpagesredirect:after { color:grey; content: " (redirect)"}

Makes them italic and appended with the word 'redirect'.

.allpagesredirect a { background: url(/images/5/5c/Allpagesredirect.gif) center left no-repeat; padding-left: 13px; }

Gives each redirect a small image (found here, save and upload to use, public domain (or create your own)) to the side.

Recent Changes tweaks

Hilighting admin/staff

This lets you style the nickname of trusted editors in the recent changes as you wish.

In your user/monobook.css (or in MediaWiki:Common.css with community approval) :

ul.special li a[title="User:Angela"],
ul.special li a[title="User:Sannse"],
ul.special li a[title="User:Splarka"] { font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; color: #ff00ff; }

This example shows Angela, Sannse, and Splarka as bold, magenta, and italic, in recent changes.

table.diff a[title="User:Splarka"], 
ul#pagehistory li a[title="User:Splarka"], 
ul.special li a[title="User:Splarka"] { color: #33dd33; font-weight:bold; }

This example shows Splarka as bold and green, in diffs, page histories, and recent changes.

Finding new users

In MediaWiki:Common.css or user/monobook.css:

ul.special li a[title ^="User talk:"].new { color:#ff00ff;font-weight:bold }

Will show a bright pink Talk link on recent changes, for all users who do not have talk pages.

ul.special li a[title ^="User talk:"].new { color:#ff00ff;font-weight:bold }
ul.special li a[title ="Special:Contributions"] + a[title ^="User talk:"].new { color:#CC2200;font-weight:normal }

Will do the same, but only for logged in users, and not IPs. Note that it does this by resetting IP talk links to normal, so whatever changes done have to be undone.

Float the namespace selector to the right

In user/monobook.css:

div.namespacesettings {
   float: right;
   clear: none;
   position: relative;
   top: -8em;
   width: 175px;
   border: 1px dotted #AAAAAA;
   padding: 4px;

Gets it out of the way.

Various minor tweaks

In user/monobook.css:

.newpage { color : #990000; }
.minor { color : #AAAAAA; }
.unpatrolled { color : #ff00ff; }

This changes the N (new page) letter to red, the m (minor edit) letter to grey, and the ! (unpatrolled edit) exclamation mark to bright pink. Lots of things can be done in excess to this, such as images, extra comments, and blinking.

Make some links look like regular links

This is useful if you want to make inline templates with a mixture of internal/interwiki/external links but don't want a clash of link formatting associated with such. In MediaWiki:Common.css:

#bodyContent .stealthexternallink a { background: none; padding: 0; color: #002bb8; }
#bodyContent .stealthexternallink a.new { color: #CC2200 !important; }
#bodyContent .stealthexternallink a:visited { color: #5a3696; }
#bodyContent .stealthexternallink a:active { color: #faa700; }
#bodyContent .stealthexternallink a:hover { text-decoration: underline; }

And then put such links in <span class="stealthexternallink"></span>

Make class="new" inheritable

This allows you to force links to be red, by putting links in a block or inline element in class="new": In MediaWiki:Common.css:

.new a { color:#cc2200; }
.new a:visited { color:#a55858; }

And then: <span class="new">[[Blah]]</span> should always be red.

Different logos per...

Per namespace

You can change the logos in each namespace, via MediaWiki:Monobook.css. For example:

body.ns-110 #p-logo a { background-image: url(/images/6/61/Forum_Logo_Soapboxes.png) !important; }
body.ns-111 #p-logo a { background-image: url(/images/d/db/Forum_talk.png) !important; }

Note that you must determine the image location and namespace number yourself. To determine the image location: upload an image, right click on it, and 'copy image location' (mozilla) or 'properites' (ie). To determine the namespace number, go to a page in that namespace and view page source, the <body> tag will have it as a class, eg user might be <body class="ns-2 ltr"> indicating body.ns-2 is the identifier for that namespace. Hint: Lots of customizations are possible by namespace.

Per pagename

If you look at the page source, you'll see the <body> tag has quite a lot of classes as of MediaWiki: 1.9. For example, this page:

<body  class="mediawiki ns-2 ltr page-User_Splarka_tricks">

If one wanted to change the logo, just of this page, one could put in MediaWiki:Monobook.css

body.page-User_Splarka_tricks #p-logo a { background-image: url(http://somelink) !important; }

This opens up the possibility to make certain pages, such a your main page or certain help pages, quite unique.

Misc user css tweaks

Mostly for user/monobook.css:

Make action tab links change color when visited:

#p-cactions .new a:visited { color: #ba6644; }
#p-cactions li a:visited { color: #492FAF; }

Position the delete confirmation button at the same place on every page (useful for mass deletions in tabs):

#deleteconfirm { position: absolute; top: 130px; left: 150px; }

Remove gap between action tabs (talk/edit, and move/watch (or history/watch)):

li#ca-watch, li#ca-unwatch { margin-right: 1.6em; margin-left: .05em; }
li#ca-talk { margin-right: .4em; }

Show "Templates used on this page" as an inline list instead of long bullet pointed list.

.templatesUsed ul { list-style: none; }
.templatesUsed li { display: inline; padding: 0 0 0.1em 0; margin: 0 0.3em 0 0; }

Make edit pages much smaller (by removing copyright warning and tools) Warning: for advanced users only, could get you banned for ignoring site rules

#editpage-copywarn { display: none !important; }
#editpage-tools { display: none !important; }

Removes block expiry dropdown on Special:Blockip (I always type in a time manually).

#wpBlockExpiry { display: none !important; }

That annoying updated marker!

.updatedmarker {display: none}

Wanna change your edit box font?

textarea {font-family: "Comic Sans MS"; font-size:110%;} 

Printed links Underlined

in user/monobook.css:

@media print {
    a, a.external, a.new, a.stub {
        color: blue ! important;
        text-decoration: underline ! important;

Border on LaTeX images

Experimental, requires CSS2.

a img[alt="math"] { border:1px solid green;background-color:white;padding:3px; }

Also (from Lapper):

#bodyContent a[href ^="/extensions/wiki/text/tmp/"] { border:1px solid green;background-color:white;padding:3px; }

Per-namespace tab buttons

A quick trick to let you customize messages per namespace.

For example, to prefix a namespace-specific word before 'discussion' on every talk page:

body.ns-0 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Article "}
body.ns-1 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Article "}
body.ns-2 #ca-talk a:before { content: "User "}
body.ns-3 #ca-talk a:before { content: "User "}
body.ns-4 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Project "}
body.ns-5 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Project "}
body.ns-6 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Image "}
body.ns-7 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Image "}
body.ns-8 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Message "}
body.ns-9 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Message "}
body.ns-10 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Template "}
body.ns-11 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Template "}
body.ns-12 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Help "}
body.ns-13 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Help "}
body.ns-14 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Category "}
body.ns-15 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Category "}
body.ns-100 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Lodging "}
body.ns-101 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Lodging "}
body.ns-102 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Restaurant "}
body.ns-103 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Restaurant "}
body.ns-110 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Forum "}
body.ns-111 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Forum "}

(CSS2 - won't work on all browsers)

Poor-man's hit counter

Putting this under CSS since it is mostly CSS.

First you go to a hit counter site like http://hitslog.com/ or http://server3.web-stat.com/ and sign up and get an embeddable image (These are by far the easiest to use with mediawiki. The ones that require a <script> tag or raw html are no good). Then in your MediaWiki:Monobook.css stick the image in the footer with something like:

#f-copyrightico { width:190px; text-align: left; background: white url(http://h2.hitslog.com/myspace/#####.png) no-repeat top right}
File:Hitslog example.gif
It might look like this.

Alternately, you can put it in MediaWiki:Sidebar as an empty link, like:

 * hit counter
 ** http://hitslog.com/|

And then show it with something like:

#p-hit_counter ul, #p-hit_counter li { list-style: none; padding:0; }
#p-hit_counter li#n- a {border:0px solid white; display:block; width:88px; height: 31px; background: white url(http://h2.hitslog.com/myspace/#####.png) no-repeat 0 0}

(note that the ID of the header line in Sidebar must match the #p- ID in the CSS)

Javascript (untested in 1.9 yet)

Note: I haven't tested all the scripts in this section in 1.9 yet. When I do, I'll move them to the next section or remove them (if they are not needed).

Usually for MediaWiki:Monobook.js or Special:Mypage/monobook.js

Trimmed main page

NOTE: As we've upgraded to 1.9, javascript is no longer needed (rev:17119). This section should be moved to the CSS sections above.

To style a specific page, in MediaWiki:Monobook.css (or user css, or MediaWiki:Common.css if it is not unique to the user interface), use the body tag page class. Examples:

body.page-Main_Page #lastmod, #siteSub, #contentSub, h1.firstHeading { display: none !important; }

body.page-Main_Page #p-cactions, #p-personal, #lastmod, #siteSub, #contentSub, h1.firstHeading

body.page-Main_Page #p-logo a { background-image: url(http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/b/bc/Wiki.png) !important; }

Per-Page CSS support

Deprecated due to upgrade.: this is now supported natively in Wikia. View page history for code if you wish to use it elsewhere.

Patrolled edits popups

Deprecated due to upgrade.: this should happen automatically now.

Link generation page

Not highly tested. Known to have problems with non-english content languages (like Polish in MediaWiki: namespace).

This lets you create a template with parameter that generates a multitude of links that, for example, search for that parameter (Similar to Book_sources on Wikimedia, eg: Wikipedia:Wikipedia:Book_sources)

function linkInsert() {
    var linkpage = 'MediaWiki:Links';
    var linkparm = 'link';
    var magic = 'MAGICWORD';

    if(document.title.indexOf(linkpage) != 0) return;
    if(!queryString(linkparm)||(queryString(linkparm)==magic)) return;

    var body = document.getElementById('bodyContent')
    while (body.innerHTML.indexOf(magic) != -1) { 
        body.innerHTML = body.innerHTML.replace(magic, queryString(linkparm))

function queryString(p) {
  var re = RegExp('[&?]' + p + '=([^&]*)');
  var matches;
  if (matches = re.exec(document.location)) {
    try { 
      return decodeURI(matches[1]);
    } catch (e) {
  return null;

To use it, create a template with contents like:

[{{fullurl:MediaWiki:Links|link={{urlencode:{{{1|}}}}}}} search]

And then if your template is called, eg {{foo|pink floyd the wall}} it will generate a link to /index.php?title=MediaWiki:Links&link=pink+floyd+the+wall ... and all occurences of MAGICWORD on MediaWiki:Links will be replaced by pink+floyd+the+wall, eg:




Re-link 'Talk:' Categories

Often, to keep maintenace/project category clutter on large wikis to a minimum, the talk page is categorized instead.

Someone requested an on-demand script to change links on category pages from "Talk:Pagename" to "Pagename", and "Namespace_talk:Pagename" to "Namespace:Pagename".

function catSwapButton() {
  if(document.title.indexOf('Category:' == 0)) {
    var tabs = document.getElementById('p-cactions').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0];
    addlilink(tabs, 'javascript:catSwap()', 'De-talkify', 'ca-catswap');

function catSwap() {
  var cat = document.getElementById('bodyContent');
  cat.innerHTML = cat.innerHTML.replace(/Talk\:/g,'').replace(/[_\s]talk\:/g,':');

function addlilink(tabs, url, name, id) {
    var na = document.createElement('a');
    na.href = url;
    na.id = id;
    var li = document.createElement('li');
    return li;

Watchlist styler

If you want to highlight certain aspects of your watchlist, you can do so thusly.

var wstyle = [];
wstyle[wstyle.length] = {
  'match': 'Hydrogen',
  'color': '#ffff00',
  'bgcol': '#00ff00'}
wstyle[wstyle.length] = {
  'match': 'MediaWiki',
  'color': '#ff0000'}
wstyle[wstyle.length] = {
  'match': 'Talk:',
  'bgcol': '#000000'}

function watchlistStyle() {
  if(document.title.indexOf('My watchlist -') != 0) return;
  var links = document.getElementById('bodyContent').getElementsByTagName('a');
  for(var i=0;i < links.length;i++) {
    for(var k=0;k < wstyle.length;k++) {
      if(links[i].innerHTML.indexOf(wstyle[k].match)!= -1) {
        if(wstyle[k].color) links[i].style.color = wstyle[k].color
        if(wstyle[k].bgcol) links[i].style.backgroundColor = wstyle[k].bgcol

Note that you can expand this to work on other content pages, or all content pages, by modifying the return conditions. For example, if you'd like this to work on recent changes too:

  if((document.title.indexOf('My watchlist -') != 0)&&(document.title.indexOf('Recent changes - ') != 0)) return;

Also, this can be done in CSS (similar to User:Splarka/tricks#Hilighting_admin.2Fstaff).

body.ns--1 #bodyContent a[title*="Template"] {color: red; background-color:blue;}

This will be more effective per-page (such as just watchlist or just recent changes) after the 1.9 upgrade

Javascript 1.9+

Stuff here has been tested on and works under 1.9. Will migrate/simplify stuff and move it here this week.

Note that with MediaWiki:Common.js functionality: do not make the mistake of moving all your javscript there directly. Much of the Javascript used is specifically for Monobook.

Changeable preloads

Here is a quick and dirty way to add a dropdown selection menu:

function preloadMenu() {
  if(document.createbox.preload) {
    var cb = document.createbox;
    if(cb.preload.value == 'Template:Default') {
      var sel = 'Preloads: <select name="presel" onChange="document.createbox.preload.value = document.createbox.presel.value">\n'
      sel += '<option value="">Default: '+ document.createbox.preload.value +'</option>\n';
      sel += '<option value="Template:Foo"> Foo page</option>\n';
      sel += '<option value="Template:Bar"> Bar page</option>\n';
      sel += '<option value="Template:Baz"> Baz page</option>\n';
      sel += '</select>\n';
      cb.innerHTML = sel + cb.innerHTML;

If the above script finds an input box with a preload=, and if it finds the default template matching (as a way to limit its operation), it will then create a dropdown list that you specify, and allow you to choose a different preload. For example, the following inputbox would trigger the above script:


There are 3 demo options listed above (you can add or remove as needed).

sel += '<option value="Template:Foo"> Foo page</option>\n';

The editable parts:

  • value="" specifies the exact name of the template (spaces or underscores allowed).
  • The text between the >< specifies the text seen in the dropdown box.

You can add more cases, just duplicate the inner if() and simply change the conditions.

Add checkuser link to contribs

This adds a link to Special:CheckUser, w:Special:LookupContribs, and w:Special:MultiLookup (if you're checking an IP) on user contrib pages in the contentSub heading.

Before: For (Talk | block | Block log | Logs )
After: For (Talk | block | Block log | Logs | Checkuser | LookupContribs | MultiLookup )

Updated to check rights first, and do it with almost proper DOM handling. Hint: this is pretty easy to expand with some copy/paste and small tweaks.

function contribtools() {
  if(wgPageName!="Special:Contributions") return
  var ug = wgUserGroups.join(' ');
  var cs = document.getElementById('contentSub');
  // poorman contribs type finder. -1 = existing user
  var ctype = cs.getElementsByTagName('a')[0].href.indexOf('User_talk');

  if(ug.indexOf('staff') + ug.indexOf('checkuser') > -2) {
    if(ctype==-1) {
      var culink = '/wiki/Special:CheckUser?subuser=OK&user=';
    } else {
      var culink = '/wiki/Special:CheckUser?subipusers=OK&ip=';
    var cu1 = document.createTextNode(' | ');
    var cu2 = document.createElement('a');
    cu2.href = culink + document.forms[0].target.value;
    cu2.setAttribute('title', cu2.href);

  //may need tweaking for you personally, like if(1==1)
  if(ug.indexOf('staff') + ug.indexOf('lookupcontribs') > -2) {
    var lulink = 'http://www.wikia.com/wiki/Special:Lookupcontribs?mode=normal&view=full&target=';
    var lu1 = document.createTextNode(' | ');
    var lu2 = document.createElement('a');
    lu2.href = lulink + document.forms[0].target.value.replace(/_/g,'+');
    lu2.setAttribute('title', lu2.href);

  if((ug.indexOf('staff') > -1)&&(ctype!=-1)) {
    var mulink = 'http://www.wikia.com/wiki/Special:MultiLookup?wpIP=';
    var mu1 = document.createTextNode(' | ');
    var mu2 = document.createElement('a');
    mu2.href = mulink + document.forms[0].target.value;
    mu2.setAttribute('title', mu2.href);

Default version addable from:

document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' 
             + 'http://www.wikia.com/index.php?title=User:Splarka/contribtools.js' 
             + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"></script>');

List of all Wikia


This is just a list of all the Wikia on Wikia. It isn't current (as it has to be manually created from the database list), and it excludes all the non-wikia domains (uncyclopedia.org/memoryalpha.org). It would be nice if someday it was referenceable from a url like www.wikia.com/stats/wikialist.js (hint hint).

As it is, you can reference it via:

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://wikia.com/index.php?title=MediaWiki:Wikialist.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"></script>

And then use it for something in JS that needs a list of lots of wikia. Whatever.

Customize the search box

You can add this to your user/monobook.js to change the search box.

This changes the go button to view, and the search button to edit (the value and label should stay at these words), and the name of both to action. The consequece of this is: clicking edit takes you to /w/index.php?title=WHATEVER&action=edit, and clicking go *should* take you to /w/index.php?title=WHATEVER&action=view ... however, it takes me (at least) directly to /wiki/WHATEVER, even if the page does not exist (and not to the edit page). Note that this still does not let you manually type &action=edit but it does let you just click 'edit' instead.

function customsearch() {
  if(document.getElementById('searchform')) {
    document.getElementById('searchform').action = "/index.php";
    document.getElementById('searchInput').name = "title";
    document.getElementById('searchGoButton').name = "action";
    document.getElementById('searchGoButton').value = "view";
    document.getElementById('mw-searchButton').name = "action";
    document.getElementById('mw-searchButton').value = "edit";

This sets the focus on a page load, to the search box:

addOnloadHook(function() {document.getElementById('searchInput')..focus(); return false;});

Change the favicon

On Wikia you can upload a custom favicon per wiki, but if you personally want to put a notably different favicon on each wiki you edit, you can add to your user/monobook.js:

var fav = document.createElement('link');
fav.setAttribute('rel','shortcut icon');
fav.setAttribute('href','link to icon');

Where link to icon is the full url to a 16x16 icon.

