Utente:Nonciclopediologo/Flash: differenze tra le versioni

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Riga 10:
It lets you change the variables in that flash movie.
// To disable Flash on all pages, submit this form.<br />
// To auto-enable Flash on all pages, change the below value to true.
<source lang="Javascript">var displayFlashOverride = false;</source>

Versione delle 00:08, 15 giu 2012

Uso: {{flash|www.sitename.com/yourmovie.swf|800|600}}

This produces an embedded flash object, with the given width and height.

Note: Do NOT include http:// in the filename.

AdvancedUsage: {{flash|www.sitename.com/yourmovie.swf|800|600|value=txt_name=Me&num_score=100}}

It lets you change the variables in that flash movie.

// To disable Flash on all pages, submit this form.
// To auto-enable Flash on all pages, change the below value to true.

var displayFlashOverride = false;