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Thanks for helping us out-- Mr.Bean ( Sportello Reclami ) 10:08, 17 mar 2007 (UTC)

Monaco will speak italian... only

Are you serious? Only Italian means that all uncy in other languages neither will have monaco? Could we know the reason of this decision? --Zaza; (eh?) 00:17, dic 1, 2009 (CET)

Yes, this is just a change needed for Italian right now. Angela<staff /> (talk) 00:18, dic 1, 2009 (CET)
Oh, "needed". Could you explain better than a telegraphic "needed"?
Moreover, this "monoboonako look" have nothing of monobook, other than file card style on the top and the editor. --Zaza; (eh?) 00:32, dic 1, 2009 (CET)
Ok, what do you think should be done to the skin to make it look more like monobook? Is there anything specific wrong with the "monobook look" version of Monaco that you would like to be changed? Angela<staff /> (talk) 00:37, dic 1, 2009 (CET)
Angela, you doesn't answer to the main question: why do you need this change and why only us. This isn't a right behaviour towards us, the admins, and entire Nonciclopedia community.
I take advantage for answer to your last mail:
  1. we know very well that Wikipedia going to use Vector as skin, and we are happy if you're working on this side... there's a preview that you could show to me, somewhere?
  2. you've said that the skin change is beneficial to new users and leads to many new people signing up and becoming editors... on past 48 hours, after this skin change, we have about one thousand of new user, but take a look of how may made at least ONE edit. One. They've registered only for change the skin. Common readers that register only for this reason!
    Could you still call them editors?
    Before, we had 10-20 registration/day and all of this made contribution. Those were genuine contributors, not the one thousand of your "vision". This fact doesn't lead Nonciclopedia to healty. This lead Nonciclopedia to caos.
  3. you've said also that a registered user can switch to the old skin very easily in their preferences. Thank you. And the unregisterd/anonymous one? For we, readers are important as contributors.
Last, but not least, you ask how made this "monoboonako" more similar to monobook... i don't know if it's a joke, because the answer is very simple: use monobook.
I really can't understand this change (above all because you don't explain nothing, uh). It was so difficult leave the monobook until, as you said, Wikipedia will going to use Vector and set directly your "monactor"?
All community will be grateful if you answer to all those questions. --Zaza; (eh?) 01:19, dic 1, 2009 (CET)
The Italian section of Wikia has very few editors (compared to how many you would expect based on the number of Italian-speaking internet users). It also has very few readers who stick around to read more than one page. I think the change of skin for this wiki will make a big difference to the overall health, size, and growth of the Italian community across Wikia. That's why it has been done here. Angela<staff /> (talk) 01:25, dic 1, 2009 (CET)
Admins keep changing the skin back to normal monaco instead of monobook-look monaco, but you can see the new style here. Angela<staff /> (talk) 01:47, dic 1, 2009 (CET)

Angela, you're the only one thinking that that is a monobook-like monaco. What I see there is a monaco-look monaco with messed-up borders. And by setting the theme to "custom" you override the preferences of registered users who were the only ones still allowed to use the real monobook-look monobook which we spent years to work on --Sanjilops0 02:30, dic 1, 2009 (CET)

Ok, I'll try to be clearer and shorter than Zaza was.
Nonciclopedia: +1000 accounts in 2 days (and counting). One bloody reason: Monobook. This "overbooking" is causing chaos @ Nonci. Angela, read my lips: chaos. We cannot manage them at all. And it seems they're not going to stop at all. Unless Monobook is set back. You @ Wikia are the only who can break this cycle. Less visits, less money for you.
Secondly: due to registrations and due welcome's, the Recent Edits page is getting harder and harder to check. I fear some vandalisms passed unnoticed while we, the "Old Guard", were trying to handle the Monaco-generated chaos. This is no good for our well-estabilished reputation over the Italian-speaking Web.
Is this the way you @ Wikia want to improve "the overall health, size, and growth of the Italian community across Wikia"? Face it, Angela, you're condemning it to a Big Crunch. Plus, with the "hybrid" skin you're making a silly joke of the Monaco move. Is it really that hard, painful and money-losing for you, then, to reverse it to MB?
For the good of the italophone Wikia, and of its flagship Nonciclopedia: bring Monobook back, for God's sake. All of us will appreciate this move. Then, when Vector becomes the main WP GUI, we'll be more than happy to move to it. But for now, please, keep the status quo.
Do IMHO-based marketing reasons really overwhelm the good sense? Does a developer's opinion matter more than thousands of users?
Basic marketing rule: money talks only because the final users provide its "breath".
Goodnight. --f.87/ the doctor is in / 02:28, dic 1, 2009 (CET)ver
I think there has been some confusion here. When admins change the setting to "default", that puts the wiki back to the normal monaco skin that you see on all wikis. It does not change the skin to monobook. Instead, all this does is prevent anons seeing the monobook-look which I thought is something you wanted to keep. Angela<staff /> (talk) 02:40, dic 1, 2009 (CET)
Account creations always go up when the skin is set to monaco because it's so much easier to find the account creation button and easier to log in. I checked the last 10 new users and 6 of them have not chosen to switch their skin to monobook. I will continue to track these statistics to see whether people are logging in to change the skin, or whether it is because more people have decided to join the wiki to edit. It's too early to tell yet what the effect will be, but I am hoping you will be pleasantly surprised when the special:statistics show an increase in active editors. Angela<staff /> (talk) 02:40, dic 1, 2009 (CET)
Users are only welcomed when they edit - not just when they make an account. Welcomes are hidden from the default recent changes since they are left by a bot. You can also hide logs from recent changes using the nascondi logs option so these extra welcomes should be invisible unless you choose to view them. Angela<staff /> (talk) 02:40, dic 1, 2009 (CET)
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