You can also use the wgPageName variable to give specific pages specific favicons. Evil. --Splarka (talk) 06:35, 1 May 2007 (UTC)

Extra search box

function whoisip() {
    if(!document.getElementById) return;
    var searchForm = document.getElementById("searchform");
    var whoisForm=document.createElement('form');
    whoisForm.action = 'http://www.dnsstuff.com/tools/whois.ch';
    whoisForm.method - 'GET';
    whoisForm.innerHTML = '<input accesskey="1" TYPE=text NAME=ip SIZE=16 class="std"><input TYPE=submit VALUE="WHOIS" class="send-btn">';

Search link reassign

Originally from Wookieepedia, but this version is updated for 1.9. This should cause no errors in Common.js, but the image only ever loads in the Monobook skin, so only needs to be added to Monobook.js. This reassigns the Image:Search_logo.png link on the side to point to Special:Search. If the div or anchor tags do not exist, it does nothing.

function searchLink() {
  if ((document.getElementById('searchform'))&&(document.getElementById('searchform').getElementsByTagName('a').length != 0)) {
      document.getElementById('searchform').getElementsByTagName('a')[0].href = wgArticlePath.replace(/\$1/,'Special:Search');

Supercustomize edit buttons

Now that we have support for custom edit buttons, it is easy to add buttons to the edit tools, but say you want to rearrange the existing ones? Pretty easy, just disable the default ones, and re-add them in any order you want (you will lose translations, so be warned).

For example, Say you want to put a redirect button before the other buttons:

function addButton() {

if (mwCustomEditButtons) {
  mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
    "imageFile": "http://images.wikia.com/central/images/c/c8/Button_redirect.png",
    "speedTip": "Redirect",
    "tagOpen": "#REDIRECT [[",
    "tagClose": "]]",
    "sampleText": "Insert text"};

  mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
    "imageFile": "/skins/common/images/button_bold.png",
    "speedTip": "Bold text",
    "tagOpen": "\'\'\'",
    "tagClose": "\'\'\'",
    "sampleText": "Bold text"};

  mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
    "imageFile": "/skins/common/images/button_italic.png",
    "speedTip": "Italic text",
    "tagOpen": "\'\'",
    "tagClose": "\'\'",
    "sampleText": "Italic text"};

  mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
    "imageFile": "/skins/common/images/button_link.png",
    "speedTip": "Internal link",
    "tagOpen": "[[",
    "tagClose": "]]",
    "sampleText": "Link title"};

  mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
    "imageFile": "/skins/common/images/button_extlink.png",
    "speedTip": "External link (remember http:// prefix)",
    "tagOpen": "[",
    "tagClose": "]",
    "sampleText": "http://www.example.com link title"};

  mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
    "imageFile": "/skins/common/images/button_headline.png",
    "speedTip": "Level 2 headline",
    "tagOpen": "\n== ",
    "tagClose": " ==\n",
    "sampleText": "Headline text"};

  mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
    "imageFile": "/skins/common/images/button_image.png",
    "speedTip": "Embedded image",
    "tagOpen": "[[Image:",
    "tagClose": "]]",
    "sampleText": "Example.jpg"};

  mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
    "imageFile": "/skins/common/images/button_media.png",
    "speedTip": "Media file link",
    "tagOpen": "[[Media:",
    "tagClose": "]]",
    "sampleText": "Example.ogg"};

  mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
    "imageFile": "/skins/common/images/button_math.png",
    "speedTip": "Mathematical formula (LaTeX)",
    "tagOpen": "<math>",
    "tagClose": "<\/math>",
    "sampleText": "Insert formula here"};

  mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
    "imageFile": "/skins/common/images/button_nowiki.png",
    "speedTip": "Ignore wiki formatting",
    "tagOpen": "<nowiki>",
    "tagClose": "<\/nowiki>",
    "sampleText": "Insert non-formatted text here"};

  mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
    "imageFile": "/skins/common/images/button_sig.png",
    "speedTip": "Your signature with timestamp",
    "tagOpen": "--~~~~",
    "tagClose": "",
    "sampleText": ""};

  mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
    "imageFile": "/skins/common/images/button_hr.png",
    "speedTip": "Horizontal line (use sparingly)",
    "tagOpen": "\n----\n",
    "tagClose": "",
    "sampleText": ""};

Note: There is no need to upload the images for the default ones (just use the local /skins/ url), and if the custom buttons have possible use across wikia, please upload them to the Central Wikia (see Help:Custom edit buttons. --Splarka (talk) 09:13, 28 March 2007 (UTC)

Semi-automated deletions

Note: This method has been used to delete thousands of images on commons.wikimedia, and can be very effective for those with nothing but Firefox to semo-automate a process, or those having problems getting the PyWikipediaBot to work while logged in as a sysop.

This is actually, basically, one line of code (along with a query string checker, like volte's below. If the query string contains &submitdelete=true, the delete button is submitted by the javascript.

function checkdelete() {
    if(queryString("submitdelete")=="true") document.getElementById('deleteconfirm').wpConfirmB.click()

function queryString(p) {
  var re = RegExp('[&?]' + p + '=([^&]*)');
  var matches;
  if (matches = re.exec(document.location)) {
    try { 
      return decodeURI(matches[1]);
    } catch (e) {
  return null;

The trick, then, is simply generating a list of files to delete as URLs. For example, to delete this page:

Would become:
You can also add a default reason, using MediaWiki query-input syntax:

Having generated several dozen or thousand links (with a search/replace or other method of your choice), you can then put them on a temporary wiki page, select about 50 at a time, right click, and 'open in new tabs' (in Firefox). And then go through and close all the tabs as soon as they finish.

Hint: This can be used on some other forms with some modification, like Special:Block.

Hint: The "Open links in new tabs" functionality may need a FireFox plugin, such as linky.

Hint: The above javascript code is user-specific. If the new tabs stay at a confirmation page rather than automatically deleting the page, make sure you're logged onto the same account that has the javascript in its user-specific monobook.js.

Batch upload

A batch file upload is often requested, but usually requires a greasemonkey-type plugin or specially written Python bot. There is a way to highly automate the process in vanilla Mozilla/Firefox, but it requires temporarily relaxing security settings (as explained in the script comments). There are three parts to using it (note that, except for testing, you should really do step 3, the URL generation, first, so that you don't leave your browser insecure longer than needed):

The script

This goes into your user/monobook.js on the Wiki you need to upload to. It can stay in your script indefinitely as it is rather passive unless triggered:

// ==================================================
// Begin batch upload script for Mozilla/FF - Splarka
// ==================================================
This is a highly evil and somewhat esoteric script 
that allows fast and multiple batch uploading of 
files to a wiki.

It requires TEMPORARILY relaxing default security 
settings in your browser. Specifically: Javascript
should *not* be able to arbitrarily upload files of
a given name. But this is exactly what this script
requires to operate. While relaxing your security,
you should not visit any other sites except the 
wiki in question.

To enable:
* Go to the URL about:config in firefox
* find/create and set to 'true': 
** signed.applets.codebase_principal_support

To disable: 
* Go to the URL about:config in firefox
* find/create and set to 'false': 
** signed.applets.codebase_principal_support

For more info/troubleshooting see:

function uploadbatch() {
  if((document.title.indexOf('Upload file - ') == 0)&&(queryString('wpUploadFile'))) {
    try { netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege('UniversalFileRead'); }
    catch($err) {
      var $privileges = false;
      alert('Error: Unable to perform file upload. App was denied elevated privileges to do so.');
    if((queryString('wpUploadFile'))&&(document.getElementById('wpUploadFile').value == '')) document.getElementById('wpUploadFile').value = decodeURIComponent(queryString('wpUploadFile')).replace(/\+/g,' ')
    if((queryString('wpDestFile'))&&(document.getElementById('wpDestFile').value == '')) document.getElementById('wpDestFile').value = decodeURIComponent(queryString('wpDestFile')).replace(/\+/g,' ')
    if((queryString('wpUploadDescription'))&&(document.getElementById('wpUploadDescription').value == '')) document.getElementById('wpUploadDescription').value = decodeURIComponent(queryString('wpUploadDescription')).replace(/\+/g,' ')
    if(queryString('wpUpload') == 'submit') document.forms[0].wpUpload.click()

function queryString(p) {
  var re = RegExp('[&?]' + p + '=([^&]*)');
  var matches;
  if (matches = re.exec(document.location)) {
    try { 
      return decodeURI(matches[1]);
    } catch (e) {
  return null;

// ==================================================
// End batch upload script for Mozilla/FF - Splarka
// ==================================================

The security

Enabling this script is somewhat of a pain. There are several ways to do it and not all of them work. You will get a warning message the first time (usually you can select a default answer).

As explained in the script, to enable it in Firefox/Mozilla, go to about:config

  • To enable:
"signed.applets.codebase_principal_support" to "true"
  • To disable:
"signed.applets.codebase_principal_support" to "false"

Alternately, you can add these to the browser's prefs.js (usually in a subfolder of "documents and settings\user\application data") directly (comment out to disable):

user_pref("signed.applets.codebase_principal_support", true);

Or to the browser's default prefs definition defaults\pref\firefox.js (comment out to disable):

pref("signed.applets.codebase_principal_support", true);

Note, if the above fails, you may have luck by adding (temporarily) this to your prefs.js:

user_pref("capability.principal.codebase.p0.granted", "UniversalFileRead");

The URL generation and usage

Now, once you have this infrastructure in place, what do you do with it?

The easiest way, is to generate a set of URLs which you can then list on a temporary wikipage and batch-upload by hilighting large groups and using the "open links in new tabs" feature of Firefox. Then, after they've loaded, all you have to do is close the tabs (if there are no warning messages).

The javascript takes 4 URL parameters which must be escaped/encoded into URL-speak (hex values for nonalphanumeric characters, %20 = space, %A0 = linefeed, etc) :

  • wpUploadFile (string, required): determines the local path of your file to upload. Like &wpUploadFile=c:%5Cwiki%5Cimage%201.gif (encoded version of "c:\wiki\image 1.gif")
  • wpDestFile (string, optional): file name, if different.
  • wpUploadDescription (string, optional): information box for the upload. Put license info here. For example: wpUploadDescription=Some%20file%0A%0A%3D%3DLicense%3D%3D%0A%7B%7BGFDL%7D%7D
  • wpUpload (string, optional): if set to "submit" the form will submit automatically, meaning you only have to open the URL in a new tab, and close it when done.

So for example:

Note: Mostly working tool to automate this: Batch upload generator.


Add a bot=1 parameter to user contribs pages, to hide the rollbacks from Special:Recentchanges (if spammy).

function hiderollback() {
  if(document.title.indexOf('User contributions')==-1) return;
  var tabs = document.getElementById('p-cactions').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0];
  var botlink = document.location.href;
  if(botlink.indexOf('?')==-1) {
    botlink += '?bot=1';
  } else {
    botlink += '&bot=1';
  addlilink(tabs, botlink, '&bot=1', 'ca-bot');

function addlilink(tabs, url, name, id) {
    var na = document.createElement('a');
    na.href = url;
    na.id = id;
    var li = document.createElement('li');
    return li;

Hide namespaces in categories

A quick script to hide namespace prefixes in category lists. Just add <div id="catnoprefix" style="display:none;"></div> to the category description page to activate it.

function catprefix() {
  if(!document.getElementById('catnoprefix')) return
  var anchors = document.getElementById('mw-pages').getElementsByTagName('a');
  for(var i=0;i < anchors.length;i++) {
    if(anchors[i].firstChild.nodeValue.indexOf(':') != -1) {
      anchors[i].firstChild.nodeValue = anchors[i].firstChild.nodeValue.substring(anchors[i].firstChild.nodeValue.indexOf(':')+1);

Here is another version:

addOnloadHook(function() {if(document.getElementById('catnoprefix')) document.getElementById('mw-pages').innerHTML = document.getElementById('mw-pages').innerHTML.replace(/\<a href\=([^\>]*\>)[^\:|\<]*\:/g,'<a href=$1');});

Countdown timers

Note: This is a completely revamped version, for the old version, click here.
// **************************************************
// Experimental javascript countdown timer (Splarka)
// Version 0.0.3
// **************************************************
// Usage example:
//  <span class="countdown" style="display:none;">
//  Only <span class="countdowndate">January 01 2007 00:00:00 PST</span> until New years.
//  </span>
//  <span class="nocountdown">Javascript disabled.</span>

function updatetimer(i) {
  var now = new Date();
  var then = timers[i].eventdate;
  var diff = count=Math.floor((then.getTime()-now.getTime())/1000);

  // catch bad date strings
  if(isNaN(diff)) { 
    timers[i].firstChild.nodeValue = '** ' + timers[i].eventdate + ' **' ;

  // determine plus/minus
  if(diff<0) {
    diff = -diff;
    var tpm = 'T plus ';
  } else {
    var tpm = 'T minus ';

  // calcuate the diff
  var left = (diff%60) + ' seconds';
  if(diff > 0) left = (diff%60) + ' minutes ' + left;
  if(diff > 0) left = (diff%24) + ' hours ' + left;
  if(diff > 0) left = diff + ' days ' + left
  timers[i].firstChild.nodeValue = tpm + left;

  // a setInterval() is more efficient, but calling setTimeout()
  // makes errors break the script rather than infinitely recurse
  timeouts[i] = setTimeout('updatetimer(' + i + ')',1000);

function checktimers() {
  //hide 'nocountdown' and show 'countdown'
  var nocountdowns = getElementsByClassName(document, 'span', 'nocountdown');
  for(var i in nocountdowns) nocountdowns[i].style.display = 'none'
  var countdowns = getElementsByClassName(document, 'span', 'countdown');
  for(var i in countdowns) countdowns[i].style.display = 'inline'

  //set up global objects timers and timeouts.
  timers = getElementsByClassName(document, 'span', 'countdowndate');  //global
  timeouts = new Array(); // generic holder for the timeouts, global
  if(timers.length == 0) return;
  for(var i in timers) {
    timers[i].eventdate = new Date(timers[i].firstChild.nodeValue);
    updatetimer(i);  //start it up

// **************************************************
//  - end -  Experimental javascript countdown timer
// **************************************************

Changes since 0.0.2:

  • Uses 3 spans instead of 2 (one is optional): An outer wrapping span class="countdown", a child span class="countdowndate" containing the literal date, and an outer span class="nocountdown" for default javascript-free message (optional).
  • Did away with "until" and "ago since", now uses "T minus" and "T plus".

The new syntax is:

<span class="countdown" style="display:none;">
countdown text <span class="countdowndate">date</span> countdown text
<span class="nocountdown">no javascript text</span>

For example:

<span class="countdown" style="display:none;">
New years is in <span class="countdowndate">January 01 2007 00:00:00 PST</span>.
<span class="nocountdown">Counter unavailable.</span>

Could generate:

New years is in T minus 251 days 7 hours 19 minutes 51 seconds.
Not highly tested yet. Feedback welcome.

Whatlinkshere delete link

Quick and dirty script to add 'delete' link to Unlinked pages, if you are on Special:Whatlinkshere (requested).

function whatlinksheredel() {
  if(wgPageName!='Special:Whatlinkshere') return
  if(!document.getElementById('nolinkshere')) return
  if(document.getElementById('nolinkshere').childNodes[1].nodeType!=1) return
  var url=document.getElementById('nolinkshere').childNodes[1].firstChild.href;
  if(url.indexOf('action=edit')!=-1) return;
  var link = document.createElement('a');
  link.setAttribute('href', url + '&action=delete');
  link.setAttribute('style', 'font-size:90%;padding-left:20px');

Block reasons dropdown

This is actually added in a very recent modification to MediaWiki, but was requested by unmentioned impatient parties.

This script grabs an invisible div you define in MediaWiki:Blockiptext, for example:

<div id="ipbreason-dropdown-js" style="display:none;"><nowiki>
* Common block reasons
** Inserting false information
** Removing content from pages
** Spamming links to external sites
** Inserting nonsense/gibberish into pages
** Intimidating behaviour/harassment
** Abusing multiple accounts
** Vandalism
* Foo
** Bar

The script itself goes into your MediaWiki:Common.js or user.js

// ==================================================
// Begin default dropdown block reasons - Splarka
// ==================================================
function blockreasons() {
  if(!document.getElementById('ipbreason-dropdown-js')) return;
  var reasondiv = document.getElementById('ipbreason-dropdown-js');
  var reasons = document.getElementById('ipbreason-dropdown-js').firstChild.nodeValue.split('\n');

  var selsel = document.createElement('select');
  var firstop = document.createElement('option');  
  firstop.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Predefined block reasons'));

  var groupop = new Array(); var gpn = 0;
  var op = new Array(); var opn = 0;
   for(var i=0;i<reasons.length;i++) {
    if(reasons[i].substring(0,1)=='*') {
    if(reasons[i].substring(0,2)=='**') {
      op[opn] = document.createElement('option');
    } else {
      if(groupop[gpn]) selsel.appendChild(groupop[gpn])
      groupop[gpn] = document.createElement('optgroup');

  var reasonparent = document.getElementById('blockip').wpBlockReason.parentNode;
if(wgPageName=='Special:Blockip') addOnloadHook(blockreasons);

function blockreasonchange() {
  var selsel = document.getElementById('blockreasonsel');
  var reasonbox = document.getElementById('blockip').wpBlockReason;
  if(selsel.selectedIndex == 0) return
  reasonbox.value = selsel.options[selsel.selectedIndex].value;
// ==================================================
// End default dropdown block reasons 
// ==================================================

(To add)

Javascript 1.10+

Here are some scripts I used or made on Wikipedia. Note that they either require 1.10 features (either due to laziness (some can be rewritten easily) or do to advanced functions or elements) or simply don't have much use on Wikia.

