Discussioni utente:Angela

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Segui tutte le discussioni nella Bettola, il ritrovo dei nonciclopediani! (come si discute · chat)

Thanks for helping us out-- Mr.Bean ( Sportello Reclami ) 10:08, 17 mar 2007 (UTC)

Monaco will speak italian... only

Are you serious? Only Italian means that all uncy in other languages neither will have monaco? Could we know the reason of this decision? --Zaza; (eh?) 00:17, dic 1, 2009 (CET)

Yes, this is just a change needed for Italian right now. Angela<staff /> (talk) 00:18, dic 1, 2009 (CET)
Oh, "needed". Could you explain better than a telegraphic "needed"?
Moreover, this "monoboonako look" have nothing of monobook, other than file card style on the top and the editor. --Zaza; (eh?) 00:32, dic 1, 2009 (CET)