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Thanks for help --Semplicemente, Cresh.(E chi altro?) Problemi Tecnici?Chiedi al Bot!Insultami!<helper/> 19:12, ott 4, 2014 (CEST)

Glad to help :) --Rain (Wall) 19:14, ott 4, 2014 (CEST)

Hi, Dragon. Thanks for "rescuing" my TalkP from these bad boys. Asd --AutScrivi a Mente 23:41, mag 21, 2016 (CEST)

Glad that I could help! :D-- 23:42, mag 21, 2016 (CEST)
And two! !!!!!--AutScrivi a Mente 23:57, mag 21, 2016 (CEST)