Note to self:

var isIE = navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1; //IE checker

Modify a page list on a category

Adds a button to make talk page links on a category temporarly go to the subject page (bit outdated, should rewrite without innerHTML).

function catSwapButton() {
  if(document.title.indexOf('Category:' == 0)) {
    addPortletLink('p-cactions','javascript:catSwap();','De-Talkify','ca-catswap','change category links from talk pages to article pages');

function catSwap() {
  var cat = document.getElementById('mw-pages');
  cat.innerHTML = cat.innerHTML.replace(/Talk\:/g,'').replace(/[_\s]talk\:/g,':');

Adds a button to make all page links on a category link to the delete pages (with optiona

function catDelButton() {
  if(wgCanonicalNamespace == 'Category') {
    addPortletLink('p-cactions','javascript:catDel();','Delete links','ca-catdelete','change all links to delete links');

function catDel() {
  var links = document.getElementById('mw-pages').getElementsByTagName('a');
  reason = prompt('Generic reason? (escape for mediawiki default)','');
  if(reason!=null) reason = '&wpReason=' + encodeURIComponent(reason)
  for(var i=0;i < links.length;i++) {
    links[i].href += '?action=delete' + reason;
    links[i].firstChild.nodeValue = 'delete ' + links[i].firstChild.nodeValue;
  document.getElementById('ca-catdelete').style.display = 'none';
Hint: many other possibilities are... possible

Add "save" button to actions

Save action button super delux transform morph go!

function addsaveaction() {
 if(document.title.indexOf('Editing ') == 0) addPortletLink('p-cactions','javascript:document.getElementById("wpSave").click();','save','Save');

Make personal 'talk' link blink for new messages

Not much use on Wikia with shared new messages. Possibly will make a popdown list or something (as of this writing, shared new messages are broken, though).

function checkMsgs() {
  var divs = document.getElementById('bodyContent').getElementsByTagName('div');
  if(divs.length <= 2) return;
  for(var i=0;i<divs.length;i++) {
    if(divs[i].className == 'usermessage') {
      divs[i].style.display = 'none';
      var talk = document.getElementById('pt-mytalk').firstChild;
      talk.style.background='#ffff00 url(http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/96/New_%28animated%29.gif) no-repeat 0 0';

Simple top/bottom edit page insertion tabs

Unlike the custom edit buttons, these are for insertion at the top or the bottom of the current edit window (full page or simple section). I've gotten enough requests for this that it is worthwhile to simply list them here (though I know many others have done it, although differently).

Note: You must wrap this code in (/* <nowiki> */) on the .js file if it contains valid template or signature characters
if(document.title.indexOf('Editing ') == 0) addOnloadHook(addEditTools)
function addEditTools() {
  // usage: addPortletLink(portlet, href, text, [id], [tooltip], [accesskey], [nextnode])
function addEditTop(stuff) {
  if(!document.getElementById('wpTextbox1')) return
  var text = document.getElementById('wpTextbox1');
  if(text.value.replace(/ /g,'')=='') {
    text.value += stuff;
  } else {
    text.value = stuff + '\n' + text.value;
function addEditBottom(stuff) {
  if(!document.getElementById('wpTextbox1')) return
  var text = document.getElementById('wpTextbox1');
  if(text.value.replace(/ /g,'')=='') {
    text.value += stuff;
  } else {
    text.value += '\n' + stuff ;

One-click top/bottom edit page insertion tabs

These work on almost any action (edit, view, history, diff, oldid). Be very careful when using. These also are one-click, they save immediately!

// ================================================================================
// START Automated tagging script system
// ================================================================================
// Note: Advanced and a bit spooky.

if(wgNamespaceNumber != -1) addOnloadHook(addTaggingButtons)
function addTaggingButtons() {
  //in 1.11 you can use (wgAction == 'edit')
  if(document.title.indexOf('Editing ') == 0) {   
    var iTop = 'javascript:insertTop';
    var iBottom = 'javascript:insertBottom';
  } else {
    var iTop = 'javascript:insertGoTop';
    var iBottom = 'javascript:insertGoBottom';

  // addPortletLink( portlet , JS link , button text, element id );
  // Add new buttons here
  addPortletLink('p-cactions',iTop + '("{{delete}}");','{{delete}} top','ca-templatedelete');
  addPortletLink('p-cactions',iBottom + '("That is my story and I am sticking to it ~~~~");','that is my story','ca-story');

function insertTop(stuff) {
  if(!document.getElementById('wpTextbox1')) return
  var text = document.getElementById('wpTextbox1');
  if(text.value.replace(/ /g,'')=='') {
    text.value += stuff;
  } else {
    text.value = stuff + '\n' + text.value;
  document.getElementById('wpSummary').value += ' * semiautomated tagging with: ' + stuff;

function insertBottom(stuff) {
  if(!document.getElementById('wpTextbox1')) return
  var text = document.getElementById('wpTextbox1');
  if(text.value.replace(/ /g,'')=='') {
    text.value += stuff;
  } else {
    text.value += '\n' + stuff ;
  document.getElementById('wpSummary').value += ' * semiautomated tagging with: ' + stuff;

function insertGoTop(stuff) {
  var url = document.getElementById('ca-edit').firstChild.href;
  document.location.href = url + '&insert=true&inserttop=' + encodeURIComponent(stuff);

function insertGoBottom(stuff) {
  var url = document.getElementById('ca-edit').firstChild.href;
  document.location.href = url + '&insert=true&insertbottom=' + encodeURIComponent(stuff);

function processInsert() {
  if(queryString('insertbottom')) {
  if(queryString('inserttop')) {
if(queryString('insert')=='true') addOnloadHook(processInsert)

function queryString(p) {
  var re = RegExp('[&?]' + p + '=([^&]*)');
  var matches;
  if (matches = re.exec(document.location)) {
    try { 
      return decodeURI(matches[1]);
    } catch (e) {
  return null;

// ================================================================================
// END Automated tagging script system
// ================================================================================

One-click delete buttons

In the same style as the previous section's tagging stuff.

// ================================================================================
// START Automated deletion button script system
// ================================================================================
// Adds customizable one-click deletion buttons to any deletable page.
function checkdelete() {
    if(queryString("submitdelete")=="true") document.getElementById('deleteconfirm').wpConfirmB.click()

if(wgNamespaceNumber != -1) addOnloadHook(addDeleteButtons)
function addDeleteButtons() {
  if(!document.getElementById('ca-delete')) return
  var url=document.getElementById('ca-delete').firstChild.href
  addPortletLink('p-cactions', url + '&submitdelete=true&wpReason=' + encodeURIComponent('This is spam') ,'delete spam','ca-delete1');
  addPortletLink('p-cactions', url + '&submitdelete=true&wpReason=' + encodeURIComponent('This is an unused redirect'),'delete redirect','ca-delete2');

function queryString(p) {
  var re = RegExp('[&?]' + p + '=([^&]*)');
  var matches;
  if (matches = re.exec(document.location)) {
    try { 
      return decodeURI(matches[1]);
    } catch (e) {
  return null;

// ================================================================================
// END Automated deletion button script system
// ================================================================================

Tabbed navigation (folding multi wiki tabs)

Note: This is an updated version that will work in multiple instances on the same page. For the old version, see here.

Sometimes requested, is something similar to dynamic navigation, but more like the tabs on Special:Preferences. Here is a basic framework for such. It needs some javascript, some CSS (optional actually), and some wikicode/html (that can be templateified).

The javascript

Just pop this into MediaWiki:Common.js.

Hint: If you want to have it only trigger on certain pages, put in a check for wgTitle on the addOnloadHook

// ==================================================
//  Folding Multi Wiki Tabs (experimental)
// ==================================================

function foldingTabsMulti() {
  var len=0;
  ftsets = getElementsByClassName(document, 'div', 'foldtabSet');  //global object array thingy
  if(ftsets.length==0) return

  for(var i=0;i<ftsets.length;i++) {  
    ftsets[i].head = getElementsByClassName(ftsets[i], 'div', 'foldtabHead')[0];
    ftsets[i].links = ftsets[i].head.getElementsByTagName('a');
    ftsets[i].boxen = getElementsByClassName(ftsets[i], 'div', 'foldtabBox');

    if(ftsets[i].links.length < ftsets[i].boxen.length) {
      len = ftsets[i].boxen.length;
    } else {
      len = ftsets[i].links.length;

    for(var j=0;j<len;j++) {
      ftsets[i].links[j].href = 'javascript:showmultitab(\'' + i + '\',\'' + j + '\');';
      ftsets[i].links[j].title = 'click to display tab ' + j + ' of set ' + i;
    ftsets[i].head.style.display = 'block';

function showmultitab(set,num) {
  for(var j=0;j<ftsets[set].boxen.length;j++) {
    if(j==num) {
      ftsets[set].boxen[j].style.display = 'block';
    } else {
      ftsets[set].boxen[j].style.display = 'none';
  for(var j=0;j<ftsets[set].links.length;j++) {
    if(j==num) {
      ftsets[set].links[j].className = 'selected';
    } else {
      ftsets[set].links[j].className = '';

// ==================================================
//            END Folding Multi Wiki Tabs
// ==================================================


To style the tabs, you can copy/paste one of these to MediaWiki:Common.css:

These make the links look like folder tabs, sort of like the monobook p-caction tabs.
/* Folding wiki tabs: folder-like tab style */
.foldtabSet {
  position: relative;
.foldtabBox {
  border:1px solid #0000aa;
  position: relative;
  z-index: 1;
.foldtabHead a { 
  border:1px solid #0000aa; 
  padding:.13em 1em;
  position: relative;
  z-index: 0;
.foldtabHead a.selected { 
  z-index: 2;
.foldtabHead p { padding:0;margin:0; }
These make the links and content look more like inset/outset boxes (sort of like in Special:Preferences)
/* Folding wiki tabs: inset box style */
.foldtabSet {
.foldtabBox {
  border:2px inset grey;
.foldtabHead {
.foldtabHead a { 
  border:2px outset grey;
.foldtabHead a.selected { 
  border:2px inset grey;
.foldtabHead p { padding:0;margin:0; }
Or you can create your own style.

The wikicode/html

Here is an example of how to activate the js/css:

<div class="foldtabSet">
<div class="foldtabHead" style="display:none;">
<div class="foldtabBox">
stuff 1
<div class="foldtabBox"> 
stuff 2
<div class="foldtabBox">
stuff 3
Note that in this newer version, all "id" definitions have been replaced with "class" for proper multiple instances. Because of this, the "foldtabHead" div must be inside the "foldtabSet" div for proper logical association.

Some tricks for the wikicode/html:

  • In the above example, the javascript-fail fallback is to display all the tabs. If you add style="display:none;" to all the class="foldtabBox" divs except one, they will all be permanently hidden for non-JS browsers.
  • In the class="foldtabHead" div, you can remove the style="display:none;" and link the wikilinks to somewhere else besides #top. Then, if javascript is disabled, the user will be taken to an alternate page.
  • You can style the tabs by manipulating the CSS in the previous section, or with inline CSS (except the links).

Open searches in new window

  if(!document.getElementById('searchform')) return
  var search = document.getElementById('searchform');
  var check = document.createElement('input');
  search.appendChild(document.createTextNode('new window'));

function searchTargetSwap(chkd) {
  var search = document.getElementById('searchform');
  if(chkd) {
  } else {

Collapsible portlets

Per a request, a simple method to make all sidebar portlets collapsible. Note that it uses default images in the /skins folder and shows the first portlet (usually 'Navigation') by default. These can be customized in the CSS. Should work in IE now.

In Common.js:

// ==================================================
//  Collapsible Portlets (experimental)
// ==================================================

function foldingPortlets() {
  var portlets = getElementsByClassName(document.getElementById('column-one'),'div','portlet');
  var portskip = ['p-personal', 'p-cactions', 'p-logo', 'ads-top-left'];
  var first=true;

  for(var i=0;i<portlets.length;i++) {
    if(portskip.join(' ').indexOf(portlets[i].id)==-1) {
      var pd = portlets[i].getElementsByTagName('div')[0];
      var ph = portlets[i].getElementsByTagName('h5')[0];
      ph.className = 'portletCollapsible'

      var link = document.createElement('a');
      var head = getAllText(ph);
      while(ph.firstChild) ph.removeChild(ph.firstChild);
      link.setAttribute('href','javascript:showPortlet(\'' + i + '\');');
      link.className = 'portletClosed';

      if(first==true) { 
        first=false; showPortlet(i);
if(skin=='monobook') addOnloadHook(foldingPortlets)

function getAllText(thing) {
  if (thing.nodeType == 3) return thing.nodeValue;
  var text = new Array(); var i=0;
  while(thing.childNodes[i]) {
    text[text.length] = getAllText(thing.childNodes[i]);
  return text.join('');

function showPortlet(id) {
  var pd = document.getElementById('pbody-'+id);
  var pl = document.getElementById('plink-'+id);

  if(pd.style.display=='none') {
    pl.className = 'portletOpened';
  } else {
    pl.className = 'portletClosed';

// ==================================================
//  End Collapsible Portlets
// ==================================================

In Monobook.css:

/* Classes for collapsible portlets, customize as needed */
h5.portletCollapsible {
  border:1px outset grey;
.portletCollapsible a {
  padding:1px 1px .2em 15px;
.portletClosed { background:center left url("http://images.wikia.com/common/skins/common/images/Arr_d.png") no-repeat; }
.portletOpened { background:center left url("http://images.wikia.com/common/skins/common/images/Arr_u.png") no-repeat; }

Open in new windows

Per request, a way to specify some links as target=_blank (open in new window):

function newwindows() {
  if(window.killnewwindows) return;
  var nw = getElementsByClassName(document,'*','newWindow');
  for(var i=0;i<nw.length;i++) {
    var nwl = nw[i].getElementsByTagName('a');
    for(var j=0;j<nwl.length;j++) {
      nwl[j].target = '_blank';
      nwl[j].title += ' (opens in new window)';
//      nwl[j].className += ' external';

To specify which links will get this treatment, wrap them in a div or a span with class="newWindow" (you can wrap as many as you want). This example styles them green colored, but the commented-out example also adds them to class 'external'.

Individual users can put the following line into their user js, to disable this feature for them:

var killnewwindows=true;

Be aware this is unadvised for mass usage, as almost all modern browsers let users very easily open in new windows or new tabs with a simple ctrl+click, shift+click or middle-click. Also, adding this script to your Common.js will allow anyone to use it.

Missing Image Tools

Suppose you hate clicking a red image link, not knowing if you'll get the edit page, an upload page, or a free trip to Antarctica. Well, give this a try.

This is an overly customized script, but can be easily adapted for a wide variety of nefarious uses.

// ==================================================
//  Image Redlink Toolkit
// ==================================================
function redImageTools() {
  var img = getElementsByClassName(document.getElementById('bodyContent'),'a','new');
  for(var i=0;i<img.length;i++) {
    var iu = img[i].href;
    if(iu.search(/Special\:Upload/i)!=-1) {
      var it = 'Image:' + iu.substring(iu.indexOf('wpDestFile=')+11,iu.length);
      insertWrappedLinkAfter(img[i], wgScriptPath + '/index.php?title=Special:Log&page=' + it,'logs');
      insertWrappedLinkAfter(img[i], wgScriptPath + '/index.php?title=' + it + '&action=edit','edit');
      insertWrappedLinkAfter(img[i], wgScriptPath + '/index.php?title=' + it,'view');
      img[i].className = 'new newimage';
    } else if(iu.search(/title\=Image\:/i)!=-1) {
      var it = iu.substring(iu.indexOf('title=')+6,iu.indexOf('&action=edit'));
      insertWrappedLinkAfter(img[i], wgScriptPath + '/index.php?title=Special:Upload&wpDestFile=' + it,'upload');
      insertWrappedLinkAfter(img[i], wgScriptPath + '/index.php?title=Special:Log&page=' + it,'logs');
      insertWrappedLinkAfter(img[i], wgScriptPath + '/index.php?title=' + it,'view');
      img[i].className = 'new newimage';
function insertWrappedLinkAfter(object,link,text) {
  var sm = document.createElement('small');
  var li = document.createElement('a');
  li.href = link;
  var tx = document.createTextNode(text);
  var po = document.createTextNode(' (');
  var pc = document.createTextNode(')');
  object.nextSibling && object.parentNode.insertBefore(sm,object.nextSibling) || object.parentNode.appendChild(sm)
// ==================================================
//  End Image Redlink Toolkit
// ==================================================

Replace &uselang=wgContentLanguage with user's pref language, in links

Say you want to link somewhere offsite with &uselang={{CONTENTLANGUAGE}}, but you don't want to over-ride people's user language settings, or &uselang= parameter. Well, wrap those links in an object with class="userlang-pref", and it'll replace any &uselang=xx (where xx matches wgContentLanguage) with &uselang=yy (where yy is wgUserLanguage). Okay, so you probably don't need it, but it is stil nifty, eh?

if(wgUserLanguage!=wgContentLanguage) addOnloadHook(uselangPrefOverride)
function uselangPrefOverride() {
  var upo = getElementsByClassName(document,'*','uselang-pref');
  if(upo.length==0) return;
  var r = new RegExp('uselang\=' + wgContentLanguage,'i');

  for(var i=0;i<upo.length;i++) {
    var a = upo[i].getElementsByTagName('a');
    for(var j=0;j<a.length;j++) {
      if(a[j].href.search(r)!=-1) {
        a[j].href = a[j].href.replace(r,'uselang=' + wgUserLanguage);
        a[j].title = a[j].title.replace(r,'uselang=' + wgUserLanguage);
        for(var k=0;k<a[j].childNodes.length;k++) {
          if(a[j].childNodes[k].nodeType==3) {
            a[j].childNodes[k].nodeValue = a[j].childNodes[k].nodeValue.replace(r,'uselang=' + wgUserLanguage);

Filter Special:Log results

This takes the results of a Special:Log query and regex-searches (from prompt, activated by new portlet button) the plain text representation of each line.

could probably be applied to any special page that returns a single <ul> of results)
if(wgPageName=='Special:Log') {
  addOnloadHook(function() {
    addPortletLink('p-cactions','javascript:speciallogRegexFilter()','Filter','p-logfilter','Regex filter the results on this page');

var filter='Image\:';
function speciallogRegexFilter() {
  filter = prompt('Please enter a regular expression for this search',filter);
  if(filter==null) filter = '.*'
  var pattern = new RegExp(filter,'');
  var li=document.getElementById('bodyContent').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0].getElementsByTagName('li');
  var links=[];
  for(var i=0;i<li.length;i++) {
    litxt = getText(li[i]);
    (litxt.search(pattern)!=-1) ? li[i].style.display='block' : li[i].style.display='none'

function getText(obj) {
  if (obj.nodeType == 3) return obj.nodeValue;
  var txt = new Array();
  var i=0;
  while(obj.childNodes[i]) {
    txt[txt.length] = getText(obj.childNodes[i]);
  return txt.join('');



"Did you delete the talk page?"

