Segui tutte le discussioni nella Bettola, il ritrovo dei nonciclopediani! (come si discute · chat)

Ciao e benvenuto, ma mi tocca romperti subito i coglioni: la nuova versione di File:Patata Nonciclopedie straniere (senza scritte).png che hai caricato l'ho annullata perché il titolo contiene "senza scritte" mentre la tua le scritte le ha. Sembra una fesseria, ma i titoli sono importanti per la ricerca di immagini, quindi a uno che cerca un logo senza scritte non ha senso fargli spuntare pure quelli con.-- WEDHRO B A 🗿? 18:07, apr 13, 2017 (CEST)

Va bene, puoi caricare una nuova versione senza scritte.
(In case you understand english better: all right, you can upload a new version without writings)-- WEDHRO B A 🗿? 21:50, apr 13, 2017 (CEST)

For your information, that's the generic logo for foreign uncyclopedias. If you want to upload an updated version for the polish uncyclopedia here's the correct file: File:Nonsensepedia-logo.png. By the way, why do you need to upload a new version? Did the logo change or what?-- WEDHRO B A 🗿? 22:22, apr 13, 2017 (CEST)

English, please, your googletranslate-italian is barely understandable! That template uses writing-less logos because they're displayed at a very small dimension and writings are not readable, so it's better not to display any word and use the generic potato logo instead. A different matter is Nonsensopedia's proper logo with writings and all, which is not being updated since 2009, so feel free to update it with the new version (even if that logo is not actually used anywhere in our wiki).-- WEDHRO B A 🗿? 22:58, apr 13, 2017 (CEST)

Ooops... don't worry, Italian is probably one of the hardest european language to learn with all those complex conjugations and verb tenses. It's "le immagini", by the way, just for your information.-- WEDHRO B A 🗿? 23:48, apr 13, 2017 (CEST)

You're going to have a hard time learning Italian by reading Nonciclopedia because even if we do care about spelling, gramatics and so on, humor and free contribution by strangers mean lot of incorrect text. By the way, here's your message with my corrections in bold:

«  Vorrei caricare il logo di Nonsensopedia. Adesso vedo che le immagini senza scritte sono usate solo in Template:Languages e il template non ha il logo di Nonsensopedia, ma ha l'immagine senza scritte. Il logo è stato cambiato nel 2012, per questo vorrei caricare la versione nuova. Devo caricare la versione con scritte o la versione senza scritte? »

The most confusing thing was using "posso" (I can) instead of "vorrei" (I wish), the rest are just trivial grammar errors.-- WEDHRO B A 🗿? 10:04, apr 14, 2017 (CEST)


There aren't much active users interested in discussions right now, and the chatroom and IRC channel were never popular anyway. We're testing multiple ways of talking with each other but we didn't choose one yet so we mostly use talk pages or the (soon to be dead) forum.-- WEDHRO B A 🗿? 17:06, mag 1, 2017 (CEST)