Discussioni utente:Angela

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Thanks for helping us out-- Mr.Bean ( Sportello Reclami ) 10:08, 17 mar 2007 (UTC)

Monaco will speak italian... only

Are you serious? Only Italian means that all uncy in other languages neither will have monaco? Could we know the reason of this decision? --Zaza; (eh?) 00:17, dic 1, 2009 (CET)

Yes, this is just a change needed for Italian right now. Angela<staff /> (talk) 00:18, dic 1, 2009 (CET)
Oh, "needed". Could you explain better than a telegraphic "needed"?
Moreover, this "monoboonako look" have nothing of monobook, other than file card style on the top and the editor. --Zaza; (eh?) 00:32, dic 1, 2009 (CET)
Ok, what do you think should be done to the skin to make it look more like monobook? Is there anything specific wrong with the "monobook look" version of Monaco that you would like to be changed? Angela<staff /> (talk) 00:37, dic 1, 2009 (CET)
Angela, you doesn't answer to the main question: why do you need this change and why only us. This isn't a right behaviour towards us, the admins, and entire Nonciclopedia community.
I take advantage for answer to your last mail:
  1. we know very well that Wikipedia going to use Vector as skin, and we are happy if you're working on this side... there's a preview that you could show to me, somewhere?
  2. you've said that the skin change is beneficial to new users and leads to many new people signing up and becoming editors... on past 48 hours, after this skin change, we have about one thousand of new user, but take a look of how may made at least ONE edit. One. They've registered only for change the skin. Common readers that register only for this reason!
    Could you still call them editors?
    Before, we had 10-20 registration/day and all of this made contribution. Those were genuine contributors, not the one thousand of your "vision". This fact doesn't lead Nonciclopedia to healty. This lead Nonciclopedia to caos.
  3. you've said also that a registered user can switch to the old skin very easily in their preferences. Thank you. And the unregisterd/anonymous one? For we, readers are important as contributors.
Last, but not least, you ask how made this "monoboonako" more similar to monobook... i don't know if it's a joke, because the answer is very simple: use monobook.
I really can't understand this change (above all because you don't explain nothing, uh). It was so difficult leave the monobook until, as you said, Wikipedia will going to use Vector and set directly your "monactor"?
All community will be grateful if you answer to all those questions. --Zaza; (eh?) 01:19, dic 1, 2009 (CET)