Note: It should no longer be necessary to put this into a template and transclude it. It should work directly from inside these MediaWiki message in most cases.

From a thread on Wikipedia:WP:VP/T: When deleting pages, often times the talk pages are forgotten, this can cause a rash of orphaned talk pages to hover around indefinitely. Sometimes a talk page should be kept as a valid indicator as to previous conversations about the page and why it should not exist, but most times the talk pages should be deleted (except in user: namespace). As of this writing, parserfunctions don't work in MediaWiki:Deletedtext, but transcluded parserfunctions do. (should work now without transcluding).

In: MediaWiki:Deletedtext:

 "$1" has been deleted.
 See $2 for a record of recent deletions.

In Template:Talkexist:

'''<span style="color:#00ff00;text-decoration:blink">Note:</span> A [[{{TALKPAGENAME}}|talk page]] (<span class="plainlinks">[{{fullurl:{{TALKPAGENAME}}|action=delete&wpReason=Orphaned%20talk%20page}} del]</span>) exists for this page.'''<br /><br />}}}}}}

This can also be added to MediaWiki:Confirmdeletetext (and will show up similar to the "This page has a history" alert).

Per-namespace sitenotice

Sometimes this is requested. It is fairly straightforward with m:ParserFunctions, just put something like this into MediaWiki:Sitenotice:

{{#ifeq:{{NAMESPACEE}}|Image_talk|This is an image talk page}}

The main namespace can sometimes cause problems as it is null, best to wrap it in dashes:

{{#ifeq:-{{NAMESPACEE}}-|--|This is an article}}

Slightly more advanced is putting a message in multiple namespaces, like for example all talk namespace. This is easier done with a #switch:

 |-{{ns:117}}-= This is a talk page}}

Image upload prompt

A template to ask you to upload an image if it doesn't exist, and automatically display it if it does.

|<table style="width:{{{size|150}}}px;height:{{{size|150}}}px;" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr>
<td style="border:1px solid black;background-color:#eeeeff;text-align:center;padding:.5em" valign="middle">
This file doesn't exist yet. You can [{{fullurl:Special:Upload|wpDestFile={{urlencode:{{{1|}}}}}}} upload it!]

Pagina prelevata da qui



These apply to pages such as:

Include other CSS files

This one is quite a simple thing to do. But it's overlooked by people. If you want another CSS file included into the current one then just use:

@import "/index.php?title=PAGENAME&action=raw&ctype=text/css";


@import "/index.php?title=PAGENAME&action=raw&ctype=text/css&templates=expand";

Where PAGENAME is the name of the page you want to include. Note that this will include a page from the local wikia you are on. If you want to include from another wikia place http:// and it's domain before the /index.php. See #Reduce your includes while splitting the code for information on the second one.

This is very handy when you are doing a project which spans multiple Wikia such as the Wikia Anime Project or you just want to include your own user .css to work across multiple wikia (though do note that there will be a global system in the future.)

Note that some browsers don't like it when you have a @import inside of another @import. So if you're doing this on an actual project then it's good to use this method and the one at #Include other CSS files using JS at the same time to support more browsers.


These apply to pages such as:

Include other JS files

I didn't exactly come up with this one but I didn't know about this before other people showed me it. So to stop anyone else from beating themselves up for not knowing how this works here's how to include another JS page.

document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="'
		+ '/index.php?title=PAGENAME'
		+ '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"></script>');


document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="'
		+ '/index.php?title=PAGENAME'
		+ '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s&templates=expand"></script>');

Where PAGENAME is the name of the page you want to include. Note that this will include a page from the local wikia you are on. If you want to include from another wikia place http:// and it's domain before the /index.php. See #Reduce your includes while splitting the code for information on the second one.

Include other CSS files using JS

This one is more of a modification on the one before. Some browsers don't like it when you have a @import inside of another @import so it's also good to use JS to include the CSS at the same time.

document.write('<style type="text/css">/*<![CDATA[*/@import "'
		+ '/index.php?title=PAGENAME'
		+ '&action=raw&ctype=text/css";/*]]>*/</style>');


document.write('<style type="text/css">/*<![CDATA[*/@import "'
		+ '/index.php?title=PAGENAME'
		+ '&action=raw&ctype=text/css&templates=expand";/*]]>*/</style>');

Where PAGENAME is the name of the page you want to include. Note that this will include a page from the local wikia you are on. If you want to include from another wikia place http:// and it's domain before the /index.php. See #Reduce your includes while splitting the code for information on the second one.

Namespace and Group information

Sometimes it's handy to know what namespaces and groups are on a Wikia. Unfortunately there is no built in system which lists these. So in these cases it's good to have an admin build a Namespaces.js and Groups.js file so that you can use this information inside of other scripts. Note that these files are in a format which is good for using a for loop to create switch statements which match that of those on Special:Prefixindex and Special:Listusers.

Information on how to generate the arrays and code examples can be found at Anime:MediaWiki:Namespaces.js and Anime:MediaWiki:Groups.js. (Hopefully this trend will catch on and you'll have these on most wikia you come by.)


The searchswitch is a special addition to the Search portlet. When used it adds a extra box above the search box in the sidebar. This box modifies the search box to whatever you pick. There's still the normal Search listed there. But there are a number of other options to:

  • Article: This works a little like a creationbox. You can type in an article name and then hit view to go to that page, or you can hit edit to go strait to the editpage for that article. (The code for this was borrowed from User:Splarka/tricks)
  • Editcount: Plain and simply this is like going to Special:Editcount just enter a username in the box and hit go, you'll then be sent to the editcount for the person.
  • PageIndex: This works just like both Special:Allpages and Special:Prefixindex. The nice thing about it is you can use the dropdown box to select a namespace such as the main namespace and then hitting submit gives you a list of all the articles in that namespace. The Starting At option sends you to Allpages and gives a listing of every article starting with the one you listed and going on to a limit. The Starting With option sends you to Prefixindex and gives you a list of all the articles which start with the text you entered.
  • Listusers: Listusers works just like going to Special:Listusers. You can just submit for a list of all users (A new feature is also in place so that now only active users are listed there.) You can enter in a username to get information on a user such as what status tags such as Jonin they may have. Or you can use the dropdown box to find a list of all the Jonin(sysop), Kage(bureaucrat), or Tokubetsu Jonin(rollback) there are on the wiki.
  • Contribs: Simply enter a username here and you will be sent to the contribs page of a user. Works similar to Editcount.

Please note that to use these features you must be on a Wikia which is using the trick at #Namespace and Group information. Though if you are not, you can optionally create those two pages at Special:Mypage/namespaces.js and Special:Mypage/groups.js and use overrideNamespaces and overrideGroups to direct the system to use your personal files instead of using the default ones for the trick.

If you are already using the #Include other CSS and JS files by function trick then you can simply include this system by using the code:

includeJS( 'MediaWiki:Searchswitch.js', 'en.anime' );
includeCSS( 'MediaWiki:Searchswitch.css', 'en.anime' );

or you could replace the includeCSS in your JS file with this inside of your CSS page (or you can use both):

@import "http://en.anime.wikia.com/index.php?title=MediaWiki:Searchswitch.css&action=raw&ctype=text/css";

Though do note that if you are on a wikia which styles the sidebar you'll half to apply the same style to #p-switch.

Borrow things from the Wikia Anime Project

I experiment with new things to make it easier to use a Wiki on the Wikia Anime Project. It's actually possible to include these things when you travel outside of the project using a little code in your own CSS and JS.

Note: There are 2 important things which including things from the WAP does. Firstly it includes the functions used at #Include other CSS and JS files by function so after you include code from the project, any other code you include from other places will be able to use the includeJS and includeCSS functions. Another system that is included is the #Searchswitch so if you are not on a project which uses the #Namespace and Group information trick you must either have the project admins create this page or you could create those two pages at Special:Mypage/namespaces.js and Special:Mypage/groups.js and then uncomment the 2 lines which override the location and change MYUSERNAME to whatever your username actually is. If you're wondering what cancelAnime is. It's a variable that tells the WAP's javascript and such to not include other files and systems which are specially made for things such as styling things in the WAP. This also stops the global Anime:MediaWiki:Anime-Monobook-Accesstips.js from being included to.

Inside of your monobook.js:

//Stuff to include WAP Stuff into here.//
var cancelAnime = true;
//var overrideNamespaces = 'User:MYUSERNAME/namespaces.js';
//var overrideGroups = 'User:MYUSERNAME/groups.js';
document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="'
             + 'http://en.anime.wikia.com/index.php?title=MediaWiki:Anime-Common.js'
             + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s&templates=expand"></script>');

Inside of your monobook.css:

@import "http://en.anime.wikia.com/index.php?title=MediaWiki:Searchswitch.css&action=raw&ctype=text/css";

For an example of this in use you can see my User:Dantman/monobook.js and User:Dantman/monobook.css.

For sanitys sake please only use this trick in your userspace outside of the WAP. Don't use this trick to borrow things from the WAP for your own project. If you want to do that then it's better to ask me for help copying the code to your wikia.

Tab System / Status & Stress Changer / Wikiswitch

One of the big things I've been using is a system for adding special tabs to the top bar amongst a bunch of other things. I've finally set it up in a way which a normal user can use.

I started off with what was at User:Essjay/monobook.js and User:Essjay/monobook.css but it's been significantly altered from what he originally had. Sysop functions can be set to only work on certain Wikia. Buttons and menus can be told to show up or not. IP options only show up on anons not normal users. The status changer can be customized and there's a new stress changer. The old addli functions have been completely replaced by the more robust PortletMenu functions. And that system has been modified so that it can create menus and also so that it can create separators to. The diff link has been moved under the history menu. When something such as the diff is active it's link shows up when it's in a menu. I've also setup a very special wikiswitch system which lets you switch between multiple wikia. Not just to homepages, but to the mirroring page on the other wiki. A My editcount link can be placed in the personal menu. You can jump strait to your userpage or usertalkpage on another wiki. In a tools menu you can add a SiteNotice menu with options for dismissing and undismissing the notice.

First off, I'm going to have to note that this code relies heavily on things in the WAP. So if you want to use this outside of the WAP you'll have to follow #Borrow things from the Wikia Anime Project.

Firstly here's the basic code which includes the files. Nothing much will happen though without customizing any options.

includeJS( 'MediaWiki:Verify.js', 'en.anime' );
includeJS( 'MediaWiki:Basictabs.js', 'en.anime' );
includeJS( 'MediaWiki:Wikiswitch.js', 'en.anime' );
includeJS( 'MediaWiki:Statuschanger.js', 'en.anime' );

If you are outside of the Wikia Anime Project you'll also need this in your monobook.css or else the tabs will go insane:

@import "http://en.anime.wikia.com/index.php?title=MediaWiki:Tabs.css&action=raw&ctype=text/css";

There are a bunch of tabs which can be enabled or disabled, here's a set of variables defaulted to false(off) which you can toggle on to make something appear, note that everything I'm listing should be above the code I just gave you:

var addDiff = false;//Adds Diff link in a menu under History.
var addPurge = false;//Adds a Purge link after Watch
var addMyEditcount = false;//Adds a My editcount link in the personal bar.
var addUserMenu = false;//Adds a User menu with various functions while in a Userpage area.
var addWikiTools = false;//Adds the empty WikiTools menu.
var addSiteNotice2WikiTools = false;//Adds a sitenotice menu to WikiTools.
var addWikiSwitchMenu = false;//Adds the wikiswitch menu.
var addUserSwitchMenu = false;//Adds a wikiswitch for your userpages.
var addTalkSwitchMenu = false;//Adds a wikiswitch for your usertalkpages.
var addWikiSwitchPageClone = false;//Adds a Clone button to wikiswitch tabs.
var addWikiSwitchPageDiff = true;//Adds a Diff button to wikiswitch tabs.

If you are a sysop on any wikia it's possible to make the sysop only buttons show up (by default they're off). If you list the domains which you are a sysop at in an array in the sysopAt variable, when you are at that wikia the sysop options will show up. (The reason it's not a simple variable only, is so that you can include the code in your future global user preferences or just use includes to bring your styles and scripts everywhere you go.)

Staff Tip: Just a little tip for the staff who have sysop functions on every wiki. If you set isSysop to true it will override sysopAt and sysop options will always be on.

Here's an example, this would be for me I'm a sysop on The Gaiapedia, and the 3 Wikia currently in the WAP so I'd list:

var sysopAt = new Array(

Next is the wikiswitch. It's off by default, but if you enabled addWikiSwitchMenu, addUserSwitchMenu, or addTalkSwitchMenu then you'll have to customize the variable wikiaDomainList with the list of wiki which you want to show up under the wikia tab.

Here's an example listing which just has central on it:

wikiaDomainList = new Array(
	{ id: 'central', domain: 'www.wikia.com', projectNS: 'Wikia', name: 'Central', title: 'Wikia Central', mainpage: 'Wikia', interwiki: 'w:' }

The mainpage parameter is optional, it's simply used when a wiki has a mainpage other than Main_Page. domain is the domain at which the wikia is, it's what will be used to convert links. projectNS is the name of the project namespace for that wikia, setting this will alter the link when you are in the project namespace. This means that while you are at say, the Animepedia which has a Project namespace of Animepedia in it's Animepedia:Rules and you decided to go to central which has a Project namespace of Wikia, instead of ending up on the nonexistant Animepedia:Rules on central you'd end up at Wikia:Rules. The same goes for the mainpage parameter, when you set it if you're on Wikia with a mainpage of Wikia, and you go to another wikia with a different mainpage you'll be directed to the correct page. Name is the name which will show up in the menu, and Wikia Central is the title that will show up when you hover over it (It's good to keep shorter names in the menu). interwiki is also optional. This is currently only used in conjunction with the WikiSwitchPageClone system. If you do not set interwiki to an interwiki link (e.g.: Anime:) then the software will try to build one using w:c: and the id parameter.

Using the wikiswitch system you'll have 3 different menus that will come up if you enable them. The Wikia menu which will list the wikia which you have listed, for each one you will have a link which will go to the parallel page on the other Wikia, and a submenu with 4 links. A link to the view page of your current page, one strait to the edit page (Useful for copying things across multiple wikia), A link to the Mainpage on that wikia and the recentchanges. The other 2 optional menus are a menu with links to your userpages and user talkpages on the listed other wikia, those show up when you hover over your username or my talk link in the personal menu.

If addWikiSwitchPageClone is set to true, then in each wiki menu you will also be given a clone option with a auto option in the submenu. If you use the auto link you will be given a confirmation making sure that you actually intend to copy the page. If you confirm this then you will be sent to the editpage of the page you are on. On that page a edit summary will automatically be made and the page will be saved but due to a little alteration trick instead of the page being saved on the current wiki, it will be saved onto the wiki you selected previously in the menu. Essentially this means that the current page you are on will be cloned to another wiki. A nice thing to note with this is that you fortunately don't need to have the scripts working on the other wiki, so you can also use this tool to copy the code you use to reference to your main .js and .css (Note that You won't need to do this once the Global user .js and .css is setup.) If you wish to clone a page in a safer manner then just use the clone itself, instead of directly saving the page it will bring you to a preview of the new page on the other wiki. Additionally if you set addWikiSwitchPageDiff to true, then a diff link will be placed below the clone link and you can use that to check the difference between the content on that wiki, and the content on the current wiki.

The last thing to explain is the Status Changer and Stress Changer. The system again was copied from what Essjay had and it's been improved. The stress changer was one I came up with after finding stress meters on wikimedia commons and having a little run in issue with some trouble on a project with user miscommunication.

Important Note: For sanity's sake, coding sake, and plain etiquette It's best to make a status changer only on the one wikia you are active the most on. Doing it elsewhere isn't nice because a new edit shows up in the recentchanges every time you change your status. It's also more polite to wait off on adding things like this or some fancy userpage until after you've been around here for awhile. That aside, onto the explanation.

The variables we'll be looking at are For the status changer: statusChangeAt, statusSubpage, statusScheme, and statusTypes. And for the stress changer stressChangeAt, stressSubpage, stressScheme, and stressTypes.

statusChangeAt and stressChangeAt work just like sysopAt. Just set it to an array with the domains of where you have a statuschanger and stress changer setup. If you want to know how these are setup you'll need a Status page in your userspace, and a status template in your userpage. Look at Anime:User:Dantman/Status and Anime:User:Dantman/Status/Template. Though note that I take things a step further than Essjay's old one I and split between images and text.

First we'll look at the defining variables: My recommendation is that you set your status stuff at these locations (Note that these are part of your userspace, User:Yourname is automatically placed before these):

var statusSubpage = "/Status";
var statusScheme = "/Status/Template";
var stressSubpage = "/Stress";
var stressScheme = "/Stress/Template";

Delete or edit whatever you need or don't need.

The last thing is the most important. Defining the different statuses and stress levels.

For this we use statusTypes and stressTypes each object you place in the arrays will show up as an item in the status changing menu. Wherever you place a null you will be given a separator.

Here's an example which has Active, Working, Busy, Out, Hiding, and Away:

var statusTypes = new Array(
	{ id: 'in', name: 'Active', title: 'Active' },
	{ id: 'work', name: 'Working', title: 'Working' },
	{ id: 'busy', name: 'Busy', title: 'Busy' },
	{ id: 'out', name: 'Out', title: 'Out For The Moment' },
	{ id: 'hide', name: 'Hiding', title: 'Hiding' },
	{ id: 'away', name: 'Away', title: 'Away' }

Remember that id is what will be pasted into the first parameter for your template. Name is what you'll see, and title is what will show up when you hover over the option.

The stress types works exactly the same, Here's an example using a listing of the options which you can get status guages from commons for:

var stressTypes = new Array(
	{ id: 'unknown', name: 'Unknown', title: 'Unknown' },
	{ id: 'fine', name: '1-Fine', title: 'Just Fine' },
	{ id: 'tense', name: '2-Tense', title: 'A Bit Tense' },
	{ id: 'stressed', name: '3-Stressed', title: 'Pretty Stressed' },
	{ id: 'quit', name: '4-Quit', title: 'I quit/I need a vacation' },
	{ id: 'run', name: '5-Run', title: 'Run for cover' },
	{ id: 'polluted', name: 'S-Polluted', title: '-1 (= 2^32 - 1), overflowed' },
	{ id: 'insane', name: 'S-Insane', title: 'Became Insane' }

And lastly, here's how to add that stuff to the menu.

We use a function defined as:

addStatusButtonsToMenu( Menu, asSelfmenu, addStatus, addStress )
  • Menu is the PortletMenu object for the Menu you want the tab to be added to. You can use PageMenu to make it show up in the tabs. ToolMenu is for the Toolbox. It's possible to use UserMenu, but that's not advisable because this appends to the end, and if you do that then any submenus will go off the screen.
  • asSelfmenu can be set to true or false. If it's set to true then Self will be created as a menu under the menu you gave and My Status and My Stress (Whatever you have enabled) will be submenus of Self. If you set this to false then My Status and My Stress will just be added to the given Menu. It's better to set this to false if you only have one of the types of changers.
  • addStatus and addStress just tell the function what to add to the menu. Generally this allows you to place the menus in different locations or turn of menus for nonexistant things.

Note that you can't just call this function because things aren't created until after the page has loaded, so you have to place it inside of a function for an Onload Hook. Heres an example bit of code which will add a My Status and My Stress menu as a Submenu of a Self Tab in the Tab bar:

addOnloadHook(function() {addStatusButtonsToMenu( PageMenu, true, true, true );});

You can see my setup at Anime:User:Dantman/monobook.js.

If you're having a massive amount of issues, you can ask me for help setting things up in your userspace.


Include other CSS and JS files by function

This is quite simply an addition to #Include other JS files and #Include other CSS files using JS this is basically code which takes those methods and changes them into simple to use functions.

function includeJS( page, onWikia, expand ) {
	document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="'
			+ ( onWikia ? 'http://'+onWikia+'.wikia.com' : '' )
			+ '/index.php?title=' + page
			+ '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s'+( expand == false ? '' : '&templates=expand' )+'"></script>');
function includeJSCode( code ) {
	document.write('<script type="text/javascript">'
			+ code
			+ '</script>');
function includeCSS( page, onWikia, expand ) {
	document.write('<style type="text/css">/*<![CDATA[*/@import "'
			+ ( onWikia ? 'http://'+onWikia+'.wikia.com' : '' )
			+ '/index.php?title=' + page
			+ '&action=raw&ctype=text/css'+( expand == false ? '' : '&templates=expand' )
			+ '";/*]]>*/</style>');
function includeCSSCode( code ) {
	document.write('<style type="text/css">/*<![CDATA[*/'
			+ code
			+ '";/*]]>*/</style>');

If you include this into the MediaWiki:Common.js file on a wikia then you can easily include other things elsewhere.

If you want to include MediaWiki:Example.css in a local wiki you would use:

includeCSS( 'MediaWiki:Example.css' );

To include MediaWiki:Example.js which we could say is only on central then you'd use:

includeJS( 'MediaWiki:Example.js', 'www' );

You could even include some actual js code using: (This is useful when you want code to execute after some included code runs)

includeJSCode( 'alert(\'something\');' );

And if you want to add some CSS styling:

includeCSSCode( 'body { background: black; };' );

See #Reduce your includes while splitting the code for information on the expand parameter, by default these functions expand the templates, but you can set the 3rd parameter to false to stop this from happening (use null on the 2nd parameter if you're doing this for a local wiki).

Reduce your includes while splitting the code

At times when you're on a project you may notice that you're accumulating a lot of .js or .css inside of your project and it can become hard to organize. It is possible to use the tricks I've shown to split all that stuff up into other files and just include them into the main stuff. But then that means the reader's browsers need to load more files. But there is one way to split up all your .css and/or .js into different article pages and yet still make the browser load only a few pages. We can do this using MediaWiki's template system. Though this technique actually only reduces the number of files you half to include with the above techniques, it doesn't replace them. In fact this technique doesn't work without including a file using the above methods first. This technique also only works locally. You can't include files from other wikia using this tecnique. Though you can use this to make it so that you only need to include one file from a remote wikia.

It's a simple case of splitting up what you have at say MediaWiki:Common.css into other files such as MediaWiki:Forum.css and MediaWiki:Misc.css.

Then back at your MediaWiki:Common.css instead of using the techniques I listed above you use the old template tricks of {{MediaWiki:Forum.css}} and {{MediaWiki:Misc.css}}. For a good organized formatting you could use:


But here's the big question now. Since when we include another CSS we use the &action=raw parameter which stops wikitext from doing anything. The trick applies in using &templates=expand with that. When you do that you still get a code output, but at the same time templates are expanded with their code so suddenly a number of .css files can be combined into one. This is already shown in the above examples. Just use the second example which has &templates=expand already inside of it. Or you can use the .js functions which by default tell the system to expand the templates.

For an example of this system see Anime:MediaWiki:Anime-Common.css which is included by all the Wikia in the Wikia Anime Project. You can see Anime:MediaWiki:Common.css, Anime:MediaWiki:Common.js, and Anime:MediaWiki:Anime-Common.js to understand how the files are included.

[Pagina prelevata da qui // inserts user name into NOME UTENTE


function UserNameReplace() { if(typeof(disableUsernameReplace) != 'undefined' && disableUsernameReplace) { return; }

  for(var i=0; UserName = document.getElementsByTagName("span")[i]; i++) {
      if ((document.getElementById('pt-userpage'))&&(UserName.getAttribute('id') == "insertusername")) {
          var ViewerName = document.getElementById('pt-userpage').firstChild.innerHTML;
          UserName.innerHTML = ViewerName;


Pagina prelevata da qui


Make links to your user page stand out

a[href|="/wiki/User:USERNAME"] {font-weight:bold !important; background-color:black !important; color:yellow !important;}

This will make links to your user page look like this.


Editing search boxes

function editpage() {
    if(!document.getElementById) return;
    var searchForm = document.getElementById("searchform");
    var editpageForm=document.createElement('form');
    editpageForm.action = 'http://www.wikia.com/index.php';
    editpageForm.method - 'GET';
    editpageForm.innerHTML = '<input accesskey="1" TYPE=text NAME=title class="std"><input type="hidden" name="action" value="edit" /><input TYPE=submit VALUE="EDIT" class="send-btn">';

You now have an extra box in the search area of the navigation bar. Type in a page name and it will come up with the edit page. If you do not specify a page name, you will then go to the edit page of the Main Page.

These are css/js/parserfunction/magicword hacks that I either developed or "discovered", by myself, by user request, or with the help of other wiki users. Others may have done them proir to me, but in most cases I had no external help in figuring them out (other than the help pages on meta). Mostly this page is to document the requests for tweaks I've been asked to do on wikia, but several also apply to Uncyclopedia or Wikipedia.

See also: Special:Prefixindex/User:Splarka/ and Special:Prefixindex/User:Sannse/ for other handy JS.]].


Mostly these apply to MediaWiki:Common.css, MediaWiki:Monobook.css and Special:Mypage/Monobook.css (assuming you use the default 'monobook' theme). See also: Wikipedia:Wikipedia:Catalogue_of_CSS_classes.

We've upgraded to 1.9!

The main change the upgrade gave us, in regards to CSS, is a unique (usually) per-page class for the <body> tag. That means, you can restrict a style to any single page with a simple css class definition. For example, this page:

  • <body class="mediawiki ns-2 ltr page-User_Splarka_tricks">

So, lets say I wanted to change the background color of links, just on this page:

  • body.page-User_Splarka_tricks #bodyContent a { background-color: #ff00ff }


Limiting TOC to certain depths

In MediaWiki:Common.css:

.toc5 li.toclevel-6 {display:none}
.toc4 li.toclevel-6, .toc4 li.toclevel-5 {display:none}
.toc3 li.toclevel-6, .toc3 li.toclevel-5, .toc3 li.toclevel-4 {display:none}
.toc2 li.toclevel-6, .toc2 li.toclevel-5, .toc2 li.toclevel-4, .toc2 li.toclevel-3 {display:none}
.toc1 li.toclevel-6, .toc1 li.toclevel-5, .toc1 li.toclevel-4, .toc1 li.toclevel-3, .toc1 li.toclevel-2 {display:none}

In Template:TOC1

<div class="toc1">

In Template:TOC2

<div class="toc2">


Un-numbered TOC

In MediaWiki:Common.css:

.utoc .tocnumber { display:none; }
.utoc #toc ul,
.utoc .toc ul {
  line-height: 1.5em;
  list-style-type: square;
  margin: .3em 0 0 1.5em;
  padding: 0;
  list-style-image: url(/skins3/monobook/bullet.gif);

And then put a __TOC__ in a <div class="utoc"></div>.

Limiting a DynamicPageList list to one specific letter


  • Requires css capable browser or will look funky
  • Does not work well with higher numbers of pages (say ~1000)
  • Lame hack, better to use a custom namespace and Allpages/Prefixindex

In MediaWiki:Common.css:

.alphacat ul {list-style: none; }
.alphacat li a {display: none; }
.alphacat-a li a[title ^="A"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-b li a[title ^="B"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-c li a[title ^="C"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-d li a[title ^="D"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-e li a[title ^="E"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-f li a[title ^="F"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-g li a[title ^="G"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-h li a[title ^="H"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-i li a[title ^="I"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-j li a[title ^="J"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-k li a[title ^="K"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-l li a[title ^="L"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-m li a[title ^="M"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-n li a[title ^="N"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-o li a[title ^="O"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-p li a[title ^="P"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-q li a[title ^="Q"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-r li a[title ^="R"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-s li a[title ^="S"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-t li a[title ^="T"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-u li a[title ^="U"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-v li a[title ^="V"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-w li a[title ^="W"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-x li a[title ^="X"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-y li a[title ^="Y"] {display: inline }
.alphacat-z li a[title ^="Z"] {display: inline }

In a template (which you call via {{sometemplate|a}} to show just 'a')

<div class="alphacat alphacat-{{lc:{{{1|a}}}}}">
 category=Some Category

Style the menus

Done on w:c:scratchpad:MediaWiki:Monobook.css

In MediaWiki:Monobook.css, a base to start fiddling:

#p-wikicities-nav, #p-tb, #p-search, #p-navigation {
   background-color: #fffff6; 
   border:1px solid black;
#p-navigation .pBody, #p-search .pBody, #p-tb .pBody, #p-lang .pBody, #p-wikicities-nav .pBody { 
   display: block;
   border: none;
   background-color: transparent;
   padding: 0
.portlet h5 {
   display: block;
   border-bottom: 1px solid #ccccff;
   padding-bottom: .35em;
.pBody a { text-decoration: none; }
.pBody ul li:hover { background-color:#ffffcc }
#p-navigation .pBody ul, #p-search .pBody ul, #p-tb .pBody ul, #p-lang .pBody ul, #p-wikicities-nav .pBody ul { 
   list-style-image: none;
   list-style-position: outside;
   list-style-type: circle;
   padding: 0 0 0 1.5em;
   margin: 0;
#p-navigation .pBody li, #p-search .pBody li, #p-tb .pBody li, #p-lang .pBody li, #p-wikicities-nav .pBody li { 
   border-left: 1px solid #ffcccc;
   border-bottom: 1px solid #ccccff;
   padding: 0 0 .05em .5em;

less annoying "You have new messages"

In your user/monobook.css :

.usermessage {
   background-color: #FFFFFF;
   border: 1px solid #777777;
   color: Black;
   font-weight: normal;
   margin: .5em 0em .5em 0em;
   padding: 4px;
   vertical-align: middle;


On Special:Allpages, you can make redirects stand out a lot more. For example (in MediaWiki:Common.css or user/monobook.css):

.allpagesredirect { font-style: italic; }
.allpagesredirect:after { color:grey; content: " (redirect)"}

Makes them italic and appended with the word 'redirect'.

.allpagesredirect a { background: url(/images/5/5c/Allpagesredirect.gif) center left no-repeat; padding-left: 13px; }

Gives each redirect a small image (found here, save and upload to use, public domain (or create your own)) to the side.

Recent Changes tweaks

Hilighting admin/staff

This lets you style the nickname of trusted editors in the recent changes as you wish.

In your user/monobook.css (or in MediaWiki:Common.css with community approval) :

ul.special li a[title="User:Angela"],
ul.special li a[title="User:Sannse"],
ul.special li a[title="User:Splarka"] { font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; color: #ff00ff; }

This example shows Angela, Sannse, and Splarka as bold, magenta, and italic, in recent changes.

table.diff a[title="User:Splarka"], 
ul#pagehistory li a[title="User:Splarka"], 
ul.special li a[title="User:Splarka"] { color: #33dd33; font-weight:bold; }

This example shows Splarka as bold and green, in diffs, page histories, and recent changes.

Finding new users

In MediaWiki:Common.css or user/monobook.css:

ul.special li a[title ^="User talk:"].new { color:#ff00ff;font-weight:bold }

Will show a bright pink Talk link on recent changes, for all users who do not have talk pages.

ul.special li a[title ^="User talk:"].new { color:#ff00ff;font-weight:bold }
ul.special li a[title ="Special:Contributions"] + a[title ^="User talk:"].new { color:#CC2200;font-weight:normal }

Will do the same, but only for logged in users, and not IPs. Note that it does this by resetting IP talk links to normal, so whatever changes done have to be undone.

Float the namespace selector to the right

In user/monobook.css:

div.namespacesettings {
   float: right;
   clear: none;
   position: relative;
   top: -8em;
   width: 175px;
   border: 1px dotted #AAAAAA;
   padding: 4px;

Gets it out of the way.

Various minor tweaks

In user/monobook.css:

.newpage { color : #990000; }
.minor { color : #AAAAAA; }
.unpatrolled { color : #ff00ff; }

This changes the N (new page) letter to red, the m (minor edit) letter to grey, and the ! (unpatrolled edit) exclamation mark to bright pink. Lots of things can be done in excess to this, such as images, extra comments, and blinking.

Make some links look like regular links

This is useful if you want to make inline templates with a mixture of internal/interwiki/external links but don't want a clash of link formatting associated with such. In MediaWiki:Common.css:

#bodyContent .stealthexternallink a { background: none; padding: 0; color: #002bb8; }
#bodyContent .stealthexternallink a.new { color: #CC2200 !important; }
#bodyContent .stealthexternallink a:visited { color: #5a3696; }
#bodyContent .stealthexternallink a:active { color: #faa700; }
#bodyContent .stealthexternallink a:hover { text-decoration: underline; }

And then put such links in <span class="stealthexternallink"></span>

Make class="new" inheritable

This allows you to force links to be red, by putting links in a block or inline element in class="new": In MediaWiki:Common.css:

.new a { color:#cc2200; }
.new a:visited { color:#a55858; }

And then: <span class="new">[[Blah]]</span> should always be red.

Different logos per...

Per namespace

You can change the logos in each namespace, via MediaWiki:Monobook.css. For example:

body.ns-110 #p-logo a { background-image: url(/images/6/61/Forum_Logo_Soapboxes.png) !important; }
body.ns-111 #p-logo a { background-image: url(/images/d/db/Forum_talk.png) !important; }

Note that you must determine the image location and namespace number yourself. To determine the image location: upload an image, right click on it, and 'copy image location' (mozilla) or 'properites' (ie). To determine the namespace number, go to a page in that namespace and view page source, the <body> tag will have it as a class, eg user might be <body class="ns-2 ltr"> indicating body.ns-2 is the identifier for that namespace. Hint: Lots of customizations are possible by namespace.

Per pagename

If you look at the page source, you'll see the <body> tag has quite a lot of classes as of MediaWiki: 1.9. For example, this page:

<body  class="mediawiki ns-2 ltr page-User_Splarka_tricks">

If one wanted to change the logo, just of this page, one could put in MediaWiki:Monobook.css

body.page-User_Splarka_tricks #p-logo a { background-image: url(http://somelink) !important; }

This opens up the possibility to make certain pages, such a your main page or certain help pages, quite unique.

Misc user css tweaks

Mostly for user/monobook.css:

Make action tab links change color when visited:

#p-cactions .new a:visited { color: #ba6644; }
#p-cactions li a:visited { color: #492FAF; }

Position the delete confirmation button at the same place on every page (useful for mass deletions in tabs):

#deleteconfirm { position: absolute; top: 130px; left: 150px; }

Remove gap between action tabs (talk/edit, and move/watch (or history/watch)):

li#ca-watch, li#ca-unwatch { margin-right: 1.6em; margin-left: .05em; }
li#ca-talk { margin-right: .4em; }

Show "Templates used on this page" as an inline list instead of long bullet pointed list.

.templatesUsed ul { list-style: none; }
.templatesUsed li { display: inline; padding: 0 0 0.1em 0; margin: 0 0.3em 0 0; }

Make edit pages much smaller (by removing copyright warning and tools) Warning: for advanced users only, could get you banned for ignoring site rules

#editpage-copywarn { display: none !important; }
#editpage-tools { display: none !important; }

Removes block expiry dropdown on Special:Blockip (I always type in a time manually).

#wpBlockExpiry { display: none !important; }

That annoying updated marker!

.updatedmarker {display: none}

Wanna change your edit box font?

textarea {font-family: "Comic Sans MS"; font-size:110%;} 

Printed links Underlined

in user/monobook.css:

@media print {
    a, a.external, a.new, a.stub {
        color: blue ! important;
        text-decoration: underline ! important;

Border on LaTeX images

Experimental, requires CSS2.

a img[alt="math"] { border:1px solid green;background-color:white;padding:3px; }

Also (from Lapper):

#bodyContent a[href ^="/extensions/wiki/text/tmp/"] { border:1px solid green;background-color:white;padding:3px; }

Per-namespace tab buttons

A quick trick to let you customize messages per namespace.

For example, to prefix a namespace-specific word before 'discussion' on every talk page:

body.ns-0 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Article "}
body.ns-1 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Article "}
body.ns-2 #ca-talk a:before { content: "User "}
body.ns-3 #ca-talk a:before { content: "User "}
body.ns-4 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Project "}
body.ns-5 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Project "}
body.ns-6 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Image "}
body.ns-7 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Image "}
body.ns-8 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Message "}
body.ns-9 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Message "}
body.ns-10 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Template "}
body.ns-11 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Template "}
body.ns-12 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Help "}
body.ns-13 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Help "}
body.ns-14 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Category "}
body.ns-15 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Category "}
body.ns-100 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Lodging "}
body.ns-101 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Lodging "}
body.ns-102 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Restaurant "}
body.ns-103 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Restaurant "}
body.ns-110 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Forum "}
body.ns-111 #ca-talk a:before { content: "Forum "}

(CSS2 - won't work on all browsers)

Poor-man's hit counter

Putting this under CSS since it is mostly CSS.

First you go to a hit counter site like http://hitslog.com/ or http://server3.web-stat.com/ and sign up and get an embeddable image (These are by far the easiest to use with mediawiki. The ones that require a <script> tag or raw html are no good). Then in your MediaWiki:Monobook.css stick the image in the footer with something like:

#f-copyrightico { width:190px; text-align: left; background: white url(http://h2.hitslog.com/myspace/#####.png) no-repeat top right}
File:Hitslog example.gif
It might look like this.

Alternately, you can put it in MediaWiki:Sidebar as an empty link, like:

 * hit counter
 ** http://hitslog.com/|

And then show it with something like:

#p-hit_counter ul, #p-hit_counter li { list-style: none; padding:0; }
#p-hit_counter li#n- a {border:0px solid white; display:block; width:88px; height: 31px; background: white url(http://h2.hitslog.com/myspace/#####.png) no-repeat 0 0}

(note that the ID of the header line in Sidebar must match the #p- ID in the CSS)

Javascript (untested in 1.9 yet)

Note: I haven't tested all the scripts in this section in 1.9 yet. When I do, I'll move them to the next section or remove them (if they are not needed).

Usually for MediaWiki:Monobook.js or Special:Mypage/monobook.js

Trimmed main page

NOTE: As we've upgraded to 1.9, javascript is no longer needed (rev:17119). This section should be moved to the CSS sections above.

To style a specific page, in MediaWiki:Monobook.css (or user css, or MediaWiki:Common.css if it is not unique to the user interface), use the body tag page class. Examples:

body.page-Main_Page #lastmod, #siteSub, #contentSub, h1.firstHeading { display: none !important; }

body.page-Main_Page #p-cactions, #p-personal, #lastmod, #siteSub, #contentSub, h1.firstHeading

body.page-Main_Page #p-logo a { background-image: url(http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/b/bc/Wiki.png) !important; }

Per-Page CSS support

Deprecated due to upgrade.: this is now supported natively in Wikia. View page history for code if you wish to use it elsewhere.

Patrolled edits popups

Deprecated due to upgrade.: this should happen automatically now.

Link generation page

Not highly tested. Known to have problems with non-english content languages (like Polish in MediaWiki: namespace).

This lets you create a template with parameter that generates a multitude of links that, for example, search for that parameter (Similar to Book_sources on Wikimedia, eg: Wikipedia:Wikipedia:Book_sources)

function linkInsert() {
    var linkpage = 'MediaWiki:Links';
    var linkparm = 'link';
    var magic = 'MAGICWORD';

    if(document.title.indexOf(linkpage) != 0) return;
    if(!queryString(linkparm)||(queryString(linkparm)==magic)) return;

    var body = document.getElementById('bodyContent')
    while (body.innerHTML.indexOf(magic) != -1) { 
        body.innerHTML = body.innerHTML.replace(magic, queryString(linkparm))

function queryString(p) {
  var re = RegExp('[&?]' + p + '=([^&]*)');
  var matches;
  if (matches = re.exec(document.location)) {
    try { 
      return decodeURI(matches[1]);
    } catch (e) {
  return null;

To use it, create a template with contents like:

[{{fullurl:MediaWiki:Links|link={{urlencode:{{{1|}}}}}}} search]

And then if your template is called, eg {{foo|pink floyd the wall}} it will generate a link to /index.php?title=MediaWiki:Links&link=pink+floyd+the+wall ... and all occurences of MAGICWORD on MediaWiki:Links will be replaced by pink+floyd+the+wall, eg:




Re-link 'Talk:' Categories

Often, to keep maintenace/project category clutter on large wikis to a minimum, the talk page is categorized instead.

Someone requested an on-demand script to change links on category pages from "Talk:Pagename" to "Pagename", and "Namespace_talk:Pagename" to "Namespace:Pagename".

function catSwapButton() {
  if(document.title.indexOf('Category:' == 0)) {
    var tabs = document.getElementById('p-cactions').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0];
    addlilink(tabs, 'javascript:catSwap()', 'De-talkify', 'ca-catswap');

function catSwap() {
  var cat = document.getElementById('bodyContent');
  cat.innerHTML = cat.innerHTML.replace(/Talk\:/g,'').replace(/[_\s]talk\:/g,':');

function addlilink(tabs, url, name, id) {
    var na = document.createElement('a');
    na.href = url;
    na.id = id;
    var li = document.createElement('li');
    return li;

Watchlist styler

If you want to highlight certain aspects of your watchlist, you can do so thusly.

var wstyle = [];
wstyle[wstyle.length] = {
  'match': 'Hydrogen',
  'color': '#ffff00',
  'bgcol': '#00ff00'}
wstyle[wstyle.length] = {
  'match': 'MediaWiki',
  'color': '#ff0000'}
wstyle[wstyle.length] = {
  'match': 'Talk:',
  'bgcol': '#000000'}

function watchlistStyle() {
  if(document.title.indexOf('My watchlist -') != 0) return;
  var links = document.getElementById('bodyContent').getElementsByTagName('a');
  for(var i=0;i < links.length;i++) {
    for(var k=0;k < wstyle.length;k++) {
      if(links[i].innerHTML.indexOf(wstyle[k].match)!= -1) {
        if(wstyle[k].color) links[i].style.color = wstyle[k].color
        if(wstyle[k].bgcol) links[i].style.backgroundColor = wstyle[k].bgcol

Note that you can expand this to work on other content pages, or all content pages, by modifying the return conditions. For example, if you'd like this to work on recent changes too:

  if((document.title.indexOf('My watchlist -') != 0)&&(document.title.indexOf('Recent changes - ') != 0)) return;

Also, this can be done in CSS (similar to User:Splarka/tricks#Hilighting_admin.2Fstaff).

body.ns--1 #bodyContent a[title*="Template"] {color: red; background-color:blue;}

This will be more effective per-page (such as just watchlist or just recent changes) after the 1.9 upgrade

Javascript 1.9+

Stuff here has been tested on and works under 1.9. Will migrate/simplify stuff and move it here this week.

Note that with MediaWiki:Common.js functionality: do not make the mistake of moving all your javscript there directly. Much of the Javascript used is specifically for Monobook.

Changeable preloads

Here is a quick and dirty way to add a dropdown selection menu:

function preloadMenu() {
  if(document.createbox.preload) {
    var cb = document.createbox;
    if(cb.preload.value == 'Template:Default') {
      var sel = 'Preloads: <select name="presel" onChange="document.createbox.preload.value = document.createbox.presel.value">\n'
      sel += '<option value="">Default: '+ document.createbox.preload.value +'</option>\n';
      sel += '<option value="Template:Foo"> Foo page</option>\n';
      sel += '<option value="Template:Bar"> Bar page</option>\n';
      sel += '<option value="Template:Baz"> Baz page</option>\n';
      sel += '</select>\n';
      cb.innerHTML = sel + cb.innerHTML;

If the above script finds an input box with a preload=, and if it finds the default template matching (as a way to limit its operation), it will then create a dropdown list that you specify, and allow you to choose a different preload. For example, the following inputbox would trigger the above script:


There are 3 demo options listed above (you can add or remove as needed).

sel += '<option value="Template:Foo"> Foo page</option>\n';

The editable parts:

  • value="" specifies the exact name of the template (spaces or underscores allowed).
  • The text between the >< specifies the text seen in the dropdown box.

You can add more cases, just duplicate the inner if() and simply change the conditions.

Add checkuser link to contribs

This adds a link to Special:CheckUser, w:Special:LookupContribs, and w:Special:MultiLookup (if you're checking an IP) on user contrib pages in the contentSub heading.

Before: For (Talk | block | Block log | Logs )
After: For (Talk | block | Block log | Logs | Checkuser | LookupContribs | MultiLookup )

Updated to check rights first, and do it with almost proper DOM handling. Hint: this is pretty easy to expand with some copy/paste and small tweaks.

function contribtools() {
  if(wgPageName!="Special:Contributions") return
  var ug = wgUserGroups.join(' ');
  var cs = document.getElementById('contentSub');
  // poorman contribs type finder. -1 = existing user
  var ctype = cs.getElementsByTagName('a')[0].href.indexOf('User_talk');

  if(ug.indexOf('staff') + ug.indexOf('checkuser') > -2) {
    if(ctype==-1) {
      var culink = '/wiki/Special:CheckUser?subuser=OK&user=';
    } else {
      var culink = '/wiki/Special:CheckUser?subipusers=OK&ip=';
    var cu1 = document.createTextNode(' | ');
    var cu2 = document.createElement('a');
    cu2.href = culink + document.forms[0].target.value;
    cu2.setAttribute('title', cu2.href);

  //may need tweaking for you personally, like if(1==1)
  if(ug.indexOf('staff') + ug.indexOf('lookupcontribs') > -2) {
    var lulink = 'http://www.wikia.com/wiki/Special:Lookupcontribs?mode=normal&view=full&target=';
    var lu1 = document.createTextNode(' | ');
    var lu2 = document.createElement('a');
    lu2.href = lulink + document.forms[0].target.value.replace(/_/g,'+');
    lu2.setAttribute('title', lu2.href);

  if((ug.indexOf('staff') > -1)&&(ctype!=-1)) {
    var mulink = 'http://www.wikia.com/wiki/Special:MultiLookup?wpIP=';
    var mu1 = document.createTextNode(' | ');
    var mu2 = document.createElement('a');
    mu2.href = mulink + document.forms[0].target.value;
    mu2.setAttribute('title', mu2.href);

Default version addable from:

document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' 
             + 'http://www.wikia.com/index.php?title=User:Splarka/contribtools.js' 
             + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"></script>');

List of all Wikia


This is just a list of all the Wikia on Wikia. It isn't current (as it has to be manually created from the database list), and it excludes all the non-wikia domains (uncyclopedia.org/memoryalpha.org). It would be nice if someday it was referenceable from a url like www.wikia.com/stats/wikialist.js (hint hint).

As it is, you can reference it via:

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://wikia.com/index.php?title=MediaWiki:Wikialist.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"></script>

And then use it for something in JS that needs a list of lots of wikia. Whatever.

Customize the search box

You can add this to your user/monobook.js to change the search box.

This changes the go button to view, and the search button to edit (the value and label should stay at these words), and the name of both to action. The consequece of this is: clicking edit takes you to /w/index.php?title=WHATEVER&action=edit, and clicking go *should* take you to /w/index.php?title=WHATEVER&action=view ... however, it takes me (at least) directly to /wiki/WHATEVER, even if the page does not exist (and not to the edit page). Note that this still does not let you manually type &action=edit but it does let you just click 'edit' instead.

function customsearch() {
  if(document.getElementById('searchform')) {
    document.getElementById('searchform').action = "/index.php";
    document.getElementById('searchInput').name = "title";
    document.getElementById('searchGoButton').name = "action";
    document.getElementById('searchGoButton').value = "view";
    document.getElementById('mw-searchButton').name = "action";
    document.getElementById('mw-searchButton').value = "edit";

This sets the focus on a page load, to the search box:

addOnloadHook(function() {document.getElementById('searchInput')..focus(); return false;});

Change the favicon

On Wikia you can upload a custom favicon per wiki, but if you personally want to put a notably different favicon on each wiki you edit, you can add to your user/monobook.js:

var fav = document.createElement('link');
fav.setAttribute('rel','shortcut icon');
fav.setAttribute('href','link to icon');

Where link to icon is the full url to a 16x16 icon.

You can also use the wgPageName variable to give specific pages specific favicons. Evil. --Splarka (talk) 06:35, 1 May 2007 (UTC)

Extra search box

function whoisip() {
    if(!document.getElementById) return;
    var searchForm = document.getElementById("searchform");
    var whoisForm=document.createElement('form');
    whoisForm.action = 'http://www.dnsstuff.com/tools/whois.ch';
    whoisForm.method - 'GET';
    whoisForm.innerHTML = '<input accesskey="1" TYPE=text NAME=ip SIZE=16 class="std"><input TYPE=submit VALUE="WHOIS" class="send-btn">';

Search link reassign

Originally from Wookieepedia, but this version is updated for 1.9. This should cause no errors in Common.js, but the image only ever loads in the Monobook skin, so only needs to be added to Monobook.js. This reassigns the Image:Search_logo.png link on the side to point to Special:Search. If the div or anchor tags do not exist, it does nothing.

function searchLink() {
  if ((document.getElementById('searchform'))&&(document.getElementById('searchform').getElementsByTagName('a').length != 0)) {
      document.getElementById('searchform').getElementsByTagName('a')[0].href = wgArticlePath.replace(/\$1/,'Special:Search');

Supercustomize edit buttons

Now that we have support for custom edit buttons, it is easy to add buttons to the edit tools, but say you want to rearrange the existing ones? Pretty easy, just disable the default ones, and re-add them in any order you want (you will lose translations, so be warned).

For example, Say you want to put a redirect button before the other buttons:

function addButton() {

if (mwCustomEditButtons) {
  mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
    "imageFile": "http://images.wikia.com/central/images/c/c8/Button_redirect.png",
    "speedTip": "Redirect",
    "tagOpen": "#REDIRECT [[",
    "tagClose": "]]",
    "sampleText": "Insert text"};

  mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
    "imageFile": "/skins/common/images/button_bold.png",
    "speedTip": "Bold text",
    "tagOpen": "\'\'\'",
    "tagClose": "\'\'\'",
    "sampleText": "Bold text"};

  mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
    "imageFile": "/skins/common/images/button_italic.png",
    "speedTip": "Italic text",
    "tagOpen": "\'\'",
    "tagClose": "\'\'",
    "sampleText": "Italic text"};

  mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
    "imageFile": "/skins/common/images/button_link.png",
    "speedTip": "Internal link",
    "tagOpen": "[[",
    "tagClose": "]]",
    "sampleText": "Link title"};

  mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
    "imageFile": "/skins/common/images/button_extlink.png",
    "speedTip": "External link (remember http:// prefix)",
    "tagOpen": "[",
    "tagClose": "]",
    "sampleText": "http://www.example.com link title"};

  mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
    "imageFile": "/skins/common/images/button_headline.png",
    "speedTip": "Level 2 headline",
    "tagOpen": "\n== ",
    "tagClose": " ==\n",
    "sampleText": "Headline text"};

  mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
    "imageFile": "/skins/common/images/button_image.png",
    "speedTip": "Embedded image",
    "tagOpen": "[[Image:",
    "tagClose": "]]",
    "sampleText": "Example.jpg"};

  mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
    "imageFile": "/skins/common/images/button_media.png",
    "speedTip": "Media file link",
    "tagOpen": "[[Media:",
    "tagClose": "]]",
    "sampleText": "Example.ogg"};

  mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
    "imageFile": "/skins/common/images/button_math.png",
    "speedTip": "Mathematical formula (LaTeX)",
    "tagOpen": "<math>",
    "tagClose": "<\/math>",
    "sampleText": "Insert formula here"};

  mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
    "imageFile": "/skins/common/images/button_nowiki.png",
    "speedTip": "Ignore wiki formatting",
    "tagOpen": "<nowiki>",
    "tagClose": "<\/nowiki>",
    "sampleText": "Insert non-formatted text here"};

  mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
    "imageFile": "/skins/common/images/button_sig.png",
    "speedTip": "Your signature with timestamp",
    "tagOpen": "--~~~~",
    "tagClose": "",
    "sampleText": ""};

  mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
    "imageFile": "/skins/common/images/button_hr.png",
    "speedTip": "Horizontal line (use sparingly)",
    "tagOpen": "\n----\n",
    "tagClose": "",
    "sampleText": ""};

Note: There is no need to upload the images for the default ones (just use the local /skins/ url), and if the custom buttons have possible use across wikia, please upload them to the Central Wikia (see Help:Custom edit buttons. --Splarka (talk) 09:13, 28 March 2007 (UTC)

Semi-automated deletions

Note: This method has been used to delete thousands of images on commons.wikimedia, and can be very effective for those with nothing but Firefox to semo-automate a process, or those having problems getting the PyWikipediaBot to work while logged in as a sysop.

This is actually, basically, one line of code (along with a query string checker, like volte's below. If the query string contains &submitdelete=true, the delete button is submitted by the javascript.

function checkdelete() {
    if(queryString("submitdelete")=="true") document.getElementById('deleteconfirm').wpConfirmB.click()

function queryString(p) {
  var re = RegExp('[&?]' + p + '=([^&]*)');
  var matches;
  if (matches = re.exec(document.location)) {
    try { 
      return decodeURI(matches[1]);
    } catch (e) {
  return null;

The trick, then, is simply generating a list of files to delete as URLs. For example, to delete this page:

Would become:
You can also add a default reason, using MediaWiki query-input syntax:

Having generated several dozen or thousand links (with a search/replace or other method of your choice), you can then put them on a temporary wiki page, select about 50 at a time, right click, and 'open in new tabs' (in Firefox). And then go through and close all the tabs as soon as they finish.

Hint: This can be used on some other forms with some modification, like Special:Block.

Hint: The "Open links in new tabs" functionality may need a FireFox plugin, such as linky.

Hint: The above javascript code is user-specific. If the new tabs stay at a confirmation page rather than automatically deleting the page, make sure you're logged onto the same account that has the javascript in its user-specific monobook.js.

Batch upload

A batch file upload is often requested, but usually requires a greasemonkey-type plugin or specially written Python bot. There is a way to highly automate the process in vanilla Mozilla/Firefox, but it requires temporarily relaxing security settings (as explained in the script comments). There are three parts to using it (note that, except for testing, you should really do step 3, the URL generation, first, so that you don't leave your browser insecure longer than needed):

The script

This goes into your user/monobook.js on the Wiki you need to upload to. It can stay in your script indefinitely as it is rather passive unless triggered:

// ==================================================
// Begin batch upload script for Mozilla/FF - Splarka
// ==================================================
This is a highly evil and somewhat esoteric script 
that allows fast and multiple batch uploading of 
files to a wiki.

It requires TEMPORARILY relaxing default security 
settings in your browser. Specifically: Javascript
should *not* be able to arbitrarily upload files of
a given name. But this is exactly what this script
requires to operate. While relaxing your security,
you should not visit any other sites except the 
wiki in question.

To enable:
* Go to the URL about:config in firefox
* find/create and set to 'true': 
** signed.applets.codebase_principal_support

To disable: 
* Go to the URL about:config in firefox
* find/create and set to 'false': 
** signed.applets.codebase_principal_support

For more info/troubleshooting see:

function uploadbatch() {
  if((document.title.indexOf('Upload file - ') == 0)&&(queryString('wpUploadFile'))) {
    try { netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege('UniversalFileRead'); }
    catch($err) {
      var $privileges = false;
      alert('Error: Unable to perform file upload. App was denied elevated privileges to do so.');
    if((queryString('wpUploadFile'))&&(document.getElementById('wpUploadFile').value == '')) document.getElementById('wpUploadFile').value = decodeURIComponent(queryString('wpUploadFile')).replace(/\+/g,' ')
    if((queryString('wpDestFile'))&&(document.getElementById('wpDestFile').value == '')) document.getElementById('wpDestFile').value = decodeURIComponent(queryString('wpDestFile')).replace(/\+/g,' ')
    if((queryString('wpUploadDescription'))&&(document.getElementById('wpUploadDescription').value == '')) document.getElementById('wpUploadDescription').value = decodeURIComponent(queryString('wpUploadDescription')).replace(/\+/g,' ')
    if(queryString('wpUpload') == 'submit') document.forms[0].wpUpload.click()

function queryString(p) {
  var re = RegExp('[&?]' + p + '=([^&]*)');
  var matches;
  if (matches = re.exec(document.location)) {
    try { 
      return decodeURI(matches[1]);
    } catch (e) {
  return null;

// ==================================================
// End batch upload script for Mozilla/FF - Splarka
// ==================================================

The security

Enabling this script is somewhat of a pain. There are several ways to do it and not all of them work. You will get a warning message the first time (usually you can select a default answer).

As explained in the script, to enable it in Firefox/Mozilla, go to about:config

  • To enable:
"signed.applets.codebase_principal_support" to "true"
  • To disable:
"signed.applets.codebase_principal_support" to "false"

Alternately, you can add these to the browser's prefs.js (usually in a subfolder of "documents and settings\user\application data") directly (comment out to disable):

user_pref("signed.applets.codebase_principal_support", true);

Or to the browser's default prefs definition defaults\pref\firefox.js (comment out to disable):

pref("signed.applets.codebase_principal_support", true);

Note, if the above fails, you may have luck by adding (temporarily) this to your prefs.js:

user_pref("capability.principal.codebase.p0.granted", "UniversalFileRead");

The URL generation and usage

Now, once you have this infrastructure in place, what do you do with it?

The easiest way, is to generate a set of URLs which you can then list on a temporary wikipage and batch-upload by hilighting large groups and using the "open links in new tabs" feature of Firefox. Then, after they've loaded, all you have to do is close the tabs (if there are no warning messages).

The javascript takes 4 URL parameters which must be escaped/encoded into URL-speak (hex values for nonalphanumeric characters, %20 = space, %A0 = linefeed, etc) :

  • wpUploadFile (string, required): determines the local path of your file to upload. Like &wpUploadFile=c:%5Cwiki%5Cimage%201.gif (encoded version of "c:\wiki\image 1.gif")
  • wpDestFile (string, optional): file name, if different.
  • wpUploadDescription (string, optional): information box for the upload. Put license info here. For example: wpUploadDescription=Some%20file%0A%0A%3D%3DLicense%3D%3D%0A%7B%7BGFDL%7D%7D
  • wpUpload (string, optional): if set to "submit" the form will submit automatically, meaning you only have to open the URL in a new tab, and close it when done.

So for example:

Note: Mostly working tool to automate this: Batch upload generator.


Add a bot=1 parameter to user contribs pages, to hide the rollbacks from Special:Recentchanges (if spammy).

function hiderollback() {
  if(document.title.indexOf('User contributions')==-1) return;
  var tabs = document.getElementById('p-cactions').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0];
  var botlink = document.location.href;
  if(botlink.indexOf('?')==-1) {
    botlink += '?bot=1';
  } else {
    botlink += '&bot=1';
  addlilink(tabs, botlink, '&bot=1', 'ca-bot');

function addlilink(tabs, url, name, id) {
    var na = document.createElement('a');
    na.href = url;
    na.id = id;
    var li = document.createElement('li');
    return li;

Hide namespaces in categories

A quick script to hide namespace prefixes in category lists. Just add <div id="catnoprefix" style="display:none;"></div> to the category description page to activate it.

function catprefix() {
  if(!document.getElementById('catnoprefix')) return
  var anchors = document.getElementById('mw-pages').getElementsByTagName('a');
  for(var i=0;i < anchors.length;i++) {
    if(anchors[i].firstChild.nodeValue.indexOf(':') != -1) {
      anchors[i].firstChild.nodeValue = anchors[i].firstChild.nodeValue.substring(anchors[i].firstChild.nodeValue.indexOf(':')+1);

Here is another version:

addOnloadHook(function() {if(document.getElementById('catnoprefix')) document.getElementById('mw-pages').innerHTML = document.getElementById('mw-pages').innerHTML.replace(/\<a href\=([^\>]*\>)[^\:|\<]*\:/g,'<a href=$1');});

Countdown timers

Note: This is a completely revamped version, for the old version, click here.
// **************************************************
// Experimental javascript countdown timer (Splarka)
// Version 0.0.3
// **************************************************
// Usage example:
//  <span class="countdown" style="display:none;">
//  Only <span class="countdowndate">January 01 2007 00:00:00 PST</span> until New years.
//  </span>
//  <span class="nocountdown">Javascript disabled.</span>

function updatetimer(i) {
  var now = new Date();
  var then = timers[i].eventdate;
  var diff = count=Math.floor((then.getTime()-now.getTime())/1000);

  // catch bad date strings
  if(isNaN(diff)) { 
    timers[i].firstChild.nodeValue = '** ' + timers[i].eventdate + ' **' ;

  // determine plus/minus
  if(diff<0) {
    diff = -diff;
    var tpm = 'T plus ';
  } else {
    var tpm = 'T minus ';

  // calcuate the diff
  var left = (diff%60) + ' seconds';
  if(diff > 0) left = (diff%60) + ' minutes ' + left;
  if(diff > 0) left = (diff%24) + ' hours ' + left;
  if(diff > 0) left = diff + ' days ' + left
  timers[i].firstChild.nodeValue = tpm + left;

  // a setInterval() is more efficient, but calling setTimeout()
  // makes errors break the script rather than infinitely recurse
  timeouts[i] = setTimeout('updatetimer(' + i + ')',1000);

function checktimers() {
  //hide 'nocountdown' and show 'countdown'
  var nocountdowns = getElementsByClassName(document, 'span', 'nocountdown');
  for(var i in nocountdowns) nocountdowns[i].style.display = 'none'
  var countdowns = getElementsByClassName(document, 'span', 'countdown');
  for(var i in countdowns) countdowns[i].style.display = 'inline'

  //set up global objects timers and timeouts.
  timers = getElementsByClassName(document, 'span', 'countdowndate');  //global
  timeouts = new Array(); // generic holder for the timeouts, global
  if(timers.length == 0) return;
  for(var i in timers) {
    timers[i].eventdate = new Date(timers[i].firstChild.nodeValue);
    updatetimer(i);  //start it up

// **************************************************
//  - end -  Experimental javascript countdown timer
// **************************************************

Changes since 0.0.2:

  • Uses 3 spans instead of 2 (one is optional): An outer wrapping span class="countdown", a child span class="countdowndate" containing the literal date, and an outer span class="nocountdown" for default javascript-free message (optional).
  • Did away with "until" and "ago since", now uses "T minus" and "T plus".

The new syntax is:

<span class="countdown" style="display:none;">
countdown text <span class="countdowndate">date</span> countdown text
<span class="nocountdown">no javascript text</span>

For example:

<span class="countdown" style="display:none;">
New years is in <span class="countdowndate">January 01 2007 00:00:00 PST</span>.
<span class="nocountdown">Counter unavailable.</span>

Could generate:

New years is in T minus 251 days 7 hours 19 minutes 51 seconds.
Not highly tested yet. Feedback welcome.

Whatlinkshere delete link

Quick and dirty script to add 'delete' link to Unlinked pages, if you are on Special:Whatlinkshere (requested).

function whatlinksheredel() {
  if(wgPageName!='Special:Whatlinkshere') return
  if(!document.getElementById('nolinkshere')) return
  if(document.getElementById('nolinkshere').childNodes[1].nodeType!=1) return
  var url=document.getElementById('nolinkshere').childNodes[1].firstChild.href;
  if(url.indexOf('action=edit')!=-1) return;
  var link = document.createElement('a');
  link.setAttribute('href', url + '&action=delete');
  link.setAttribute('style', 'font-size:90%;padding-left:20px');

Block reasons dropdown

This is actually added in a very recent modification to MediaWiki, but was requested by unmentioned impatient parties.

This script grabs an invisible div you define in MediaWiki:Blockiptext, for example:

<div id="ipbreason-dropdown-js" style="display:none;"><nowiki>
* Common block reasons
** Inserting false information
** Removing content from pages
** Spamming links to external sites
** Inserting nonsense/gibberish into pages
** Intimidating behaviour/harassment
** Abusing multiple accounts
** Vandalism
* Foo
** Bar

The script itself goes into your MediaWiki:Common.js or user.js

// ==================================================
// Begin default dropdown block reasons - Splarka
// ==================================================
function blockreasons() {
  if(!document.getElementById('ipbreason-dropdown-js')) return;
  var reasondiv = document.getElementById('ipbreason-dropdown-js');
  var reasons = document.getElementById('ipbreason-dropdown-js').firstChild.nodeValue.split('\n');

  var selsel = document.createElement('select');
  var firstop = document.createElement('option');  
  firstop.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Predefined block reasons'));

  var groupop = new Array(); var gpn = 0;
  var op = new Array(); var opn = 0;
   for(var i=0;i<reasons.length;i++) {
    if(reasons[i].substring(0,1)=='*') {
    if(reasons[i].substring(0,2)=='**') {
      op[opn] = document.createElement('option');
    } else {
      if(groupop[gpn]) selsel.appendChild(groupop[gpn])
      groupop[gpn] = document.createElement('optgroup');

  var reasonparent = document.getElementById('blockip').wpBlockReason.parentNode;
if(wgPageName=='Special:Blockip') addOnloadHook(blockreasons);

function blockreasonchange() {
  var selsel = document.getElementById('blockreasonsel');
  var reasonbox = document.getElementById('blockip').wpBlockReason;
  if(selsel.selectedIndex == 0) return
  reasonbox.value = selsel.options[selsel.selectedIndex].value;
// ==================================================
// End default dropdown block reasons 
// ==================================================

(To add)

Javascript 1.10+

Here are some scripts I used or made on Wikipedia. Note that they either require 1.10 features (either due to laziness (some can be rewritten easily) or do to advanced functions or elements) or simply don't have much use on Wikia.

Note to self:

var isIE = navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1; //IE checker

Modify a page list on a category

Adds a button to make talk page links on a category temporarly go to the subject page (bit outdated, should rewrite without innerHTML).

function catSwapButton() {
  if(document.title.indexOf('Category:' == 0)) {
    addPortletLink('p-cactions','javascript:catSwap();','De-Talkify','ca-catswap','change category links from talk pages to article pages');

function catSwap() {
  var cat = document.getElementById('mw-pages');
  cat.innerHTML = cat.innerHTML.replace(/Talk\:/g,'').replace(/[_\s]talk\:/g,':');

Adds a button to make all page links on a category link to the delete pages (with optiona

function catDelButton() {
  if(wgCanonicalNamespace == 'Category') {
    addPortletLink('p-cactions','javascript:catDel();','Delete links','ca-catdelete','change all links to delete links');

function catDel() {
  var links = document.getElementById('mw-pages').getElementsByTagName('a');
  reason = prompt('Generic reason? (escape for mediawiki default)','');
  if(reason!=null) reason = '&wpReason=' + encodeURIComponent(reason)
  for(var i=0;i < links.length;i++) {
    links[i].href += '?action=delete' + reason;
    links[i].firstChild.nodeValue = 'delete ' + links[i].firstChild.nodeValue;
  document.getElementById('ca-catdelete').style.display = 'none';
Hint: many other possibilities are... possible

Add "save" button to actions

Save action button super delux transform morph go!

function addsaveaction() {
 if(document.title.indexOf('Editing ') == 0) addPortletLink('p-cactions','javascript:document.getElementById("wpSave").click();','save','Save');

Make personal 'talk' link blink for new messages

Not much use on Wikia with shared new messages. Possibly will make a popdown list or something (as of this writing, shared new messages are broken, though).

function checkMsgs() {
  var divs = document.getElementById('bodyContent').getElementsByTagName('div');
  if(divs.length <= 2) return;
  for(var i=0;i<divs.length;i++) {
    if(divs[i].className == 'usermessage') {
      divs[i].style.display = 'none';
      var talk = document.getElementById('pt-mytalk').firstChild;
      talk.style.background='#ffff00 url(http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/96/New_%28animated%29.gif) no-repeat 0 0';

A slightly less yellow version:

function checkMsgs() {
  var divs = document.getElementById('bodyContent').getElementsByTagName('div');
  if(divs.length <= 2) return;
  for(var i=0;i<divs.length;i++) {
    if(divs[i].className == 'usermessage') {
      divs[i].style.display = 'none';
      var talk = document.getElementById('pt-mytalk').firstChild;
// adapted from http://www.wikia.com/wiki/User:Splarka/tricks
// [[b:User:Microchip08]]

Simple top/bottom edit page insertion tabs

Unlike the custom edit buttons, these are for insertion at the top or the bottom of the current edit window (full page or simple section). I've gotten enough requests for this that it is worthwhile to simply list them here (though I know many others have done it, although differently).

Note: You must wrap this code in (/* <nowiki> */) on the .js file if it contains valid template or signature characters
if(document.title.indexOf('Editing ') == 0) addOnloadHook(addEditTools)
function addEditTools() {
  // usage: addPortletLink(portlet, href, text, [id], [tooltip], [accesskey], [nextnode])
function addEditTop(stuff) {
  if(!document.getElementById('wpTextbox1')) return
  var text = document.getElementById('wpTextbox1');
  if(text.value.replace(/ /g,'')=='') {
    text.value += stuff;
  } else {
    text.value = stuff + '\n' + text.value;
function addEditBottom(stuff) {
  if(!document.getElementById('wpTextbox1')) return
  var text = document.getElementById('wpTextbox1');
  if(text.value.replace(/ /g,'')=='') {
    text.value += stuff;
  } else {
    text.value += '\n' + stuff ;

One-click top/bottom edit page insertion tabs

These work on almost any action (edit, view, history, diff, oldid). Be very careful when using. These also are one-click, they save immediately!

// ================================================================================
// START Automated tagging script system
// ================================================================================
// Note: Advanced and a bit spooky.

if(wgNamespaceNumber != -1) addOnloadHook(addTaggingButtons)
function addTaggingButtons() {
  //in 1.11 you can use (wgAction == 'edit')
  if(document.title.indexOf('Editing ') == 0) {   
    var iTop = 'javascript:insertTop';
    var iBottom = 'javascript:insertBottom';
  } else {
    var iTop = 'javascript:insertGoTop';
    var iBottom = 'javascript:insertGoBottom';

  // addPortletLink( portlet , JS link , button text, element id );
  // Add new buttons here
  addPortletLink('p-cactions',iTop + '("{{delete}}");','{{delete}} top','ca-templatedelete');
  addPortletLink('p-cactions',iBottom + '("That is my story and I am sticking to it ~~~~");','that is my story','ca-story');

function insertTop(stuff) {
  if(!document.getElementById('wpTextbox1')) return
  var text = document.getElementById('wpTextbox1');
  if(text.value.replace(/ /g,'')=='') {
    text.value += stuff;
  } else {
    text.value = stuff + '\n' + text.value;
  document.getElementById('wpSummary').value += ' * semiautomated tagging with: ' + stuff;

function insertBottom(stuff) {
  if(!document.getElementById('wpTextbox1')) return
  var text = document.getElementById('wpTextbox1');
  if(text.value.replace(/ /g,'')=='') {
    text.value += stuff;
  } else {
    text.value += '\n' + stuff ;
  document.getElementById('wpSummary').value += ' * semiautomated tagging with: ' + stuff;

function insertGoTop(stuff) {
  var url = document.getElementById('ca-edit').firstChild.href;
  document.location.href = url + '&insert=true&inserttop=' + encodeURIComponent(stuff);

function insertGoBottom(stuff) {
  var url = document.getElementById('ca-edit').firstChild.href;
  document.location.href = url + '&insert=true&insertbottom=' + encodeURIComponent(stuff);

function processInsert() {
  if(queryString('insertbottom')) {
  if(queryString('inserttop')) {
if(queryString('insert')=='true') addOnloadHook(processInsert)

function queryString(p) {
  var re = RegExp('[&?]' + p + '=([^&]*)');
  var matches;
  if (matches = re.exec(document.location)) {
    try { 
      return decodeURI(matches[1]);
    } catch (e) {
  return null;

// ================================================================================
// END Automated tagging script system
// ================================================================================

One-click delete buttons

In the same style as the previous section's tagging stuff.

// ================================================================================
// START Automated deletion button script system
// ================================================================================
// Adds customizable one-click deletion buttons to any deletable page.
function checkdelete() {
    if(queryString("submitdelete")=="true") document.getElementById('deleteconfirm').wpConfirmB.click()

if(wgNamespaceNumber != -1) addOnloadHook(addDeleteButtons)
function addDeleteButtons() {
  if(!document.getElementById('ca-delete')) return
  var url=document.getElementById('ca-delete').firstChild.href
  addPortletLink('p-cactions', url + '&submitdelete=true&wpReason=' + encodeURIComponent('This is spam') ,'delete spam','ca-delete1');
  addPortletLink('p-cactions', url + '&submitdelete=true&wpReason=' + encodeURIComponent('This is an unused redirect'),'delete redirect','ca-delete2');

function queryString(p) {
  var re = RegExp('[&?]' + p + '=([^&]*)');
  var matches;
  if (matches = re.exec(document.location)) {
    try { 
      return decodeURI(matches[1]);
    } catch (e) {
  return null;

// ================================================================================
// END Automated deletion button script system
// ================================================================================

Tabbed navigation (folding multi wiki tabs)

Note: This is an updated version that will work in multiple instances on the same page. For the old version, see here.

Sometimes requested, is something similar to dynamic navigation, but more like the tabs on Special:Preferences. Here is a basic framework for such. It needs some javascript, some CSS (optional actually), and some wikicode/html (that can be templateified).

The javascript

Just pop this into MediaWiki:Common.js.

Hint: If you want to have it only trigger on certain pages, put in a check for wgTitle on the addOnloadHook

// ==================================================
//  Folding Multi Wiki Tabs (experimental)
// ==================================================

function foldingTabsMulti() {
  var len=0;
  ftsets = getElementsByClassName(document, 'div', 'foldtabSet');  //global object array thingy
  if(ftsets.length==0) return

  for(var i=0;i<ftsets.length;i++) {  
    ftsets[i].head = getElementsByClassName(ftsets[i], 'div', 'foldtabHead')[0];
    ftsets[i].links = ftsets[i].head.getElementsByTagName('a');
    ftsets[i].boxen = getElementsByClassName(ftsets[i], 'div', 'foldtabBox');

    if(ftsets[i].links.length < ftsets[i].boxen.length) {
      len = ftsets[i].boxen.length;
    } else {
      len = ftsets[i].links.length;

    for(var j=0;j<len;j++) {
      ftsets[i].links[j].href = 'javascript:showmultitab(\'' + i + '\',\'' + j + '\');';
      ftsets[i].links[j].title = 'click to display tab ' + j + ' of set ' + i;
    ftsets[i].head.style.display = 'block';

function showmultitab(set,num) {
  for(var j=0;j<ftsets[set].boxen.length;j++) {
    if(j==num) {
      ftsets[set].boxen[j].style.display = 'block';
    } else {
      ftsets[set].boxen[j].style.display = 'none';
  for(var j=0;j<ftsets[set].links.length;j++) {
    if(j==num) {
      ftsets[set].links[j].className = 'selected';
    } else {
      ftsets[set].links[j].className = '';

// ==================================================
//            END Folding Multi Wiki Tabs
// ==================================================


To style the tabs, you can copy/paste one of these to MediaWiki:Common.css:

These make the links look like folder tabs, sort of like the monobook p-caction tabs.
/* Folding wiki tabs: folder-like tab style */
.foldtabSet {
  position: relative;
.foldtabBox {
  border:1px solid #0000aa;
  position: relative;
  z-index: 1;
.foldtabHead a { 
  border:1px solid #0000aa; 
  padding:.13em 1em;
  position: relative;
  z-index: 0;
.foldtabHead a.selected { 
  z-index: 2;
.foldtabHead p { padding:0;margin:0; }
These make the links and content look more like inset/outset boxes (sort of like in Special:Preferences)
/* Folding wiki tabs: inset box style */
.foldtabSet {
.foldtabBox {
  border:2px inset grey;
.foldtabHead {
.foldtabHead a { 
  border:2px outset grey;
.foldtabHead a.selected { 
  border:2px inset grey;
.foldtabHead p { padding:0;margin:0; }
Or you can create your own style.

The wikicode/html

Here is an example of how to activate the js/css:

<div class="foldtabSet">
<div class="foldtabHead" style="display:none;">
<div class="foldtabBox">
stuff 1
<div class="foldtabBox"> 
stuff 2
<div class="foldtabBox">
stuff 3
Note that in this newer version, all "id" definitions have been replaced with "class" for proper multiple instances. Because of this, the "foldtabHead" div must be inside the "foldtabSet" div for proper logical association.

Some tricks for the wikicode/html:

  • In the above example, the javascript-fail fallback is to display all the tabs. If you add style="display:none;" to all the class="foldtabBox" divs except one, they will all be permanently hidden for non-JS browsers.
  • In the class="foldtabHead" div, you can remove the style="display:none;" and link the wikilinks to somewhere else besides #top. Then, if javascript is disabled, the user will be taken to an alternate page.
  • You can style the tabs by manipulating the CSS in the previous section, or with inline CSS (except the links).

Open searches in new window

  if(!document.getElementById('searchform')) return
  var search = document.getElementById('searchform');
  var check = document.createElement('input');
  search.appendChild(document.createTextNode('new window'));

function searchTargetSwap(chkd) {
  var search = document.getElementById('searchform');
  if(chkd) {
  } else {

Collapsible portlets

Per a request, a simple method to make all sidebar portlets collapsible. Note that it uses default images in the /skins folder and shows the first portlet (usually 'Navigation') by default. These can be customized in the CSS. Should work in IE now.

In Common.js:

// ==================================================
//  Collapsible Portlets (experimental)
// ==================================================

function foldingPortlets() {
  var portlets = getElementsByClassName(document.getElementById('column-one'),'div','portlet');
  var portskip = ['p-personal', 'p-cactions', 'p-logo', 'ads-top-left'];
  var first=true;

  for(var i=0;i<portlets.length;i++) {
    if(portskip.join(' ').indexOf(portlets[i].id)==-1) {
      var pd = portlets[i].getElementsByTagName('div')[0];
      var ph = portlets[i].getElementsByTagName('h5')[0];
      ph.className = 'portletCollapsible'

      var link = document.createElement('a');
      var head = getAllText(ph);
      while(ph.firstChild) ph.removeChild(ph.firstChild);
      link.setAttribute('href','javascript:showPortlet(\'' + i + '\');');
      link.className = 'portletClosed';

      if(first==true) { 
        first=false; showPortlet(i);
if(skin=='monobook') addOnloadHook(foldingPortlets)

function getAllText(thing) {
  if (thing.nodeType == 3) return thing.nodeValue;
  var text = new Array(); var i=0;
  while(thing.childNodes[i]) {
    text[text.length] = getAllText(thing.childNodes[i]);
  return text.join('');

function showPortlet(id) {
  var pd = document.getElementById('pbody-'+id);
  var pl = document.getElementById('plink-'+id);

  if(pd.style.display=='none') {
    pl.className = 'portletOpened';
  } else {
    pl.className = 'portletClosed';

// ==================================================
//  End Collapsible Portlets
// ==================================================

In Monobook.css:

/* Classes for collapsible portlets, customize as needed */
h5.portletCollapsible {
  border:1px outset grey;
.portletCollapsible a {
  padding:1px 1px .2em 15px;
.portletClosed { background:center left url("http://images.wikia.com/common/skins/common/images/Arr_d.png") no-repeat; }
.portletOpened { background:center left url("http://images.wikia.com/common/skins/common/images/Arr_u.png") no-repeat; }

Open in new windows

Per request, a way to specify some links as target=_blank (open in new window):

function newwindows() {
  if(window.killnewwindows) return;
  var nw = getElementsByClassName(document,'*','newWindow');
  for(var i=0;i<nw.length;i++) {
    var nwl = nw[i].getElementsByTagName('a');
    for(var j=0;j<nwl.length;j++) {
      nwl[j].target = '_blank';
      nwl[j].title += ' (opens in new window)';
//      nwl[j].className += ' external';

To specify which links will get this treatment, wrap them in a div or a span with class="newWindow" (you can wrap as many as you want). This example styles them green colored, but the commented-out example also adds them to class 'external'.

Individual users can put the following line into their user js, to disable this feature for them:

var killnewwindows=true;

Be aware this is unadvised for mass usage, as almost all modern browsers let users very easily open in new windows or new tabs with a simple ctrl+click, shift+click or middle-click. Also, adding this script to your Common.js will allow anyone to use it.

Missing Image Tools

Suppose you hate clicking a red image link, not knowing if you'll get the edit page, an upload page, or a free trip to Antarctica. Well, give this a try.

This is an overly customized script, but can be easily adapted for a wide variety of nefarious uses.

// ==================================================
//  Image Redlink Toolkit
// ==================================================
function redImageTools() {
  var img = getElementsByClassName(document.getElementById('bodyContent'),'a','new');
  for(var i=0;i<img.length;i++) {
    var iu = img[i].href;
    if(iu.search(/Special\:Upload/i)!=-1) {
      var it = 'Image:' + iu.substring(iu.indexOf('wpDestFile=')+11,iu.length);
      insertWrappedLinkAfter(img[i], wgScriptPath + '/index.php?title=Special:Log&page=' + it,'logs');
      insertWrappedLinkAfter(img[i], wgScriptPath + '/index.php?title=' + it + '&action=edit','edit');
      insertWrappedLinkAfter(img[i], wgScriptPath + '/index.php?title=' + it,'view');
      img[i].className = 'new newimage';
    } else if(iu.search(/title\=Image\:/i)!=-1) {
      var it = iu.substring(iu.indexOf('title=')+6,iu.indexOf('&action=edit'));
      insertWrappedLinkAfter(img[i], wgScriptPath + '/index.php?title=Special:Upload&wpDestFile=' + it,'upload');
      insertWrappedLinkAfter(img[i], wgScriptPath + '/index.php?title=Special:Log&page=' + it,'logs');
      insertWrappedLinkAfter(img[i], wgScriptPath + '/index.php?title=' + it,'view');
      img[i].className = 'new newimage';
function insertWrappedLinkAfter(object,link,text) {
  var sm = document.createElement('small');
  var li = document.createElement('a');
  li.href = link;
  var tx = document.createTextNode(text);
  var po = document.createTextNode(' (');
  var pc = document.createTextNode(')');
  object.nextSibling && object.parentNode.insertBefore(sm,object.nextSibling) || object.parentNode.appendChild(sm)
// ==================================================
//  End Image Redlink Toolkit
// ==================================================

Replace &uselang=wgContentLanguage with user's pref language, in links

Say you want to link somewhere offsite with &uselang={{CONTENTLANGUAGE}}, but you don't want to over-ride people's user language settings, or &uselang= parameter. Well, wrap those links in an object with class="userlang-pref", and it'll replace any &uselang=xx (where xx matches wgContentLanguage) with &uselang=yy (where yy is wgUserLanguage). Okay, so you probably don't need it, but it is stil nifty, eh?

if(wgUserLanguage!=wgContentLanguage) addOnloadHook(uselangPrefOverride)
function uselangPrefOverride() {
  var upo = getElementsByClassName(document,'*','uselang-pref');
  if(upo.length==0) return;
  var r = new RegExp('uselang\=' + wgContentLanguage,'i');

  for(var i=0;i<upo.length;i++) {
    var a = upo[i].getElementsByTagName('a');
    for(var j=0;j<a.length;j++) {
      if(a[j].href.search(r)!=-1) {
        a[j].href = a[j].href.replace(r,'uselang=' + wgUserLanguage);
        a[j].title = a[j].title.replace(r,'uselang=' + wgUserLanguage);
        for(var k=0;k<a[j].childNodes.length;k++) {
          if(a[j].childNodes[k].nodeType==3) {
            a[j].childNodes[k].nodeValue = a[j].childNodes[k].nodeValue.replace(r,'uselang=' + wgUserLanguage);

Filter Special:Log results

This takes the results of a Special:Log query and regex-searches (from prompt, activated by new portlet button) the plain text representation of each line.

could probably be applied to any special page that returns a single <ul> of results)
if(wgPageName=='Special:Log') {
  addOnloadHook(function() {
    addPortletLink('p-cactions','javascript:speciallogRegexFilter()','Filter','p-logfilter','Regex filter the results on this page');

var filter='Image\:';
function speciallogRegexFilter() {
  filter = prompt('Please enter a regular expression for this search',filter);
  if(filter==null) filter = '.*'
  var pattern = new RegExp(filter,'');
  var li=document.getElementById('bodyContent').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0].getElementsByTagName('li');
  var links=[];
  for(var i=0;i<li.length;i++) {
    litxt = getText(li[i]);
    (litxt.search(pattern)!=-1) ? li[i].style.display='block' : li[i].style.display='none'

function getText(obj) {
  if (obj.nodeType == 3) return obj.nodeValue;
  var txt = new Array();
  var i=0;
  while(obj.childNodes[i]) {
    txt[txt.length] = getText(obj.childNodes[i]);
  return txt.join('');



"Did you delete the talk page?"

Note: It should no longer be necessary to put this into a template and transclude it. It should work directly from inside these MediaWiki message in most cases.

From a thread on Wikipedia:WP:VP/T: When deleting pages, often times the talk pages are forgotten, this can cause a rash of orphaned talk pages to hover around indefinitely. Sometimes a talk page should be kept as a valid indicator as to previous conversations about the page and why it should not exist, but most times the talk pages should be deleted (except in user: namespace). As of this writing, parserfunctions don't work in MediaWiki:Deletedtext, but transcluded parserfunctions do. (should work now without transcluding).

In: MediaWiki:Deletedtext:

 "$1" has been deleted.
 See $2 for a record of recent deletions.

In Template:Talkexist:

'''<span style="color:#00ff00;text-decoration:blink">Note:</span> A [[{{TALKPAGENAME}}|talk page]] (<span class="plainlinks">[{{fullurl:{{TALKPAGENAME}}|action=delete&wpReason=Orphaned%20talk%20page}} del]</span>) exists for this page.'''<br /><br />}}}}}}

This can also be added to MediaWiki:Confirmdeletetext (and will show up similar to the "This page has a history" alert).

Per-namespace sitenotice

Sometimes this is requested. It is fairly straightforward with m:ParserFunctions, just put something like this into MediaWiki:Sitenotice:

{{#ifeq:{{NAMESPACEE}}|Image_talk|This is an image talk page}}

The main namespace can sometimes cause problems as it is null, best to wrap it in dashes:

{{#ifeq:-{{NAMESPACEE}}-|--|This is an article}}

Slightly more advanced is putting a message in multiple namespaces, like for example all talk namespace. This is easier done with a #switch:

 |-{{ns:117}}-= This is a talk page}}

Image upload prompt

A template to ask you to upload an image if it doesn't exist, and automatically display it if it does.

|<table style="width:{{{size|150}}}px;height:{{{size|150}}}px;" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr>
<td style="border:1px solid black;background-color:#eeeeff;text-align:center;padding:.5em" valign="middle">
This file doesn't exist yet. You can [{{fullurl:Special:Upload|wpDestFile={{urlencode:{{{1|}}}}}}} upload it!]